Saturday, April 27, 2013

I have always liked Green

Yesterday, Aprils 26 2013, I am not going to lie. It was a hard day for me. I was being a tad bit of a wimp, just kinda laying around. Between a sinus headache not being able to breath, my neck pain that leads to hurrindess headaches in the back of my head, the very long and emotional last 2 weeks...I think I was throwing in the towel, as if to say 'I am done!' *Just for today*.
I had started an organizing job in the boys room. 5 Boys+1 Room+Broken Dressers=Clothes everywhere. I had started to get the clothes taken out of the broken dressers and just put them on Justin's bed. The clothes were not folded and by far was anything neat. After a little while, I just didn't have the energy. So, I figured I would get the house cleaned and I would get the boys room done later in the evening, or in the morning.
As the day went on, I was a lump on a log. I did get laundry n such done, but not much else. I was excited when The Adorable One got home. I was on Pinterest searching for an easy dinner, when he pipes up and says 'I will cook dinner!'. Music to my ears. He went to the store, grabbed a few things, and started up the grill. I decided to man up a little, and enjoy the evening with the family.
The weather was amazing. Finally, nothing but a warm breeze. The kids were playing outside, dad was grilling, Grandpa came over, all but 1 kid was home-Justin. Justin was at Baseball practice, and he was missed.
The food was so good. We all over ate. Steak, Chicken, brots and potatoes...All cooked just perfectly. The smell of the grill, the taste of the tender meat, and the cheesy potatoes that just melt in your mouth*We used Jalapeño bacon, that added a little bit of a kick to the potatoes...It was surprisingly Yummy! I know...I know...We had never heard of Jalapeño(Is that even spelt right??) bacon, until my dad brought it for us-It was scary at first, but now...We love it*.
We cleaned up the dinner, and Michael decided to leap in the pool and get it ready for the kids. He tried very hard to get me in as well, but no way was I going to be cold. Summer will be here soon, and I will get in, but not till it is 'Hot'. I watered my garden, and helped with the pool from a distance. The kids all got into their swimsuits, all excited for the 'Go Ahead' to get in. They all sat on the outer edge of the pool, trying really hard not to splash *That is near impossible when your so excited...*. Well, the time came, and it was a big splash as they all jumped in.
Cassandra received her announcements for graduation yesterday, so she was inside trying to get them all filled out and ready to deliver. Michael and I both went in and started to help her *it is tough to keep a dry eye any more...My oldest is graduating. Sniff! Sniff!*
Within about 15 minutes, all the little swimmers came in shivering with blue lips. Can't help but giggle at the kids. They didn't last very long!
So they all went in to get their baths, taking turns, with the little guys first. So we figured our Little Champ was in the bath.
We continued to help Sass, making sure not to miss anyone. Just when we thought we got everyone, another family would pop into our heads. We were pretty focussed at the table doing the announcements, when Tator Tot came to me and told me that Champ was getting into the paint. I told him to go tell Nicci right away, because she was back there and it was her paint.
We carried on, when Champion came in and sat down by me. He started to talk, so I looked down at him...He gave me a big Grin. HE WAS COVERED IN GREEN PAINT!!
Michael went down the hall, and he let out a huge Gasp and put his hands on his head...I knew I didn't want to go down that Hallway. I told Sass to grab my phone and to take some pictures, while I tried to keep myself under control. I snagged Champ and threw him into the Bathroom with Jessi so she could get him cleaned up, and I started to look around at the damage. It was not so bad at first, than I started to get closer. Oh my Gosh!
Green Pain was all over the walls, the bedspread in our room, all over the Carpet...Did I say all over the carpet, because really I meant to say 'ALL OVER THE CARPET!'. Not just in one room, but in the hall and in our room and the girls room. YIKES!
I grabbed a bowl of hot soapy water, and shortly realized that wasn't going to work. So I snagged the Little Green Machine, and started to scrub scrub scrub. At this point, Jessi is yelling because she doesn't know what to do. Champ had turned the bath water green in no time, and She couldn't get the paint off of him. So I had to go snag him, dripping Green watered down paint, and threw him into our bathroom, where The Adorable One took that Mess over!
Back to scrubbing...Trying to be quick before the paint would dry and I would not have a good chance of getting it cleaned up.
Nicci, the young lady who left the paint on her bed, was filled with guilt, so she grabbed the bowl of water and started to help. Before I knew it, ALL the kids were lending a hand, trying to help out.
They all grabbed a little bowl, put some soapy water in it, snagged a rag *my wash rags, but thats ok* and they picked a spot-There were plenty of spots for everyone to have their own area :OP.
I have been a MoM for 17 years now, and I have dealt with Many Many Many messes, but this mess was a little bit different. I don't know how to explain it.
If you know me, you know I do not like Messes. I like the house to be as clean as it can be with 11 of us living in it. Normally, I would yell and throw a fit. I would be a crazy MoM until the mess was all clean. But, this time around, I didn't do that. I did show some frustration here and there...*Especially when Jessi came and told me that she just cleaned her floor with BLEACH!! Oh my Gosh(again)!*
I thought to myself, and even giggled with a grin, about how Champion looked at me at the table all covered in Green. I started to look back when some of the older kids would make a mess, and how hard I would get on them for doing what they had just done. It kinda made me feel bad. Have you ever noticed how messes clean up. Have you ever noticed that the materialistic stuff that was broken, was soon just that...Material. Have you ever noticed that most all messes were just that, a mess. I have gone through most every kind of mess. Not one of them, was worth the anger.
Frustration is understood. I was frustrated last night, but I wasn't angry. It is just carpet-Who cares if it now has a green tint to it...Sigh* I can repaint the walls. The comforter now has a sweet green reminder that 'Champ was Here'.
Maybe it is old age that is kicking in. Maybe it is me getting soft *as my older kids always tell me* or maybe it is me realizing that I love my kids!! I love them, and soon I won't have little messes. I realize, how fast babies become toddlers. How fast Toddlers become kindergardeners. How fast Kindergardeners become High Schoolers. How fast High Schoolers become young adults.
I wish I would of smelt the roses a little bit more, when my oldest kids were younger. I have great memories with them, going to the lake and river. I enjoyed so many moments but sure wish I would have taken more time to hold Cassandra. Taken more time to color with Justin. Taken more time to sing with Nicci. Its my oldest 3 that didn't get much of my time. I was so busy panicking over messes and having the house perfectly spotless.
After Jessi was born, I did take a bit more time. I held each baby and loved on them more. Each child deserves my time. Life it way to short, and I do not want them to remember me as the mean o mom who never allowed Play Dough because of how messy it is *I can't stand Play Dough*.
Champion has been hard from the moment the pregnancy test read *Seriously* 'Your Pregnant AGAIN! Have you lost your mind!'. Champion has turned our world upside down...and than back up again. Never a dull moment with this little boy. I am so glad that I didn't lose my mind last night. He is just a busy little boy who gets into everything. It is our fault for not putting the paint away. It is our fault that we were not watching him. I wonder how many times, the messes from the past, I had a part in. The cutting of Sisters hair. Did I put the scissors away? Probably not high enough!
Champ will learn and we will also learn how to deal with such energetic little boy! I love that little Monster! He is happy and Healthy...I couldn't ask for more.
As things started to settle down, and after all was cleaned up as much as possible...My Daughter Nicci and her sisters worked on the boys room, while I scrubbed the floors. They folded up the clothes and put them away, so that I wouldn't have to worry about it. I had a little army of helpers last night. Boy!! Do I appreciate the help.
A day that I just wasn't feeling so good, and kinda struggled to function, turned out to be a rememberable one.
I am so very thankful for Every Blessing that I have in my life. My children teach me lessons of forgiveness, patience, and love every day. I am thankful for the trials that we have been given, always teaching us a lesson. We are so far from being perfect, but that is what life is about, learning from our mistakes. I am forever Thankful that our Heavenly Father has given us so much.
I have always liked Green :O)

1 comment:

  1. he is the next picaso:) What a great post. You will need to teach me how to do a blog this summer. Would you mind a visit? We sold our house and may have nowhere to live so we will be coming down there for a while. (if we choose to build that is). Thanks for your posts I do enjoy reading them. You have always been able to be patient and smell the roses much better than I have. You will blessed for it. My little family is disappearing quickly (only 2 will still be in school next year). Have a great day my dear sis:)
