Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday-I Couldn't be more proud! Along with a little bit of Wednesday...

Early Tuesday Morning around 3am, I woke up checking my phone to see what time it was. I was so Relieved, because I had another hour before my alarm was going to go off. I closed my eyes, and off went my alarm. I swear it felt like I had just closed my eyes for a split second. My alarm, which is the song 'If it means a lot to you', is starting to drive me nuts...To the point that when I hear the song playing in the car, I want to change the channel as to push the snooze button. I am going to change the song to 'Kalifornia King Bed'. It starts out slow and soft...Perfect for 4 in the morning. Hope I don't get sick of that song...I really like that song.
Moving on...
So I push snooze button for a little bit, getting up at 4:30ish. Waking Sass up just before 5 to do our Insanity workout. That was very hard this morning. Sass and I both did not want to workout, but I for one am glad that we did. And that is where the 'I couldn't be more proud' started.
I am so proud of Cassandra who wakes up early without complaint, to workout. There are not many 17 year olds that will even consider working out with their old MoM in the first place, let alone before the sun comes up. I am proud of her effort.
Then as the day goes on, our horrible Champ*He is so very spoiled*, is starting to talk more and more. When he yells 'Momma where are you?' I just can't help but grin. I am so proud of his little by little growth.
Today, Michael came home real quick before he went to lunch, and as soon as the 3 little boys saw his truck they went yelling 'Daddy! Daddy!' running to the door to greet him with big smiles and lots of Hugs. That makes me so proud. Proud, that our kids love their Daddy. Proud because these little boys are so happy!
As the afternoon came, I went to pick up the kids from school. We needed to rush, because we had only an hour to get ready for the games.
We got our Hot Dogs all made and packed. Drinks were put in the ice chest, we were ready to go.
It was kinda hard because we had the little guys Tball game that was at the same time as our Majors Softball daughters game. Fortunately, Sass and Nicci are both helping coach Jessica's team, so they were able to go and I didn't have to worry about leaving one of the kids without support. That makes me proud! My daughters want to help work with their sister, and be apart of that team. I hope that continues to be a positive experience...Also, Uncle Chris is the coach...It is nice having Family near by.
It was a very windy COLD day. Justin, Bobcat, Jazzi, Champ, and I went to the Little League Field to watch Chase and Tator Tot's first Tball game. It was so fun to watch the 2 little brothers play together on the same team. Chase is a Pro. Gets up to the T, and swings away. Runs to each base with EVERYTHING he's got. Great running form, with the desire to make it all the way around to reach Home. Tator Tot, is so silly. He swings and gets his hit, and runs as fast as his little legs will carry him. He gets a little confused to which base he is suppose to run to. He does a few circles and then figures it out with a little bit of help from his coaches. The game was fun to watch. I really think they are enjoying it. One, of the best highlights of the Tball game, was when Justin told me he was going over to watch the boys play *We sit over by the score board. We can see good, and the kids can run around! We are just out of everyone's way!* I watched and listened as I could see Justin standing by the fence cheering his brothers on. He even walked over to the Dug out after they hit to tell them good job. Justin also took a little bit of time before we rushed over to the Softball field to work with Bobcat just a little. I was so very proud of Justin for being such a good big brother. I was also proud that Tator Tot didn't ask to go to the bathroom-Not even once :O)
After the 'Winning' of our first Tball game, we rushed over to see Jessi play. As soon as Jessi saw me, she says with the biggest Jessi Smile ever...'MoM! I am catching today!' She told me last season that she either wanted to Pitch or Catch...Then before this season started she told me she wants to Catch. I was very excited for her, but nervous as well. Jessica hasn't caught before, This was her first time. She did pretty good, and she was thrilled that she was given the chance. She has great potential *But her thing is Running. That girl can Run and Run and Run!! Wish we had Cross Country since we don't have track..Frustrating!*
We have some work to do on her catching, but I am so proud of her. She never quit and kept working. She has the most amazing personality-She tries to be positive in every situation. Proud of that Silly Girl.
After the Softball game, we had a small 30 minute breather until game #3 started. It was Bobcat's game. His 2nd game of the season. When it was finally time to get down to the field, Bobcat informs me that he is for sure going to catch. I swallowed a bit hard...It will be the first time ever for Bobcat to catch. Here Bobcat is, in his first year of Majors and he is going to catch. As we watched the game. Watching every move Bobcat made. We saw how he struggled-Not knowing quite what to do. How to drop. How to be in a position where he can move quickly when needed. Where to throw the ball in certain situations. Needing to squeeze the ball. He is learning...*Bobcat has very quick hands, he will do well in any position-Says me...His MoM!*
We were losing, and I watched Bobcat to see how he was handling it. He never once quit. He tried, and put effort into trying to stop the balls. We lost 20 to 5 *OUCH!! That is a tough loss!* I didn't worry to much about the score. I was so proud of how hard Bobcat tried. When He got into the truck after the game, we had asked how he was doing. He told us he was ok. We could see he was pretty bummed. Michael asked if he wanted to catch again, and Bobcat said no. I was surprised, because of how much he wanted to be a catcher. Bobcat went on to explain his reasoning behind this decision...He had asked us if we saw the score. He said that he kept missing the balls, and that that is pretty much the reason why they lost the game. The poor kid was blaming himself for the loss. My heart was in my throat-I was trying really hard not to get all MoMMY Emotional. When we got home, I put my arms around him and told him to keep working. And as a big tear went down his sweet face, I told him he was my favorite Bobcat in the whole world. That kid never wants to disappoint anyone. He will do what ever you ask him to. I can't tell you how proud I was of Bobcat tonight. He played his heart out-And he hit very well. He is a quick Bulldog...Built just like his Dad...So very naturally strong. But he has his Momma's heart, and is so very gentle. Even if he doesn't catch again this season, I hope he will continue to work at catching. If that is where he wants to play, he will have to work...and I will support him.

It was a good day-One of those days you kinda ask quietly in your heart and mind...
'How did I get so LUCKY to be the one that was chosen to Raise these kids!'
*And Yes! I have had plenty of those days when I also ask... Why in the world was I chosen to Raise these kids :O) *
I sometimes wish that my kids never had to struggle. But if that was the case, they wouldn't be able to handle things in life. I want them to learn from my mistakes, and to make better judgments than I did. It just doesn't work that way.
Keep your heads up and continue to 'Try'...Always Moving Forward!

After laying awake most of the night, thinking to myself 'How can I help my kids to be confident?'
I have no idea how to be a catcher. Shoot, I get told that I throw the ball like a girl-I ran Track.
But I would give anything to be able to help my Softball/Baseball players. I play catch with the kids, but don't know how to teach them how to bat. I know the basics, but I don't know the basics enough. I have been thinking about Bobcat all morning. Wondering, what if I took him outside and just threw the ball at him...Would that help? But then I recalled Justin informing me that there is more to catching than just catching the ball. I will just have to be the supporting Mother.
*Justin catches*

Once again, Sass and I got up and worked out. It was again hard, because her and I both are worn out. But I am so glad that we did...I always feel so much better when I work hard to keep this old body of mine in shape.

It is left Overs night-YaY! I always love the idea of not having to cook :OP

There is never a dull moment around here. There is always something to do. I have accomplished most of the things that I planned to accomplish for today.
NO games for us tonight, but we do have practices. Tomorrow we will be at the fields again watching our sweet kids play some ball!

Despicable Me-That is where I am headed...On the couch with my Boys!

Happy Wednesday!!
Smiling :O)

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