Saturday, April 6, 2013

Early Saturday Morning-I don't want to get up!!

It is Saturday Morning and all I want to do is Lay in bed and mope and cry 'Woas me'.
The last 2 weeks have been NUTS! I really could use some rest.
Sleep has been non existent. I will have to elaborate later.
So as the sun is starting to rise, I know I should be as well.
Laying here, I listen to the Adorable One 'Snoozing', Champion breathing in a heavy sleep, our Lady Dog that is struggling to breath because she is about to have puppies*Thats all I need is puppies running around-I have enough animals to keep me busy!* listening to all the little snorts and movements that the kids are making, my mind tends to think about so many things-to many things.
Positive things-Negative things. I ponder on the situations that I been through in just the matter of days. It can be so overwhelming!
Last night was a breaking point for me mentally. Our freezer was unplugged and we nearly lost all of our meat-that was added to my overflowing plate of a Zillion worries and duties and things to get done. And as I tossed and turned not able to shut my mind off, I can't help but pull myself together and remind myself that I have control of how I handle my plate of Life. I can continue to get upset and frustrated which leads to stress and tears. Or I can choose to handle things one day at a time. One situation at a time. One minute at a time.
There is a power out there that wants me mad, sad, depressed, feeling lost and hopeless. I am a firm believer that we all have it within ourselves to change how we feel about things. I don't have to be depressed. I don't have to be angry. I don't have to sit and feel sorry for myself because things aren't going so smoothly or the way that I would like them to be going. Everyone has trials. And as I sit back and look at mine and then take a moment to think about others and their trials-Mine are small compared.
What's my problem? Man up, and pull yourself together!!
What am I doing getting so worked up about things I can't change. I can't change how others do things or how they feel about things. All I can do is be the best 'Me' that I can be.
Every day is such a gift. I am so thankful for my 'Snoozing' husband who worries me in a million ways because of his health. I would like to strangle him and snuggle with him at the same time. I will choose to snuggle with him because I don't know what I would do without him. I will choose to try to be helpful not hurtful.
With all of that being said-I choose to make today the best that I possibly can. We have opening ceremonies for Little League this morning along with team pictures..I have a hand full of little ball players, so this could take awhile-PATIENCE will be key today.
I am going to remain positive and enjoy all the rugrats running around.
I am going to take some Advil for my aches and pains...Mind Over matter.
I have a great life and I am going to try real hard to remind myself of that! *Reminding myself to take it one day at a time-one Minute at a time*
Life is HARD! But it really is up to me on how I choose to handle everything that comes my way! No more Boowhooing!

On a side note:
I hope people will understand that I do not judge others by what I hear or by what others tell me.

Time to get up and get moving!
Happy Saturday!
Smiling :0)

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