Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Adorable One

Today is the big Shoulder Surgery day!
Michael and I drove to Prescott Valley last night, and boy am I ever so glad that we did. The weather last night was wet, and we didn't want to have to deal with a wet road at 4 in the morning.
Well, we made it kind of a date night. Went out to eat at Red Robbin, and were going to go watch a Movie...But, we ended up being to tired to go *Unbelievable how we used to be able to stay up ALL night-Getting old!*
We got to bed pretty early, but I was up every hour! I was so worried about getting up late.
4am alarm went off, and I was up and at it. Michael got to sleep till 5:15-Lucky! We headed to the hospital and were early and ready to get everything going. Unfortunately, the hospital took a little while to warm up, and we had to wait a little bit.
As I waited for Michael to get all of his blood work n such done, I couldn't help but grin. It is me that is usually getting the surgery, and The Adorable One is the one always having to wait for me-It is kinda scary being on this side of it all. Can't help but worry just a little about Michael's well being....And I will admit, I am not looking forward to seeing him in pain.
When I got to go and sit by Michael for a few minutes, it was nice to see that he survived the IV *The IV is the worst part for me-Yikes! I am not fond of having one of those put in!*
They have the coolest gowns now that you can hook a hose up to to either keep you cool, or warm. Well, Michael was HOT so they hooked him up and started the cool air-His gown was all puffy...Made me smile.
I got a glimpse of my Doctor. Doctor O...He saw me through 1 miscarriage, and 5 very hard pregnancies..and my hysterectomy... I have to say, I was rather excited to see him. I did not say anything, and of course he was busy like he usually is-He is a doctor you know! If I happen to see him in recovery, I will have to say, Hello! Your OB is not someone you just forget about.
They whisked Michael off around 7:35ish, and said that it was going to be a good hour and a half. So I came to the Cafeteria to get something HOT to drink because I am freezing and I don't have the cool gown that would heat me up. I also needed something to nibble on-Not much of a breakfast eater, but I am going to have to keep my strength up so that I can take care of my Biggest Baby!
I got myself, a Hot Chocolate, a Dasani Water, and a Strawberry Greek Yogurt. I am set...The only thing that I lack, is Caffeine!! I sure could us some of that right about now...YAWN!!
I decided to sit by the window, and I have to say-With the fog n such...It looks pretty peaceful. It is kind of nice to sit here and be able to hear my thoughts.
As I watch others and listen to them talk, everyone has stories to tell. I have heard 2 men talking about donuts and how much they love them(Talking about the different types and flavors). I have listened to 2 women who sat and talked with such disappointment because things didn't work out well with a surgery for a loved one. I sit and look at a gentleman who sat down by himself to eat, and he has a sadness about him. Makes me wonder what is going on in his life that has brought him to the hospital. Another gentlemen is explaining to some family members, I assume, about his wife. Talking about how the doctor is going to try to save the ovaries, but that he may not be able to. He talks about it with such ease. I don't know if men understand what it means to a woman to have their female organs removed. It can be very upsetting.
I just had a very nice older gentleman wearing a SpongeBob hat, tell me that my iPad is pretty neat. Told me I had a nice set up! I wanted to ask what has brought him here, but he seems very nervous. I was feeling bad because I sure didn't want him to be alone, but 2 other Older men have come to sit by him. They have their coffee mugs, and they have both told me Good Morning. The 3 men are talking and making fun of 1 of the guys, because he had a plate of healthy food. One even said, 'Health Food-YaY!'...I couldn't help but giggle inside when I heard that. If I didn't see that they were older, I would think they were younger friends just hanging out. Funny how our bodies may look old, but our personalities pretty much remain the same.
I have now moved back into the waiting room. The sweet old lady that signs everyone in, asked my name, what I was doing here, and who was I waiting for. I told her Michael Pacheco, and she looked at me and asked me again..."Who are you hear for?' again, Michael Pacheco...She then lets me know that she doesn't have a Michael on her list. Great! They lost my Husband!! Come to find out after she had to go and search him out, that he is in fact still in surgery, and they gave her the wrong list. Phew! Thought I was going to have to go and find me a new husband ;O)
This has been such an anticipated day for Michael. He has dealt with shoulder pain since 1993, when he tore it. Not sure why Michael never got it looked into. After having a number of cortisone shots, it is nice to know that he should be back to normal soon. I just hope he can sleep better, and be able to throw the Baseball/Softball without pain.
I look forward to sitting and watching some movies with the patient-Although, I do not think he will feel up to doing much other than sleep for at least the next couple of days.
*I just hope I can keep the little boys off of him-Daddy always wrestles with them!*
This could be interesting...

Just spoke to the doctor, and everything went smooth! Michael had lots of damage, but they were able to get it all cleaned up. Very Happy! I look forward to him being able to sleep again without pain. What a relief to hear the doctor say 'He did good!'
Modern technology is amazing. Things that used to take hours and with large cuts, now take only an hour with small incisions.

I am anxious to see The Adorable One! So very glad everything went smoothly!

*No picture of Michael before surgery~It wouldn't download! :O( But pictures of my yogurt and my view from the cafeteria!*


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