Thursday, February 28, 2013

Games #1

I am so excited to be getting ready for Justin and Cassandra's first official game of the season.
Justin left this morning with confidence, and he was just his 'Whatever' kind of self. Sass on the other hand...She is just like her mother! Gets way to emotional about stuff...
I am nervous-But not about winning...I just want both those kids to enjoy the game. Justin has it easy, because he is an any kind of position kind of guy...'Wherever you put me coach' *Although-Catching isn't his favorite...But he is pretty good behind the plate*.
Sass on the other hand has a little more pressure on her shoulders. When we first started to work with her during the fall, I was really into the whole having to work work work so that she could go to a college that has a great softball program...Well! After time has gone by, and after seeing my daughter feeling stressed and worried-I just want Sass to ROCK the circle and be the best pitcher SHE can be. NO more pressure*So easy to say-We still want everything to work out college wise*
...Just have fun. Sass has worked so darn hard...I am very proud of her!

Just to add real quick...I had a comment on one of my other blog post pretty much saying that Sass's pitching coach hasn't received very much credit, and that we should make sure to give credit where credit is due! Well let me make it perfectly clear, since this person obviously doesn't know us or the Pitching coach...
This coach that we call 'Coach Grumpy' came around around August of 2012. He worked with our Nicci's traveling team for a short period of time. He was grumpy and boy was he picky!! I thought for sure he was an ass and I wasn't sure if I wanted my daughter being coached by him. Then as time went on, and the traveling team dwindled...Sass asked him to work with her.
He has taught Cassandra 4 new pitches, and has helped perfect her fast pitch. He has given our daughter confidence that we as her parents couldn't give her. He has worked with her, and has shown great patience-Even when Daddy wasn't so patient. Now that I have gotten to know Coach Grumpy, he is a very nice guy-Not so Grumpy! And BOY!! Does he know is Softball. He is old school, and can recongize an error and fix it within a couple of tries.
We have told him on several occasions how much we appreciate him. He isn't one of those coaches that want his name all over the internet. He is happy to just be known as Coach Grumpy *of course we know his real name!!*
As far as giving credit where credit is due...not forgetting the hours Grumpy put in, or the endless hours Michael and I have worked with Cassandra...Also, not to forget that Grandpa Workman is the one who said 'Sam*that is what he calls Cassandra* Is a Pitcher!!' when she wasn't even 10 years old just yet...He saw her talent before Cassandra, MoM, or DaD even recognized it.
Most of the hard work has been done by SASS. She has dealt with me down her throat since she was 10 about getting outside to throw against the wall even if she just got home from practice. She has dealt with her dad expecting perfection *please understand-Her Daddy knows what his daughter is capable of-and he knows how that ball is suppose to rotate, and where it should land*.
Cassandra has dealt with her Grandpa getting her different coaches trying to coach her, probably confusing her, showing her different ways of how to pitch.
Cassandra has dealt with people telling her that she was good but not good enough...I have always tried to tell her...Competition=Motivation. Just work harder than everyone else!!
I feel that the credit for how far Cassandra has come-Goes to Cassandra. She has worked hard!! Could she have done it without our support-Not sure she would have even started pitching if her Grandpa wouldn't have got that very first coach, Or the great support and coaching of Grumpy?? Probably not...But she has put so much sweat and work into her pitching. She LOVES softball...And she is just now to that point of knowing that there are people who believe in her no matter what..Her confidence has come a long way.
So to the one who asked me to give credit to the one who deserves it most...I just did! And I really do not think Grumpy has worried about getting credit...He has enjoyed working with Sass-He has a true passion for the game-And he is good at what he does!! Forever grateful we are, and Grumpy will NEVER EVER be forgotten! Sass has gained a new friend!

*Phew!! That has bothered me for a few days now, and it sure feels AMAZING to get that off of my chest! Please don't put your nose where it does not belong....or come and talk with me personally, since you did not even put your name...anonymous!

Moving on....

I am able to finish this blog post while traveling to Mayer to watch the kids. I am starting to get really really excited to watch my Baby Girl shine. Win or Lose...She is going to SHINE *Says me-Her MoM!!*

Justin, Just don't put more holes in your Baseball pants. I think Your favorite part of the game is sliding and rolling in the RED dirt!! I love you Bud, and I love that your number is #14 like your sister....I am so VERY Proud of you! Be a leader, even if it is from the bench! :O)

All you Moms and Dads out there...Enjoy working with your kids...Enjoy watching them grow and learn and struggle just enough to make them that much stronger. No matter if it is music art or any sport...Maybe even Chess-Enjoy it and SUPPORT your child. More than anything...They need to know you are there!

Here is to game #1!! Go SULTANS!!

Sass 14-Perfectly backwards!

Going to be the best 'MoM' in the crowd! Going to be quiet this year :O)

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