Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oh Yeah!!

On our way to town this morning-my amazing daughter Nicci was in control of the music. She skipped through some songs...playing the ones she likes. Some I have never heard and some I cringed at*I am not a country fan*.
She got to 'ThriftStore' and cranked it!
You know what...I love that song!
I wear my grandpas sweater. I wear my Grandmas sweater to church. I wear my MommaS dresses. I am all for WalMart clothes. Even though, I am trying to break myself of the normal old jeans and Tshirts all the time, I will not spend $100 for a pair of Pants!! Nor will I spent $50 on a shirt.
This song is for Our family!

There isn't an OFFICIAL Clean Version Video*At least that I could find*-So this is the best one I could find. This is a song that even when its older than it already is, is still gonna be one of those that you roll down your windows and turn up-Not that I would ever do that :O)

We are not materialistic-We do not have to have all the Toys n such! The kids are good not to complain about what we have. I hope when they grow up, they will be the same way!
We love Goodwill...We are simple people. *I will admit-The Adorable One has a thing for a Nice TV-We will spend Money on a good TV...Watching movies and TV shows together is our favorite thing to do! We also have good phones, kindles and IPads. Everything gets used every day. The kindles keep the kids reading. The iPads comes in handy-Champ is very good at running them and he is one smart cookie. Wish we would of had them when the older kids were younger.

What a good morning Nicci, Jessi, Chase, Tator Tot, Champ and I had *Even though Chase got car sick(As always)!*

After the Dentist appointment, Lunch was Ice cream and french fries-Gotta love the dollar menu at McDonalds.

On the way home, we enjoyed more tunes and sang and sang and sang!
I showed Chase this picture and made the snoring sounds and told him that that was what he was doing the whole way home-Boy did he Laugh!! Love these boys! They just make my heart skip a beat...And they also make me want to Run away some times! Gotta love little boys! *SPECIAL*

Jessi is always goofin off...And Nicci-Stop getting so darn grown up!!

My goodness girls! What was in your Ice Cream...

Nicci your so darn adorable! Jessi-You always brighten up any situation! Don't ever change girls! Be silly ALWAYS!

Its my Mini Me!

Love these kinds of days. They do not happen very often...So I tend to really soak it all in!
Looking forward to 2 games tonight *Our Jazzi's game was cancelled, so she will just have practice*
The Little Boys are first, and they are very fun to watch! Bobcat will be later tonight, and It is always exciting to watch him play-He is just one of those players you can't help but love. He got nailed with the ball the other night, and all the boys were impressed that he didn't cry! *He takes after his MoM! I am pretty darn tuff!*
Nacho's for Dinner YaY!
Tomorrow we get to have Visitors...My parents are coming to help get the rest of my garden in, and to be here for Jazzi's Baptism.
*I will have to blog about the Baptism-Jazzi asked her big brother Justin to baptize her...It will be very special!*

Smiling :O)

*We were singing to Pink, Imagine Dragons, One Republic, Rhianna,  Maroon 5, And a few others. I really am so very thankful that our kids have a love for music... Good Stuff!

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