Thursday, March 21, 2013

March Madness...

The title to this post should say it all...March Madness!!
I have been ever so busy-
I think it all started at the end of February.
The Adorable One had his shoulder surgery...And all of a sudden *Wham* I got sick. The kids got sick. High School Softball/Baseball games started. Little League started....Felt like we got behind on School stuff. Not getting the homework corrected. Spelling tests started to show that we weren't studying enough *Missing more than one says 'Study'*.
Everything just seemed to go *NUTS* within a short period of time.
I have had to mentally pull myself together-Mind over matter. I have been a tad harder on the kids-which means the kids have said more than once 'MoM! Why are you so Grumpy!'
Well, it isn't me really being more Grumpy, it is me just trying to get our home and lives more organized with the kids doing their part.
Has it worked *me being grumpy*, not in every aspect. But it isn't an overnight fix...So I will continue to be the 'Grumpy' MoM!

Now March hasn't been all that Bad! I had a Birthday, and I was spoiled. The Adorable One got me a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' cake...They didn't have Spiderman :O) I got an updated video camera-a Digital one *my old one used the 8mm tapes*. I got this so that I can video the kids games...Ask me how much I have gotten on video *I tend to look away watching it live!*
I enjoyed my Birthday. I am another year closer to 40-and that freaks me out just a little bit...I remember talking about how old the 30's were, and now I am 38!
I have not enjoyed aging, other than getting to watch my kids grow.
It is such a ride being a mother. I feel young doing things with them.
I will never forget the day when Justin beat me in the 100meter dash...OUCH!
I may not be able to keep up, but the joy I feel working out with them, working in the yard with them, being on the softball/baseball field with them, even cleaning house with them...Overwhelming youthful/Joyful feeling. Love my JOB!!

The Ball games have been a blast to watch. We have had some discouraging ones-We have lost! But, It isn't the score so much that I pay attention to. I watch my kids attitude and I watch to see how they handle adversity. When the game gets to be a bit tough, Sass will start to feel that it is all her fault, and she will start to get a little rattled...But after just a little bit, she comes back and keeps working...That says a lot. She has pitched her heart out so far, and we couldn't be prouder. I will have to do a post on her pitching stats...I think she has done great this season.
I watch Justin, and I see how he gets so disappointed in himself when he doesn't hit well, or if he misses a ball in the outfield. He is harder on himself than his coach is, or even his parents are. If I could ever give him advice...I would tell him to have confidence and to enjoy the game *No more stressing out over a GAME!! It is just that...A Game!* Nobody has a PERFECT game!! I couldn't be more proud of Justin! He is his own person and stands firm.

Little League craziness!
We have Chase and Tator Tot playing on the same Tball team. That is AWESOME!! Tator Tot is so funny. He gets on the field, works for a little bit, and then you see him walking off to go get a drink *Hang in there coaches!*.
Chase, on the other hand, gets out there and looks and acts like he has been playing for years! Love watching these 2 boys...*Can't wait for Champ to get out there!*

I have not made very many practices. I hate to miss! I feel it is important to be out there.
Jessica is lucky and so I don't feel quite as bad when I miss her practice. Her Uncle coaches her team. Along with her cousins, and Sister Nicci. So I don't feel that she has been totally abandoned. But Jazzi...I need to be there as much as I can. Bobcat is PreMan!! He does just fine without you there. But, I have noticed that he will look for you-So I will try to make at least 1 of his practices during the week.
I also want to get out and watch the High School kids practice. Just to let them know I am there.
I need 2 more of me...

I only have Champ that isn't busy doing something. Nicci isn't playing this year. She will just help coach with her Uncle. I hope to keep her busy during the season...Running-Throwing.

Just real quick, while I am talking about Nicci. This young Lady is very talented and very athletic. So much that I don't think she even has a clue. If you were to sit down and work with her just for an hour or two on something new...She will have learned it and will do it often. Crocheting, sewing (I need to get a machine...I know! I know! I have a ton of kids and I don't have a sewing machine..l am not a true 'Mormon MoM' I guess...My Bad!). Nicci can sing, and if she would practice, play the piano amazingly. She is a natural at many things...Nicci is just at a very hard age. Lack of desire! Some day she will realize and come to. And then you will see Nicci SHINE. One more thing about Nicci...She will sit and teach her siblings things-With patience! Nicci was born to be a leader, she just needs to see it within herself. *I love you Nicci-Very Much!*

So, now we are on Spring Break! My regrouping week. My relax-do some work around the house week. My FAMILY is ALL home week-and guess what? The HS kids had practice last night. Bobcat had practice last night. Justin will be headed to Wickenburg for 2 games today *He is pitching in the JV game and we won't get to see it!!* And Sass has a game tonight as well!! BOOOOO! It is Spring Break for pitty sakes! Hello...Vacation-Get away from reality time!
Oh well! I do love to watch the kids play ball. And we still get to do our own stuff. And so far, it has been a good Spring Break..Michael is home all week-I love that!!

March is nearly over-I am not sad to see it go!! April will be here soon. We will be busy little bee's trying to get Sass all graduated and ready to go to School soon. Not looking forward to all of that...But at the same time-I think I am ready for our Sass to be out of High School-She is ready...Even at only 17.

It isn't easy to do everything and be everywhere...When you have kids in High School, well, at every grade level...It gets a little hairy at times. Getting homework done, getting dinner over with, Making sure everyone gets to where they need to be with all of their gear n such! Trying not to forget the water bottles...Or the gloves...Making sure the little guys have the right cleats on. When my day starts, it is on my feet all day working. There isn't enough hours in the day. Just when I get my stuff done, it is already time for the kids to come home from school...And that is when the storm hits and the hours fly...*EVERY MoM knows what I am saying! We understand each other...* I don't consider this complaining. I wouldn't have it any other way...But PHEW!! What a full time job I have!

I am looking forward to Summer!

Smiling :O)

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