I swear that when your younger you don't really think about your health unless you have health issues while you are in your youth. I for one know that I never ever did! In fact, even as a young adult, I never thought about My health or the health of my Best Friend...We were going to be young and HEALTHY forever!!
When I started to have children and I had various issues while pregnant, I still was usually considered one of the healthiest patients. For some reason, still, I never worried about my health or Michael's!
So putting myself aside, since for the most part I am healthy, I have to say the Adorable One isn't so lucky!
Soon after having baby number 6, Michael started to loose weight and was looking rather 'Hot'(Meow). He seemed to feeling pretty good, not real tired or anything...Just seemed to be doing great! Than while at a family gathering, his Sister was testing everyone's blood sugar...And Michael's was sky high(upper 500s or so)! Maybe the monitor was wrong...Maybe he just had 'WAY' to much sugar in the last hour...Maybe...Maybe...He has Diabetes and we had no clue. Michael made an appointment with the local doctor, and it was for sure...Type 2. He also had high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. They handed him 2 different diets..And would you believe it-He shouldn't eat anything. On one diet he could eat certain things but on the other diet he couldn't! So, of course we go to the extreme and try to not eat anything that was on either diet list. The Adorable One felt horrible! So he came home one day from work and told me that he was just going to try to cut back and eat as normal as possible. I think he started to feel a little better. Of course they put him on meds, in which they have changed and upped the dosage and such so many times. You know, even at first after he was diagnosed, I am not sure it registered in my head how dangerous and serious this disease is. We both have talked about ways we could change our eating habits, and things we could do.We have done lots of talking but that is about all that we have done...We would try to work out together but than would quit...We are both busy and on different types of schedules. I would research and have it in my head that I was going to change the way we eat...But haven't done a darn thing really to help(Shame on me)!
So, after last night, when Michael tells me that his blood sugar is 500 and that it was 400+ that morning...It is starting to just scare me to death! I realize there are many out there who have it in the 1000's but for Michael...This is HIGH! He was just at the doctors and is going to be going again on Friday to see a specialist! I could tell him till I was Blue in the face that he should eat better, and he should be more active and that it shouldn't be that hard for him to exercise...Because it all comes easy for me and really it is all easier said than done! I will never understand what he is going through unless I end up with the same problem. Diabetes is a disease that takes lives-And I know I don't want it to take my Best Friend! Time for me to Shut up and listen...Learn...and try to help and not lecture!
So how can I help...UGH! That isn't easy...But it should be. There is no reason that every single one of us can't eat a little bit better...Well-One reason...It costs a TON to eat healthy! So...With this being understood...I have to figure out a way to cook within our budget and to cook things that will help not harm the ones closest to me! I have such a great fear that my own kids will some day have diabetes...I try to tell the older ones that they need to watch how they eat and to keep active...But I should also be telling my younger kids and show them by example how to eat...I am a poor eater...I can go hours without eating till someone asks...'Have you Eaten?' I need to do better...I want to do better! Time to get better... :O)
Anyhow~Be aware that it can happen to anyone of any size. You don't have to be overweight to get this disease. Most of the time when someone is diagnosed with type 2 they will say...I wasn't feeling bad. Signs of this curse: Sudden Weight Loss, always feeling thirsty, having to go to the bathroom ALL the time, Having thick urine(sorry)like syrup...These are just a few things. There were only 2 things that Michael had-Weight Loss and he was always thirsty!
This runs in Michael's family...And My Grandpa and Dad have this...So it is in our Family! What I wouldn't give for it all to be easier to control. Everything sounds easy...But it really takes time and practice to get used to...and to get adjusted! Effort and Commitment!!
The Adorable One might be a little upset that I am sharing this...He will get over it! Michael is one amazing man. I have seen him grow and change in so many ways. My heart aches that he struggles like he does with this silly stinken disease!
Like any other disease....Everyone deals with their own issues and many are not the same! Many times you hear others saying that they know someone who had or someone who has. Or I had and I did this or that and did just fine. I am actually one of those who says 'I have done it...why can't you?'
The truth is...Everyone has their own unique way of dealing with things, and not everything that worked for one person is a guarentee that it will work for another person.
Diabetes is a Disease and it slowly sucks the life out of those who suffer from it! No cure...Just meds! But...It can be controlled...and what I wouldn't give for us to be able to get the Adorable One's case under control!
Michael is my buddy....My security blanket...My Hottie...My venting wall...Michael is MY LIFE!
I hope he knows how much I love him! :O)
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