Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Grateful for life's struggles-Except for going without paper towels

Phew! It sure has been awhile since Ive been able to really sit and try to write. So much in my life, our life, has changed. 

Our oldest daughter is married to an amazing young man. Her wedding was not big or fancy...It was simply, a wedding...It joined two of my favorite people, into the most important relationship you can ever have. We love Sass and Nate. We are excited to watch you both grow and learn together how to take on this crazy life. *Grand babies!*

Our oldest son is on his mission *Not that this is a change*...I mention this because, Elder Pacheco will be home in June! *Thats the change*...Where did that time go. It dragged, it rushed, it quietly snuck by...And the sweet feeling of having a missionary out in the field, is nearly over. I can't wait to have our son home-but man-I can't even begin to express how amazing it has been to watch and hear about, how that boy of ours has grown. He is a man, and he is a man who loves his Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ.

Our next to the oldest daughter, nicci, will be graduating in May! That is nuts! She doesn't have these big plans to go off and because a doctor, or lawyer, or teacher...She has plans to start her life in a simple way. She has a desire to help others. Nicci is creative and has, if you were to ask me, has so much talent...She can and will be successful with whatever she chooses to do.

Sports aren't a huge part of our lives any more. Don't get me wrong-The kids still participate, but it isn't like it used to be when we lived in Bagdad. Its crazy how life's experiences change things. 

The kids participate in school sports. We no longer do traveling teams, or little league. I am not going to lie-It is bitter sweet. I miss watching my little guys grow and become stronger by the end of the season, but it has been so nice not to have to rush around with our heads cut off trying to get to practices and games. We did that for years. I loved it! However, I am ok, for now, to not be apart of all that crazy chaos. It wore us all out! *Ive blogged about this before*

I am very thankful that we go to a school that offers sports for the Jr. high kids. Football, Softball, Baseball, Track, Basketball, Volleyball, and even cross country. Not only is there sports, but there are also music programs. 

Bobcat has learned how to play the saxophone and the trumpet. Jessi has sang solos for her music class. I love it!

There is so much more to these young people than just sports. My little guys are in scouts. I am not a huge scout fan, but the boys love it. We have stepped out of the 'Have to be athletic' box. I do want the kids to be active...It is important-I am just not losing my mind trying to keep uniforms washed and pre dinners made so that we might make it on time to practice. 

Michael and I are unemployed and are crazy busy trying to keep our family afloat. You want to talk about humbling. You go from having a job that provides and has benefits, to having a job that provides without benefits, to having a job that pays for gas and household items, to not having a job at all. The real world outside of Bagdad Az, and the mine, Freeport-Is tough. There are days when I will sit and think about our lives in Bagdad. I remember how so many people would complain about the $500.00 gift cards that we would get-FREE MONEY! Or how about the bonuses. We would get $3,000.00 instead of $5,000 and people would complain. Take a few steps back, and you realize how blessed you are to have a job that even gives you bonuses...And maybe put some money into savings-

I have taken a few leaps back! 

The money that would be spent on things was crazy. We overspent. Looking back, we took for granted the amazing Finacial situation that we were given. Like many who work for Freeport, we spent money on things...Stuff that was just simply, Stuff!

Oh! The things I would do differently if we were ever fortunate enough to make that kind of money again. (Again! So very humbling...)


Our family is plugging along. There are so many who have helped us along the way. So many! We have had so many tender mercies from our Heavenly Father. Some days, I don't even know how we are surviving-Then I remember who is on our side.

Each day we wake up, our home is standing. Our vehicles are running-thanks to some awesome neighbors who help to keep them running *you know who you are!*. Also, we are all learning how to cope and to deal with things as they come. It truly is a 'one day at a time' situation. 

I am not complaining. I am so thankful for the tough times...I think our children will be a whole lot stronger for having to eat what we have. To go without paper towels.

The kids have had to learn to go without cell phones with service...To really and honestly, be thankful for all the little things that we used to take for granted-Like paper towels! *Can you tell I miss paper Towels!*

I for one, absolutely love where we live. I love our old trailer. Our porches. Our weeded up property. The space that we have. The little road that will only take you to our house. I love the dogs that we have. I love the cats that we have. I love the hummingbirds that come and visit us. I love the old pool that we have all patched up and filled, ready to be swam in. I love the new walking/jogging/running road that we have. Our view is absolutely amazing! Mountains all around us. We live in the desert and yeah! It is darn hot. But I love it. 

As I have pondered on how much I love where we live, I realize that I have felt that way about every single home that our family has lived in-from the very beginning. In Round Valley, the Adorable one and I moved 6 times within our first year of marriage. And I look back, and I just loved each of the places that we lived in. We had 2 different homes in Silver City. We had 3 different homes in Bagdad. We have have lived in 2 different homes here in Saint David-I thought each and every home was the best! 

If you were to ask me what place has been my favorite-I would say that the house that we live in now, is my favorite. But I remember saying that about each house that we were living in at the time. 

After thinking about it, why have I loved each place so much? 

I don't look for the bad. I don't complain. I dream-and look forward to working a little bit to make our home better. I simply enjoy the little things. 

I look at our home and realize that it isn't the HOUSE! It is the people that are in the house...The people who hug me and make me smile on a daily basis. I don't need fancy *As I have blogged about before*. 

I simply need my family! I simply need a roof over my head-we can make any place great! I don't need perfection. I don't need the perfect anything for me to feel happy. 

I am so thankful that I don't feel like I don't have enough!

The struggles have been for real. The various trials that we have had as a family-for us-have been overwhelming, heartbreaking at times.

Yet, we stick together. Yet, we get up in the morning and keep moving forward. Yet, we look out for each other. Yet, we aren't going to throw up ours arms and quit...At least we haven't as of yet-and not that we haven't thought about it. 

We simply are, plugging along.

We are the most imperfect family you will ever meet. We have issues like no other. Dysfunctional-yup! But we love each other. We do what we can to lift one another up.

One more thing...

One of the biggest changes, for me, has been my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I was challenged by two very important people in my life to read the Book Of Mormon. Over a year ago. I was challenged to pray about what I was reading-Asking our Heavenly Father to know for myself if it were true.

During some of the darkest times of my life, within this last year or so, the only place I could find peace and comfort was through the words of Christ written in the Book Of Mormon. I completed it and am now reading it over again-and guess what! I am finding new things that I missed the last time! It is amazing! It is true-

I am also reading the Old Testament. I love it. I am on Psalms 74. I haven't read the Bible since my old seminary days back in High School. Of course the Bible was not absent from my life, but just as the BOM, it was only studied or read when there was a lesson or talk given..My family used to get up at 6am to read the scriptures. We read them all! I haven't done scripture study on my own since I did the Pathway program in 2014. 

Boy! Was I missing out!

I have found that if I miss a day of reading, the day is a tad harder to get through. The words of Christ are healing. I also begin my day on my knees-If I miss that prayer-I struggle and my mind is just a foggy mess-Ok! My mind is always a foggy mess, I just am able to move forward through all the fog!

I am by far, not, the most perfectly perfect Mormon mom...wife...daughter...friend. Man! Do I make many mistakes-every single day. However, I am coming unto Christ. I am feasting on his words and doing my best to become better every day-to get through these tough times...I am trying so hard to walk on that narrow path back to our Father in Heaven.

I find peace in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is the same yesterday and today. He loves all of us so very much. He died-for us. I will hold onto the fact that I will NEVER walk alone. I am thankful for Prophets in these latter days. The reverence they use when they speak to us. The compassion and love that I feel when I listen to or read words that come from them. I am truly thankful for their guidance-Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to give us such wonderful men to lead us.

This life is a wonderful blessing filled with many ups and downs. Always look to the bright side of things. Things always happen as they are suppose to. Sometimes that is hard to understand and even hard to embrace. What would I do? Who would I be? If my life was just handed to me-no trials. No hard times to get through...Would I reach my arms out to heaven? 

Simply put...

My heart is happy when I smile and carry on. My heart is happy when I get to talk with strangers and learn about their lives in a matter of 5 minutes...Walking away with smiles on our faces. My heart is happy when I am hugged. My heart is happy knowing that I have helped someone get through a rough patch-Realizing that we actually helped each other. My heart is happy when my children are laughing. Better yet...My heart is happy when I hear the Adorable One laugh out loud...My heart is happy to just wake up each day before the sun so that I can feel the warmth of his amazing touch! My heart is happy for many many simple reasons. 

My heart is happy! 

I wouldn't change a thing...However-I would buy some paper towels!

Thanks for letting me share! Carry on and be happy doing what you enjoy!

Smiling :O)

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