Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Jazzi

This is Jazzi...What a Prissy little stinker she is. If she doesn't like something...She will let you know. She will tell you how she feels whether you ask her or not. She has a mind of her own, and I can tell you this-You do not mess with her brothers and sisters. 
When she was born, she had this screech of a cry-She still has this same Screech!
Jasmine's delivery was crazy*I wrote about it all in Meet the Pacheco Blog Post*. She came so fast they even tested me to see if I was on drugs! I will never ever forget that night-It was such a gorgeous night. The perfect Night to have a 6lb nothing little girl!
Jazzi was a blessing from the beginning. She Looks just like my mother, so she has always had her own look. She is this little twig walking around like she owns the world!
Jazzi loves to laugh and be silly-Yet she is so serious.
Jazzi leans on her big brother Bobcat for everything. Nobody can make Ramon like he can. Jazzi loves her family.
Jazzi is even a little bit shy, and will sometimes not want to leave my side. When I take the kids to school, she will grip onto me and ask me to stay because she wants to be with me. 
Jazzi is very hard at times, because she is so stubborn and strong willed...She is going to be a very strong Woman some day. I do not worry about Boys messing with her...Not just because everyone knows who her Brothers are, but because she will not settle for just anyone. She is picky about everything. And if that young man isn't good to her siblings...She won't be interested*we have already experienced this with a little boy who wasn't very nice to Champ-Don't mess with her sibs!*
This little girl brightens my day with her sweet dimples and beautiful unique eyes*One is Blue and the other one is blue with Brown in it*.
Jazzi is my daughter, and I am so thankful to be her mother. I have enjoyed Jazzi immensely!
Today she is 8!
Normally in the morning, she is a MESS! Seriously...I would like to hang her by her ears most mornings. But this morning, Jazzi just calmly asked me for just five more minutes...And of course, I gave her five more minutes. Jazzi walked into the kitchen and gave me a very special hug! I looked at her, and she was just glowing...It is her Birthday, and she should be glowing.
I am proud of this little girl. Can't help but tear up-feeling so blessed!

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