Thursday, May 16, 2013

Everything is going to be ok

This is our amazing sweet little Tator Tot. Happy as can be!! He has his 'Big Hands' on *my oven mitts* that make him STRONG!

So before getting into my blog thoughts, let me explain the puppy in the photo.
Our Old Lady Dog, who is a beautiful red heeler, had 8 pups nearly 7 weeks ago. The kids LOVED having the pups around *I wasn't quite as thrilled because, 1-Lady is way to old 2-I knew how messy they were gonna be 3-I knew that the kids were going to beg to keep one 4-I knew I was going to have heart broken little boys and girls when it came time to give them away*
Well a few days ago, we were able to give all the little sibling pups away, all but this little guy. My kids were stoked...Right away it was, 'I guess we are going to have to keep him!'.
Anyway, this little guy has been pretty lonely. Hasn't wanted to do a whole lot, and MoMMa won't let him suckle any more...The poor puppy!

Well, to help with this, Our little Chaser tells Tator Tot 'Its Puppy Time!', meaning its time to go and take care of the pup. They will go out, make sure his little bed is set. Making sure he has food and water *this is usually interesting, with a few spills here and there*. They have just tried to show this puppy some Love, not letting him feel alone.

This morning little Tator Tot followed me outside when I went out to move the sprinkler. First thing he did was check the pups bed. I heard him say, 'Good! Its still all set and he is ok'. Then he called for the pup, and of course the pup waged his little tail and went to him. Tator Tot snagged the pup up into his arms and went and sat down. He talked to the pup, and told him that everything was going to be ok-He was here.

As I went on to do my things in the yard, I started to think about 'Stuff', just cause there is so much stuff going on right now. Almost to the point I want to get my running shoes on and just run and run and run until everything is all over and better.  And just as I was starting to get a little bit teary eyed, asking myself why? and What are we going to do? and How can I fix everything?, something got me to look over at Tator Tot...He was kissing the pups head, holding him and comforting him. Not a care in the world, other than to make sure this Pup is LOVED and cared for.

At that very moment, all the 'Stuff' I was thinking about was gone and I realized that I wasn't doing this 'Stuff' alone. My family is in this boat together, with each of us having ores and having to row...And also-Our Heavenly Father is there for me. I knew that I just needed to 'Look' around me and while being still, 'Listen'!!

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath and said a little prayer and got that amazing calming feeling. 

'Everything is going to be ok!', just like Tator Tot told the puppy!

Life can sure get tough...You have illness, you have bills, you have kids, you have kids that need to be taught EVERY DAY*your a broken record*, You have kids that need extra attention, You have a longing for kids, You suffer a Loss breaking your heart, you have sleepless nights, you have Work, You have school, you have sports, you have church...The Constant feeling of 'Worry'...The list goes on and on. It is just life...A day to day effort.
Just knowing that your not the only one going through it. Knowing where to turn. Knowing that being happy is a choice...Your never alone in this life.

 I am so glad Tator Tot followed me outside...Who knows what I would have done! I might have ended up in the corner of the yard sucking my thumb *Seriously*.

Our family is bracing ourselves for change. Things will be different for us within the next few months...All I can do is smile and Say 'Bring it on!'

By the way...Does anyone want a puppy?? As much as I would love to keep the adorable little guy, I think 2 dogs, 1 bird, 1 bearded lizard, 9 kids, and one Adorable One...Is plenty!

Smiling :O)


  1. Wish I could say I would take you pup, bur two dogs and three cats with one big kid are all we can handle right now, though we are still in the wishing for kids category. I know it will be ok and that it will be ok for you too, it sucks growing up doesn't it, especially when we are to the point our parents where when the little ones start leaving home. All will be well for you and your family.

  2. NEEDED THIS TOI!! Thanks for sharing. I have had a lot of these moments lately and am so thankful for prayer and the reminders around us. One day at a time is really key!! Sending lots of xoxoxo.:)
