Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 21 2013

They are glowing-They look so very happy.

He is one amazing Young Man. And she is one Amazing little girl.

Michael is very proud. Jazzi looks beautiful. Justin looks so Pre Man...With a great grin! Wow! They sure do grow up fast!

I forgot to tell everyone to meet at the tree for a family photo, so we are missing Nicci and Champ. But we do have a little sneak in by Hanna*Chris and Heathers daughter-The cute little blonde in front by Jazzi* I feel terrible! And this picture isn't the same without our other 2 sweet kids-There is a hole where they should be. Advice to anyone having a family function or event-SLOW DOWN! No need to rush! Soak it all in and enjoy the moment!! I sure Love my Family

It was a special day for Jazzi on Sunday April 21, 2013. She became a member of
The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints.
Daddy has baptized all kids, but this time since Justin is worthy and old enough to do baptisms, we gave Jazzi the choice. We are so very proud of both Jazzi and Justin.
I get emotional every time!
I pray that our children will continue to grow in the church and be good rounded people.
I am so thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know the Church is True...When I look at my Children, I can't help but thank our Heavenly Father for the privilege to raise them-He must really trust Michael and I.
I am thankful that if we live the way we should, we will be an Eternal Family!

I have a wonderful life, and have been blessed in many many ways!

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