Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who knew....

Who knew...Who knew that having kids would be so interesting all the time! Never a dull moment.
Michael and I fell for one another many years ago. We got married and started having a family right away. Our first pregnancy wasnt successful but we didnt wait! We think back and grin cause we were young and really had no clue! Had our sweet #1 girl and thought 'What Now'? Than we kinda got on a roll and had another and another and another....well till the Lord decided that we were done. We went through 12 pregnancies with 9 healthy babies to end our family building making us a wonderful crazy family of 11. I know we don't have 10-I guess that one more would really make the difference-people are funny when they say 'well I know a family that had 10 or 11 or 20 kids so they are ahead of you!' I Didn't realize we were in a compition to see who could have the largest family-not just within our family but also with families we don't even know :0) silly people. So, I guess what I am getting at is who knew Michael and Toi could of ever build such an amazing family....And the best part is we are still learning how to raise children and realize that we are far from being the 'Perfect' family...But man, what an amazing experience it is learning together and watching the kids grow! So glad I have the Adorable One as my partner...Who Knew!
Who hard it would be to feed a small zoo! When the kids are little they eat a lot right? Well...wait till they grow to be mini adults-My goodness! And they don't start at the age of 13, it all begins around 8 :0P Our boys eat so much and our girls are right behind em'!! So I do think a lot of the time that I should get a job just to feed our zoo. Than I come to and realize that I had these kids and I am not going to send them somewhere else for someone else to raise them. I choose to stay home and enjoy it very much!  Maybe when the kids are all in school I will go to work but not sure I want my kids to ever come home without mom home....Who Knew I would be so satisfied with being a Homemaker!
Who Knew how AMAZING it would be to watch Our kids play sports?! Or perform in a play/Christmas program or to give a talk in church! What an experience! Tough to be selfish when you are so consumed in your children and their activities...Love it! People don't know what they are missing!!
Who Knew how incredibly Hard it would be to have a family of our size or really of any size! One thing for sure is, you can't be materialistic...stuff or kids! Stuff  or happy kids! Stuff or unselfish spoiled kids. Our kids are still spoiled but don't complain until someone decides to let them know that they are missing out on soooo much! Than we have to sit them down and let them know the priorities in life-and having a 4wheeler or ranger isn't a priority! The Adorable One told me when he asked me to marry him that we would never have money-I didn't care then....I don't care now! We get by and it does get rough at times but we always seem to make it through some how. And for the most part...the kids are very understanding when we can't have something or do something! Hopefully they will be stronger financially when they have their own families!
Who Knew...That time would go by so fast?? My Goodness....We just had Cassandra and look *POOF* She is 17 today!! I never even fathommed that our sweet Sass with the overalls would be talking about leaving for college and talking about careers and what temple she wants to get married in(when they are young they do this-but as they get hits hard like it could be in a year or 2)! As parents we rush to much! Solid foods, sitting, crawling, walking, running, laughing, talking, sending them to preschool at 3 or 4 years old! I sent Sass to preschool along with Justin and Nicci, and it wasn't till they started to grow so quickly that I decided that the kids will be going to school soon enough and I don't need to rush them out the door. I'm not dogging preschool-I for myself, just wanted/want to keep my kids home till I have to send em' off. Maybe I am selfish! But as I watch Sass drive around and see how she is becoming more and more independent I realize that we are about to be in that season of life with her-I pray we survive while she thrives and grows! Wish I had a picture to add-still working on that!
Well-Who Knew that life could be such a roller coasters we were told when we were younger but we didn't listen...and now we are the ones telling the young to take their time and enjoy their childhood!

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