I am going to introduce you to everyone that belongs in our little family-This way, everyone will know who I am referring to when I mention their nickname n such in a post. This isn't going to be short...In fact, it may end up being the longest post I ever write! So grab yourself a Hot Chocolate and take a seat!
This is the Adorable one and I! Michael and Toi. I have no make up on...But, this picture is special to me. I remember taking this picture and snuggling next to Michael and falling in love with him even more at that very moment. He was being so serious that night, taking everyone's picture-It was the moon eclipse and he just wanted us to all have our photo taken. I love this man!! We were married in May of 1994, just a year after High School. We are going on 19 years. We were only 18 and 19 years old when we got hitched. We have pretty much raised each other, and have been through so much together. I feel we have a very different kind of relationship. One that is very special. Nobody can make us more angry-Nobody can get us to smile so quickly after being so angry! We both long to be with one another and miss each other when we are not together. I don't want to go out with other ladies...I am perfectly happy hanging out with my Teddy Bear *The Adorable One*! I Chose my Love and I Love my Choice!
This is our Cassandra Leah *Lee*. We call her Sass or Sassy, because she is a very sweet girl with a very good attitude 95% of the time-The other 5% she is Sassy! She just turned 17 in Aug. Shortly after Michael and I were married, I got pregnant. A few months later, I lost that pregnancy...The doctors told me to wait a good 6 months, but I was not going to listen *I have a hard time listening to doctors* and just after a month I found out I was pregnant again. I took over a dozen pregnancy tests to make sure(and just to let you know-I had 3 that came out negative-So some times they are wrong). I remember crying and being ever so happy! After having a crazy pregnancy, at 38 weeks the nurse midwife told me that Sass wasn't going to be born any time soon...Well-Michael's birthday was around the corner and Pappa Koontz was going to be leaving town, so I was determined to have this little baby ASAP! I drank Castro Oil in a chocolate shake and went down stairs on my fanny a few times...And low and behold I went into labor. She wasn't real easy nor was she real hard...she was just my first and I had no idea what I was doing! As soon as she was born, they took her and we didn't get to hold her for 2 days after she was born! She was 5lbs 14oz...She had the most perfect round head and the sweetest little lips. She still has little lips, and she is still just as sweet and gorgeous. She was delivered in The Springerville Arizona Hospital*Yikes*! Sass was born with an inguinal hernia that the doctor knew about but didn't tell us. When she was 3 months old her hernia protruded and we were fortunate enough to have Pappa Koontz near by to take her to the doctor. After finding out that she did indeed have a hernia, we called Phoenix Children's Hospital to have surgery set up. About a day after doing that, I didn't have a good feeling and Sass sure wasn't feeling good, so I called my mother in law and told her we needed to take her right away. So Sandi, Grandma, Drove the Adorable One, Sass, and I to the Hospital. And when the doctor came out and told us that Sass needed emergency surgery for a double hernia-My heart sank! Yet...I was so glad that I listened to that small little voice that told me something wasn't right. They did surgery and we were able to take her home that same night just a few hours later! PHEW!! That was scary. Now, She is a senior this year *tears* We all will miss her very much when she heads off to school. She is a Rock! A Huge piece to our family puzzle. She is smart-a straight A student. She desires to go to school and be a Photographer with her own business some day! She wants to be married in the Salt Lake Temple. I love this picture of her! It shows her determination to throw hard...She is an outstanding athlete, she takes after her father! She works her fanny off in every sport that she does. She plays Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball. She wants to play in college, and she has the talent to do so. She pitches extremely well for her age of a young 17 year old. We kick ourselves in the butt ox...We should have held her back a year. O well! She is different and is VERY SPECIAL! People recognize this, and have told me many times that she just has something about her. She was meant to be #1.
This is Justin Michael. He has been known as Bud, Buddy, Bustin Justin, JP, Pacheco, and Kid. He is 15 getting ready to turn the big 16 in December. He has such a great mixture of his Mother and Father that it is crazy. Sass was just 9 months old when I found out that I was pregnant with him...I cried!! I think the Adorable One Cried too...We lived in Round Valley still. Justin was a tough pregnancy. When I was 36 weeks pregnant I started to have problems and they told me to get to Show Low Hospital right away. So we went, and Michael got pulled over. The Police Officer did not believe that I was in labor, so he gave Michael a big fat ticket! We both were a little frustrated by that-I guess I needed to be screaming. We got to the hospital, and I was admitted and was given potocin*Which doesn't do anything to me*to get things moving along. My Nurse midwife got to the hospital and yelled at me asking me why I had come to the hospital...I told her that her nurses told me that she was the one who ordered me to go. She said that she never even talked to the nurses...HhMmmm! Well, they finally just broke my water, and 15 minutes later Justin was born. And it was a good thing, because the Placenta had a hole in it, and if we had waited to go to the hospital, Justin would have died and I would have had problems with bleeding. I truly feel that the Lord had a hand in every single one of my children's births-We were blessed and Justin was 6lbs 5oz. He had a cone head with Tons of Black hair...We still tease him about this. He was delivered in The Show Low Hospital*The same hospital where I was born*! We also were very blessed to have Grandpa Pacheco, Great Grandpa Pacheco, Great Grandma & Grandpa Collins around-Very special Grandparents! Him and Sass are 16 months apart. And by the way, The Adorable one went to court about that ticket, and showed proof that Justin was born-We didn't have to pay a penny! After he was born, a few months after, they thought he couldn't hear. I could blow a whistle in his ear while he was sleeping, and he wouldn't budge. Took him to see a specialist and she told me that he did have a hearing problem but didn't know how bad. We prayed and he received a blessing and when I had him checked again, he responded and has done just fine since. I am a believer in Prayer. One other experience with him-He was hit really hard in a football game hard enough to put an air bubble in his intestines. He spent 3 days in the hospital-He was bruised and beat up, but ended up being just fine. Justin is a beast! He has worked so hard to be the athlete that he is today. So many have gone up to Michael or/and I and have told us that they love to watch him play. He loves to hit, and he usually hits hard. He is smart, but he has to work hard in school. He has a great work ethic. His personality is awesome-Has a great sense of humor. He is tender and doesn't realize how important and special he is! He is really a special young man...He isn't sure about what he wants to do when he graduates, but I think he would be an amazing Missionary and would make the best Teacher and Football Coach! We support him and will be happy so long as he is happy! He calls me 'MOTHER' I love that!! He was meant to be #2. And Did I say he is a Beast*that comes from his both sides Pacheco and Workman...What a great mix*!
This is Catherine Nicole. We call her Nicci, Nicco, Nickelodeon and Nic. Nicci is 13. And she is for sure a Teenager. We lived in Silver City New Mexico! There was a little bit of a gap this time around, in between her and Justin-29 months. She was hard to carry. When I was pregnant with her I got a hernia that would get the size of a golf ball...They didn't fix it because they felt like I needed to get through the pregnancy first-I did...But let me tell you-That was very painful-And still have that hernia to this day. I had issues with contractions early on during the pregnancy and a few days before 38 weeks she stopped moving, so they induced me right away. Potocin stinks, because it doesn't work for me-It doesn't make my contractions harder...I told them this, but it takes at least an hour before they will listen. After things weren't moving, they finally just broke my water, and like Justin...She was born quickly- just 17 minutes later. The doctor couldn't believe it! He had just left the room, and they were calling him right back in! My parents were there, I wouldn't let them in the room, but my dad peeked around the curtain anyway! My silly dad...He was so very proud of me! The doctor was from Spain-And in his Spanish voice he would yell at me..You can push harder than that :O) After Nicci was born, he held her and couldn't wait to tell us that she weighed 6lbs 11oz. I loved Dr. Vincent. Nicci had so much black hair...She looked just like her Daddy. Nicci was a crier, but she also was a sweet baby that loved to cuddle. When she was 3 months, she got pretty sick and couldn't keep anything down-she was admitted into the hospital and all it took was a full 24 hours of iv fluids and meds to get her well...That was scary for us! This girl is a natural at everything she does, and learns really quick. She is very sensitive-Still a crier! She is very athletic. She is quick, and has fast hands. She is crazy built(muscles)-and without having to work at it. She is a good runner, and would do well in track if they offered that here. She plays softball and wants to be a pitcher like her sister. She also plays 2nd base, and just kinda rocks the field. She is an all around kind of player...She amazes me. For a few years now, Nicci wouldn't pass her hearing tests at school. I just kinda ignored the notes from the nurse because she seemed to be fine. They put her into speech therapy because of how she would pronounce her R's and she seemed to be doing better. After having a meeting with her teachers I started to listen to her sing and talk...and I paid close attention to how well she was responding to us when we would talk to her. She was always saying 'What Mam' or she wouldn't answer, Or she would question what we had asked her. So I finally took her in to see a specialist. It was confirmed, she suffers from a hearing impairment. It isn't something they can correct...and it will continue to get worse. I felt horrible that for so long I had ignored all the signs and notes *Bad Mommy*. But, I am forever thankful that she was able to get some hearing aids that are awesome. She gets to pick the color and they are blue tooth so she can sync her phone to them so she can listen to her music. Nicci is very smart and organized. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up...I like that idea-She will do very well! I want her to learn sign language-I think she would enjoy helping others with hearing loss. Nicci Rocks!! She was meant to be #3
This is Jasmine Elsie. We call her Jazzi, Jazz, Diva, Brat, Snob, Spoiled, and JazzTazz. Jazzi is 7. Her and Bobcat are 17 months apart-We like this! This girl's pregnancy drug on and on...It was a really hard start! Again, I started to contract early-and at 36 weeks she couldn't wait to get here. That night was gorgeous-I had just left a ladies house trying to help get her house cleaned up because she was getting ready to move. I didn't do to much, but enough to get me going. In fact, when I was leaving a friend was teasing me and let the gate go, and it barely hit me in the behind...I turned around and he said I probably just put you into labor...And guess what!! It is all his fault. Contractions came on fast and hard...and we had over an hour to get to the hospital. We left, and 30 minutes into the drive I had the strong urge to push! I breathed and tried hard to stay calm. We didn't have a real cell phone, we had a tracphone...that didn't work! We tried to call the hospital to tell them to meet us and tried to call his brother to have him call the hospital to let them know that we were coming and to be ready...but the phone wouldn't work!! My goodness, I really thought I was going to die! We got to the hospital, and they wouldn't give me a wheelchair and insisted that I walk to labor and delivery...I finally got there-they got me in the gown-they broke my water and everything came flying out...Baby and all! PHEW! That was a relief. The Adorable One believes I held Jazzi in, but I just think that I am forever grateful for my water not breaking-or we would of had her in the Van!! Wow! She was crazy fast. A sweet 6lbs 1oz baby. She looked like a little alien. So gorgeous. She had long toes and fingers...She took after the Reed side of the family. Jazzi had a high pitched squeal and cry that it was hard to tell when she was unhappy or just happy. I swear she could sing Opera-Her cry, and squeal was just that high. We got kicked out of the Orthodontist office because she was so loud. She too didn't have any big issues when she was little just was kinda a fussy baby. She was spoiled so bad by our oldest Sass-She is still so very spoiled. She is very prissy-Just like My mother. It is a Reed thing. When Jazzi was in Kindergarten, she had gone to the bathroom and washed her hands. She went back into the classroom and told the teacher that the water wasn't warm enough and that they needed to get warm water so she could wash her hands. The teacher told Jazz that she needed to tell the principal this and that they would set up a meeting with him. I believe they did, and she told him what she wanted, and not to long after that, they did put hot water in the bathroom. The teacher later told me that they have been asking for hot water in that bathroom for over a year...Way to go Jazzi! She is going to be a leader. If she wants something she goes for it. She just might be the queen! This picture says it all...This picture also was put into a photography contest here in Yavapai county...and it won! Sass took this photo(along with Bobcat, Jessica's, and Joshua's). Jazzi is very special-Her best buddy is Bobcat! When she wants Ramon made, she always asked Bobcat to make it for her because she loves the way he makes it. There is bond there, that I hope stays there all throughout their lives. Jazzi was meant to be #6-Right after Bobcat!!
This is Chase Hayden. We call him Chaser, Chaza`, Chase Hayden-a lot of the time!! Chase is 5. We were not going to have any more babies after Jazzi. Just was to hard and 6 was an even perfect number...But there was still that feeling, so I remember kneeling down and telling our Heavenly Father that if we were suppose to have more children that it was going to be left in his hands. And guess what...I got pregnant right away-We didn't know that I was pregnant. I had the IUD, that was causing so many problems, taken out and found out that I was 4 weeks pregnant when I started to have abnormal bleeding *TMI* and they did a test and ultrasound. Not sure how this happened, but it did. I got pretty big with Chase. They put me on bed rest at 16 weeks, and with 6 other kids that was crazy. I made it to 36 weeks, and this kid wasn't going to wait any more. It was Michael and I's anniversary when I went into labor...We really were hoping he would wait till the next day. Well, as to not have the same experience that we had had with Jazzi, we left as soon as the contractions were timing close together. It is a long drive...We made it by 11:30pm, and dilated at a 6. Chase was my hardest to deliver-He was facing up with his fist in his face. I remember pushing and pushing...Finally the doctor told me that they were going to have to use the vacuum-NO way was I going to have that...I found the determination and strength and pushed that little guy out! His nose was smooched and he was all black and blue. Poor baby! BUT no VACUUM! Other than his horrible entrance into the world, Chase was good to his parents and came early that next day, just after 2:00am. He was a healthy little 6lbs 7oz. He still has that smashed nose-but man o man...he has the biggest Blue eyes and a smile that will blow you away. He is one handsome little devil. He was a good baby. Loved his Momma! He has been so healthy and active. We did not start him in school this year, we wanted to give him an extra year and with us doing this...the last 3 little guys will be only 1 year apart in school! Chase is a ham. He is also a stinker boy. He wants to play football next year, but I am not quite ready. But I am sure he will start and I will panic on the sidelines. He is not built like my other 2 boys...He got my build-Lanky! He is going to be fast and if he works he will surely be strong. He loves to sing and dance. Loves getting attention. He is a good kid. LOVES to work with his daddy! He always wants to help and learn...That is so awesome. He is a cool kid that loves his brothers. He really watches over his 2 little brothers. He melts my heart! He was meant to be here and was meant to be #7
This is Joshua Tot. We call him Tator Tot, Little Tot, Tators, and Joshy. When he was a baby we used to call him Turtle Turtle because of how his mouth was shaped...This little boy is 3. Him and Chase are 18 months apart. Again, we did not think we were going to have any more children after Chase...I was nursing and on the mini pill-But This little man was needed here on earth! He was a hard one to carry because he made me so sick. I didn't gain a pound till my 7th month. I barely was ever sick with the other pregnancies and I would always brag that at least I never got real sick...Well...I should have never bragged! I threw up every day-Everywhere. I will never forget the one time when we were out of town as a family and I had to go to Baskin Robbins to throw up...and the multiple times we had to pull over. We would kneel down as a family to have prayer and the kids would pray 'Please bless that Mommy wont throw any more'...Yikes! It was awful. Contractions started in early like the rest of em-with meds and bed rest I made it to 35 weeks they put me in the ambulance and started to take me to the Prescott Hospital. They got me as far as Kirkland and then they flew me from there. That was scary! The paramedic said that he just had a feeling-and that he really should of just flown me from Bagdad. On the flight to the hospital they gave me meds to stop the contractions...When they finally got me there things had slowed down but the doctor didn't want that. Things didn't seem right...There was a premature specialist doctor there with all his stuff ready for emergency. The doctor had to push things along, which included dilating the cervix with his fingers with each contractions *TMI* That was very painful! After about 30 minutes Tator Tot was born. The Placenta had abrupted, and it was a good thing that we got there when we did, and that the doctor was so aggressive! It took a long time for my bleeding to get under control*TMI*-I took meds for that as well-along with the nurses coming in and rubbing my belly so hard I wanted to cry...Ouch! We ended up staying in the hospital a day longer because of this. Tator Tot was a Whopping 5lbs 8oz. Just a little guy. So quiet and so very sweet! And as healthy as could be. This little boy is something else! His middle name is after my dad...Tot. And I wonder if his personality comes with that middle name. He is stubborn, and very thick headed. If things aren't going his way he gets so angry. He is a home body...He does not like going places. He loves to ride in the van, but doesn't like to get out. Even with camping and going to the river this kid doesn't like it for very long. I like that, but wonder if he will ever leave home! He is silly- and rough and tumble! He has had stitches in 2 different spots, from 2 different accidents before he turned 3. His UFC career might be lost forever. He is a pretty strong little boy...Hard to hold down. He loves to cuddle and snuggle. He always has...and still does. At night he will climb in bed and cuddle so close with his daddy that Daddy can't move all night(No sleep in this house). He loves to eat vegetables. Him and Chase both will go and grab vegies from the garden and eat them. Love that about these little boys. Tator Tot loves to wrestle and fight. He also enjoys playing guns with Chase...and makes the sweetest little shooting noises. Tator Tot is a pure blessing...And We are so thankful for him. Joshua was meant to be #8.
This MESS is Champion Romero! We call him Champ, Champy, Champers, Baby, Stinky Baby, Brat, little Mess, and YOUR TERRIBLE!! Him and Tator Tot are 17 months apart. Champ is 2 ALL THE WAY! Once again...We were done!! No more babies. We had 4 girls and 4 boys...a perfect EVEN number. I think the Adorable One sneezed really hard and before I knew it I was pregnant again. I was really tired and stressed by that point. I just didn't know if I was going to survive another pregnancy. I was lucky that I was not very sick with Champ, but I sure had every other problem. The doctor told me at the very beginning that he was going to put me on strict bed rest at 16 weeks. I wasn't to get up to do anything...Well-with 8 other children that was impossible and I was very stubborn. I will never forget-And will make this long story as short as possible! The Adorable One was going to be leaving to go to Ohio at my 32 week mark, so I wanted to be checked before he left to make sure all was ok. I had gone into one of the doctors that work in the office where I go, with a feeling that things weren't going good. I had started to change and dilate-only to a 1 1/2-So, That doctor sent me the hospital and they gave me some meds and monitored me. The contractions slowed down so they sent me home with this horrible med-Can't think of the name of it...I just know it was awful and I surely struggled that weekend. They had told me to get to my regular doctor that following Monday. My doctor who had been with me through a miscarriage and 4 other births, had great trust in me. I really think he was just comfortable with me, thinking I would know when to go to the hospital. He sent me home that day and told me he would see me in a week. The Adorable One left on Tuesday. I didn't want him to go...But he needed to go for work, and he had never had an experience come up like this...He didn't know-I didn't know-It was only going to be for 4 days. So he went, and I cried all that day! Nicci's birthday was on Weds. and I had made cupcakes for her class and softball team. I also made Dinner for some family that night and was running around like a crazy mom/woman. After dinner, and after my sister and father in law left I started to clean up. It was around 10pm so I had sent all the kids to bed. I really started to feel not so good by 10:30 I wasn't good...I had started to bleed *TMI* and I knew that if I continued to walk around or move to much full blown contractions were going to start. I was so very blessed to have my in laws, Christian and Heather, that just lived 2 houses down. I called them, and they came over along with our Bishop, to give me a blessing. I remember being so mad at myself for doing so much those last 2 days, but I am the type of person who will just do..I don't like to ask for help(Shame on me...I could of and should have asked for more help-Stubborn pregnant lady!). Anyway-Heather called the ambulance, bless her heart for doing so. Not sure she realized how grateful I was for her doing this. They called for the helicopter. If felt like we waited forever on pin and needles for the bird to get there. I will never forget when they took me out of the ambulance to put me on the little bird, I looked over and there was my daughter and Heather(there were others, but they were the 2 I saw) sitting there waiting with me. I didn't know they were there, but what a comfort it was knowing they were-all along. The paramedic couldn't even tell if I was dilated-and the contractions were few and far between but hard when they came. So They felt they should fly me anyway. I held so still, and tried to not even breath hard. They pumped all sorts of yucky stuff into me trying to get labor stalled. We flew to Del Web in Surprise because it was closer than PCH and they could handle a baby of 32weeks or higher. I was in my 33rd week. They got me inside and checked me...I was 3 centimeters with contractions. We had a very hard time getting a hold of the Adorable One, but as soon as he was reached he called me and told me he was getting the next flight to phoenix. He felt so bad, and told me sorry a million times! My parents came and were there with me...That was so amazing-They still take care of me-being a parents is a FOREVER job! I was so thankful for my parents. I will never forget how relieved I was when the Adorable One finally got there, around 10ish that morning...My security blanket! To cut to the chase here...The doctor felt that I would be able to go home that next day...I told him I won't be going anywhere(I knew) he just smiled. They did an ultrasound and couldn't find a reason why I would be bleeding like I was. About 4 hours after that...The nurse came in and said something isn't right...There was a lot of blood *TMI-again sorry*They called the doc, I was at a 5. They stopped all the meds....and within an hour-Champion arrived. Once again, the placenta had abrupted and they had no idea. Champ was a whopping 4lbs 15oz. Champ stayed in the hospital for 12 days after he was born. I was so very fortunate that the Hospital let me stay an extra day, and one extremely caring kind lady allowed me to stay at her home in Surprise till our Champ was released! Thank you so Very much!! Champ had lost weight the first couple of days, down to 4lbs 2oz. We worked hard Champ and I, to keep his weight up. We were so very blessed, our little Champ never had to have a feeding tube-even though they told me he was going to have to have one*That killed me-Even the thought was heart breaking*...I pumped and pumped and pumped!! When we left the hospital, he weight 4lbs 13ozs. I was late to a feeding one day because I had fallen asleep while pumping-I rushed to the Hospital, Balling, to find that a nurse was feeding Champ with a bottle-I about ripped her throat out*I was hormonal* after things calmed down, I just asked them nicely to not do that-that I will always be there to feed Champ. It was a very emotional experience for me. I slept in the car in the Hospital parking lot so that I wouldn't miss the early morning feedings a couple of those nights. I got to witness other mothers cry and worry about their babies that were in the NICU. This Humbled me so very much!! We were so fortunate that Champ only had an IV for a day only because his blood sugar was low. He did get jaundice and had a very hard time keeping himself warm...I could go on.
We were and are so very lucky that Champ was a Champion that day, and is such a little fighter. It was hard being away from home -away from our 8 other children-away from the Adorable One on the night that he had to be at home...those 12 days. But because of this, I know how important it is, that as a MOTHER, being at home really does matter. We learned so many lessons with this experience. The Adorable One made an appointment to get 'Fixed' a day after Champ was born. The Lord made it clear that we were done. I have no doubt in my mind that the 3 little boys were suppose to be here. As hard as it was...And is...They have a purpose. And one of those is to drive me crazy :O) Champ was a tough baby...Cried a lot. He was very clingy to me, and wouldn't let others hold him. That was hard for the longest time. But now...He loves his brothers and sisters...especially Nicci. He even said her name first before the rest. Champion is VERY busy! I can not let him out of my sight for to long, because he will find trouble. He is a sweet cuddly little disaster. He sucks his thumb and has these huge eyes that just melt Michael and I. He is very difficult to discipline. He is Happy and so very smart. He knows how to run our iPad, iPhone, and Kindle Fires. He takes them and acts like such a little pro. He is Not potty trained just yet, but we are still working on it. He can be stubborn. He is our Precious Little Man!! His name isnt Champion because we think he will be that good-It is the brand of one of my shoes-but after he was born...He truly is a Champion-and the name fits him perfectly!! He was meant to be #9.
Even though we ended on an uneven number(I always swore I wouldn't do that), our family is what it is because our Heavenly Father lined it out for us this way. Each child came when they were suppose to...Each one came with a lesson and humbling experience. We are so thankful for each and everyone of our babies. They bring us such joy! Things get hairy at times, and it is a roller coaster that we are on most every day...But we wouldn't change a thing.
The Pacheco Family!!
Michael, Toi, Cassandra, Justin, Catherine, Jessica, Cameron, Jasmine, Chase, Joshua, and Champion.
MT+CJCJCJCJC....Kinda cool!!
**TMI-To much information. Cant leave out details though...
***For Bragging rights...I never had an epidural. Had pain meds with Sass cause I was frightened to death thinking I couldn't do it all natural and I still felt everything. And also with Justin-he came so fast and the pain was so fierce-They put the meds in my iv and not a minute later-He was born. Meds didn't do me any good during-I felt great afterwards though!! I never got meds for pain after that-My labor and delivery's were pretty easy for the most part!
Thanks for reading this short BOOK about the Pachecos :O)
The picture of you and your sweetheart is beautiful. You look so happy and I love that you're real enough to post a photo without makeup on!