Tuesday, June 14, 2016

One of my favorite things...

For as long as I can remember, for the last 20 years, is running with my children throughout the year, but mostly during the summers! 

The kids will moan...They whine...They say a little prayer each morning during the summer, if the clock say's '6:31', that mom just might not get them up and make them go running for that one day! 

Each year, I am humbled by another child beating me to the finish line. Another reminder that I am getting older, and also, reminding me that one day-I won't be able to keep up at all!

I love the time that has been spent on the Silver City High School track, Bagdad High school track, our hill behind our home in Bagdad, Bruce mine 'Brutal' 4 mile run, the town of Bagdad run, and now the run to Grandma's house and the 'Brutal' hill workout just up our driveway here in St. David.

I love remembering- 

The many times pushing a stroller with two kids strapped in and another riding on top-jogging up that awesome 'Brutal' Bruce Mine road...*Seriously-I can't believe I could actually do this!*

Some have said it isn't good for my kids to be doing this...
Some have told me that I am mean...people have pulled up along side my kids while they would be running in the rain-asking if they wanted a ride...I am sure the kids wanted to say yes! But they didn't! 

I wonder if anyone really knows and undestands why I insist on doing this each and every year...
I love to run, yes! But more than anything, I have loved seeing my children work hard.

If there is anything I want my children to learn from me, is how important it is to keep moving! To work hard. To strive to be active and not fear things that don't come easy for them. 

I cherish the memories of a little 5 year old sass and a 4 year Justin running the track all the way around! What an accomplishment! I been able to see each of the kids reach the top of the hill without stopping-totally blowing me away!

My kids rock my socks! 

As I am dry heaving on the side of the road and while dying while trying to get my lunges done...While being beat horribly by Chase and being passed up by Tot...and watching Champ do whatever he can to get out of running! I am so proud of 'US' and I wouldn't change a thing...this is my last year with Nicci 😩
*My goal is to do this one day with my grandchildren! Even if it means I'm walking with a cane!*

Keep moving forward and be the best you that YOU can be! Even if you don't like it and don't want to-focus and don't forget what matters most!
•My running crew! It was hot today and the hills kicked our butts-but we all finished strong•

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