Wednesday, October 10, 2012

If it was up to me~

The weather would be like today's nearly every day. It is really amazing out today. Fall is truly in the air.
I would make homemade Ice Cream every day. I have not made it in awhile, and our family loves it. I can't afford to make Ice Cream every day, but I could do once a month... :O)
I would have another Bathroom. I am not complaining...I am just saying if it was up to me...
The yard would stay green and never need to be mowed...Well! Kinda...I love the idea, but I also really like to get out and work in the yard. So, maybe not so much this one.
Everyone would be content with the things that they have. Myself included. Never desiring anything more than has been given. I have never been materialistic, but I have wanted more chocolate in my fridge.
There would never be jealousy-Nobody would ever feel like they were not good enough. Nobody would ever feel envious. This really is so damaging and hurtful on both sides. Can't we all get along and just be happy for others and their successes. And also, can't we just be humble and show gratitude? Nobody is better than the other...
Everyone would have confidence.No matter the size. No matter the appearance. No matter the rank. No matter what...Everyone would love themselves just the way they are.
Everyone would love to RUN! Running is amazing...Wish everyone could feel the way that I feel while running. The things that I get to think about and focus on. I love to RUN!
I would have more time to Run. During the summer, I drag my kids out with me. But not so much during school. I know of many mom's who go and work out for hours. I just can't get myself to do this. I realize that I should not feel bad about taking an hour a day for myself, and I try to break away to do this. But I just feel that I have children at home, and Right now, it is about my kids. Getting them raised and to help them to achieve their own goals. I have 3 more years, and than I can go and Run all morning every morning. Yes! I will be nearly 41-But hey...I am a firm believer that anyone at any age can RUN!
I would like to put on a Good 6 pounds. What I mean by a Good 6 pounds, is I would like to tone up a bit. I don't want to lift weights and become a man,  I would just like to have some tone and strength. Again, in 3 years...I will work hard on this. I do little bits here and there, but it will take more than 10 squats in the bathroom while I am brushing my teeth and push ups every other week*Push Ups are not my thing-To many injuries to my elbows and wrists-WIMPY*
There would be a Track team in Bagdad. WE have the track...If I had more time...I would coach it. I have kids that would rock the track...Wish it was here.
There would be Wrestling in Bagdad. I can't think of a better sport to help keep the young man in shape. Wrestling takes discipline...It would be awesome!
I would never feel guilty. For eating Nutella on a spoon more than once a day. For missing church every now and then. For not writing more letters or calling up family and friends more often. For going on a Run. For feeding the kids PoPcorn AGAIN for lunch. I could go on....Silly Guilt!
Trials would come with a small handbook to explain why and give ways to overcome. O wait! We have the scriptures... :O) With that being said...
Reading the Scriptures would be easier to do. For some, this isn't a problem. But for some...WOW! It is a challenge. Don't judge!
Prayer would be in schools. Nothing is possible without God.
School would be every other month. Even though it can be hard to have all the kids home, I would much rather have them here with me!
Laundry would always be caught up. What I wouldn't give to never ever get behind on laundry. I do it every day, and usually around the same time every day...But there are days, like weekends that my time is spent doing other things. So yes! The laundry pile because a Laundry MOUNTAIN. O well. Laundry is Laundry. Just do it!!
I would never ever say anything NEGATIVE. Boy do I try to be ever so positive. But, I guess I am a realist???...Someone who always looks at the realistic side of things. This comes off as Negative. I do not like to be Negative. So I try very hard to find the Good in every situation....Without loosing sight of the Realistic part of everything.
I would have a personal chef. I do not like cooking! I do not like planning meals. I do not want to think about MEALS all day long! I need someone to cook us healthy meals and desserts that are amazing and meant for the diabetic....I am serious about this one. And of course the Chef would cook for us for FREE :OP Never gonna happen....So....So to not be Negative...
I would love to LOVE Cooking. I enjoy baking. But that is because I love sweets. And I can do baking any time...Cooking dinner is an EVERY NIGHT kind of thing. My poor family! I am trying to improve-One step at a time. Sitting down with the kids and asking them for 2 weeks of meals that they want to have. That does seem to help, especially with the shopping list.
My Children will marry someone from around here and would never move away. I know, I know...Kids need to grow up and move on and have lives of their own...I get this. But, can't they do that and still live next door?? I will miss my children!
I would have a swing in the front yard. I love sitting in our front yard looking over our amazing town and thinking about all the blessings that the Adorable One and I have been given. I also look and focus on the things that I need to improve on.
Bagdad would have an Ice Cream shop. Why not? Why can't we have a little place that serves nothing but hard Ice Cream and shakes?
The Bagdad Ice Cream shop would only charge 25cents for a scoop. And Shakes would only be $1.00. How come this can't happen?? Seriously...
There would never be suffering. But if there wasn't suffering, than there would never be gratitude. And becoming Humble wouldn't be so Humbling :O)
Nobody would ever become offended. Others could say what is on their mind, and everyone would take a minute and think about what was said-And they could disagree without feeling like they had to argue. Or they would listen, and say 'Thank you for telling me how you feel.'....
EVERYONE WOULD GET ALONG. Why not? Some times I think people really enjoy fighting and saying hurtful things.
Everyone would forgive and forget-FOR REAL! Many times, even myself, other would say they have forgiven someone, but continue to harbor hard feelings. So miserable! I don't understand this. Someone says Sorry, Say its ok...and Move on.
I would never raise my voice *YELL* ever again. It is one of those things that I don't even realize that I do sometimes. I was raised in a loud home-My dad was an Intense Football coach*Enough Said*. My children have the Loud voice trait....Our whispers are even loud! EeeKkk!
I am sure I could list a few more things...But should probably quick for the day!

Most of everything I mentioned is possible for my own self. I can't change others, and I can't open up an Ice Cream shop, and charge only 25cents per scoop...And I can't convince the school to have the sports mentioned. But I can live how I really desire to live. Some things may take great effort*like Cooking* but everything is doable.
Today is today...I can not redo Yesterday....But I sure can do better Tomorrow.
Smiling :O)

1 comment:

  1. I just read it to mom she said.....what a great attitude to have...see you next post:)
