Tuesday, April 9, 2013


  I have been wanting to write about Tattoo's and my opinion about them, for a very long time.
There has been a lot of talk about Tattoo's lately on Facebook. I have had friends post pictures of the ones that they would love to get. There was a few pictures of Women who had breast cancer and they Tattooed their chest, that was not offensive what so ever, but there people who felt it was awful and shouldn't be posted.
This article was posted on FB a few days ago. I surely enjoyed this. So many feel that because of their mistakes or choices they don't fit it...
If you have time, you should read this. I would love to meet her.



I went online this morning and have read a few articles on Tattoo's. There is quite a lot of different opinions about this-these-That...Tattoo's. For some, the word is a word that you just don't want to mention out loud.

Here is just a few things that I wanted to share, that I found interesting.

People get tattoos for many reasons: for attention, self-expression, artistic freedom, rebellion, a visual display of a personal narrative, reminders of spiritual/cultural traditions, sexual motivation, addiction, identification with a group or even drunken impulsiveness (which is why many tattoo parlors are open late).

Research on tattoos reveals some interesting findings:
  • Adults with tattoos have been shown to be more sexually active than controls without tattoos.
  • People with tattoos have been shown to be more likely to engage in more higher risk behaviors.
  • Women who get tattoos are more than twice as likely to get them removed as men.
  • In studying first impressions of people that have tattoos, researchers have found that avatars (neutral) with tattoos and other body modifications were rated as more likely to be thrill and adventure seekers, to have a higher number of previous sexual partners, and to be less inhibited than non-tattooed avatars. This study looked at general stigma associated with people sporting tattoos.
  • And another study showed both men and women had higher body appreciation, higher self esteem and lower anxiety right after getting new tattoos. Surprisingly, three weeks later men continued to have less anxiety but women had a sharp increase in anxiety that may be associated with concerns about body image.

Whom ever has this Tattoo must be very proud to be LDS-Who knows. I found many pictures that had Tattoo's of prophets, CTR, BYU, Y...Even some that had the Temple Tattooed on their body. I don't know these people, so I will not judge as to why they have these types of Tattoo's-They must have some kind of reason.

When you see someone with a Tattoo, is it the Tattoo itself that makes you wonder what kind of person he/she is? Do you instantly assume that the man or woman is not Christlike? Do you figure that for sure that person must be into drugs, and drinks a lot? When you are attending church, and someone walks in with piercings and tattoo's do you place judgment on that person, and do not find them suitable to be attending? Do you teach your children that Tattoo's are a symbol of Evil, and that bad people who make the wrong type of choices have Tattoo's, and they are not to associate with them-They should avoid them? Do you look at Tattoo's of animals, people, symbols, and other religious markings to be different than the eyebrow, lip liner, and Eye Liner tattooing?

When I see a person completely covered in ink, I have a tendency to ask 'What were they thinking'. If I was sitting in the front row at church and someone who is completely Inked comes and sits next to my family, I would welcome him/her and ask him/her 'What were you thinking?' I do find it interesting why some get Tattoo's EVERYWHERE. And I will never understand piercings that are all over the body either.That is not attractive what so ever.

I can't say that I believe that all Tattoo's are appropriate. But I can't look at a person with a Tattoo and say 'Shame Shame! That person must be Lost or Broken!'

We are to be good to our bodies. And this means more than just not getting Tattoo's. How about what we eat? How about what we drink? And I am not talking just Alcohol...How about those Soda's and Diet Soda's? Energy Drinks?
How about how we dress? *dressing Modestly*.  How about being physically active. Exercising...How about the way we talk? Maybe you don't have a Tattoo, but are you taking care of your body? Inside and Out?

After Michael and I were married, in fact it was around the end of July 1994, Michael and I were in Flagstaff visiting a friend of ours. Michael really wanted a Tattoo of 'Pacheco', so we found an awesome Tattoo place. We both went inside, and of course after seeing all the gorgeous pictures, I wanted one for myself. But, at the time I was pregnant, and they would not allow me to get one. I was bummed. It wasn't out of rebelliousness that I wanted one. I just wanted one! But didn't get one that day...
So here it is...later on in 1999, we were in Las Cruces NM at one of the Adorable One's softball tournaments.  Nicci was just a couple of months old-and we had taken her with us, while leaving the older 2 with someone...*Probably their Aunt Melissa* It was a really nice trip. Out of nowhere, Michael wanted to get the initials of the 3 kids under our last name. When we got to the Tattoo parlor, I of course decided that I wanted one for myself. I knew I wanted a Butterfly, and I knew that I didn't want it to be just like every other Butterfly, so Michael told the artist to make it different with rounded wings with purple n blue colors. We talked about where I should get it, and out of respect for others, I chose to have it where it is only seen when I want it to be seen. I love my Tattoo. It doesn't define me as a person. It doesn't mean that I am a bad person.

Do I want another one?? Of course I do-but probably will not. Was I drinking when I got the Tattoo? NO. Did it hurt? No-I have a high tolerance for pain. Does my parents, siblings, and Children know that I have a Tattoo? My parents do know, and my sister knows-My brothers will shortly find out, if they don't already know. My children know. And when they take their hands and rub my Tattoo, I look at them and know that they love me regardless.

Am I less of a Mother because I have a Tattoo? Absolutely not. I have told my children that they aren't to get a Tattoo, but when they turn 18 it will be their choice-So long as they are not living in my home at the time. They all know how the church stands on Tattoo's *And yes! They have all spoken about when they will get their Tattoo's*... They will make their own opinion about this. Tattoo's are appealing to most anyways...not just if Mom and Dad have one.

Am I less of a christian for having this Tattoo? Absolutely not. I love our Savior Jesus Christ. I have been through the Temple after getting this Tattoo and have felt the Spirit very strongly many times. I am not a rebellious ungodly person.  I am a human being. I do the best that I can in every aspect. I pray every day to our Heavenly Father. I try very hard to be a good person-Serving others. I work very hard to be a good wife and mother. I have been blessed. Again, my Butterfly does not define what kind of person I am. The Adorable One is a great husband and Father...his Tattoo's do not define him.

It was shortly after I got my Tattoo that President Hinckley came out with his opinion on Tattooing and Piercings. I respect his feelings on the matter.

 Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley said this about tattoos and piercings in the year 2000 talk:

"Now comes the craze of tattooing one's body. I cannot understand why any young man--or young woman, for that matter--would wish to undergo the painful process of disfiguring the skin with various multicolored representations of people, animals, and various symbols. With tattoos, the process is permanent, unless there is another painful and costly undertaking to remove it. Fathers, caution your sons against having their bodies tattooed. They may resist your talk now, but the time will come when they will thank you. A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body.
Likewise the piercing of the body for multiple rings in the ears, in the nose, even in the tongue. Can they possibly think that is beautiful? It is a passing fancy, but its effects can be permanent. Some have gone to such extremes that the ring had to be removed by surgery. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve have declared that we discourage tattoos and also "the piercing of the body for other than medical purposes." We do not, however, take any position "on the minimal piercing of the ears by women for one pair of earrings"--one pair."

I Love President Hinckley. He had such a love for the Youth. 

Speaking of Piercings...I have 4 in one ear, and 4 in the other. I also had the top of my right ear pierced for awhile, making 5 holes in that ear. I didn't feel that I was being disrespectful when I wore 9 earrings. But, now at 38...I like the way all the earrings looked when I was younger, but don't feel the need for them all now. 1 pair is enough. And if my children EVER pierce their nose or tongues or belly buttons...or anywhere-other then my DAUGHTERS having their ears pierced, I will RIP them out! *They know I will do this :O)*

For those who read this and decide to think of me differently, that is your choice. I know women who have their makeup Tattooed on...Please do not tell me that they are different and that Their INK is except-able.  I do not see the difference. As for my salvation, and how I will be judged, I feel that one day the Lord may say 'What were you Thinking?' , but will look at my life and look deeper than just the Tattoo that sits on my Shoulder.

We don't know why others get Tattoo's. If we really want to know, the next time you see someone with one, ask them. And not with a grossed out look on your face either. 

I try very hard to teach my Children not to judge others by their appearance.  I know they are listening...Because I got to meet 2 of our Nicci's friends who happen to be boys. Both boys had their ears pierced. I later asked Nicci if she thought that they were nice, good young men...She looked me in the eyes and said yes MoM. They are very nice boys. She then asked me my thoughts about the 2 young men. I told her they had their ears pierced...And was going to mutter a few more words, when I was interrupted by our Jessi who hyped up and said 'Mom! Just cause they have earings does not mean they are bad. You yourself has taught us this!'
I will never forget my friend in Utah, that had long hair and earrings in his ears. He was so good to me, and was very respectful of my standards. He was a good friend, that I needed while I was away from home.
With that being said...I hope my children will continue to be such great examples to me. Reminding me not to judge. *It is tough when its your children though..That is when you trust your sons and daughters and remember that everyone is a child of God!*

Jesus said love everyone-Treat them kindly too! When your heart is filled with Love-Others will Love too!

I like Tattoo's. I look at them all the time...Some are done tastefully...some, not so much!
I like the simple gorgeous ones.

I have always like these kinds of Tattoo's. Not sure why! I think this one is gorgeous!

Michael liked this picture the best...So this is the one I will share. This is my little Butterfly... 

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