Today, while at the school, I had noticed and watched a van pull up with a High School kid...I watched as the Mother started to lean in for a HUG and the young man had quickly turned his back and opened the door-I watched as the Mother's face became so sad and she just put her hand up and waved...I saw that she had said something, I am assuming it was either 'Have a good day' or 'I love you'! I than watched a few other Mom's dropping off kids...In one Car, I had noticed that the Mom was angry and you could see the sad face of the Young Daughter and there was No HUG. The other few vehicles that I noticed didn't do anything...No HUG-No Smiles-No words! The kid just got out of the vehicle and the MoM drove away*I didn't notice any Dad's this morning*.
My chin quivered just little as I thought about this while holding onto Champs hand and looking at Chase n Tator Tot walking near by. I have been the Mother in van....There were times when we would get to the school and Justin wouldn't give me a hug goodbye-He always told me he loved me, but I did miss out on the hug*He was in 8th grade-TeenBrat*. Justin always HUGGED us, so it was hard for me when he didn't. Can be very heart breaking!
There were also the times when I have been angry with my children while driving them to school-Getting on them for chores that didn't get done, or homework that didn't get done, or the lunch that didn't make it to the van, or a bad attitude that needed to be adjusted. In all my years of being a parent of school children, one thing I know, is the morning departure can make or break the day for the Mother and the Child. That goodbye HUG is so important. That 'I love you' is so important. That 'Have a good day' is so important. I don't know every ones situation, I am just making an observation. No judgments are being made here. It just made me think back to when Justin wouldn't give me that hug before he got out of the van, and how I longed for him to get home so that I could Hug him. It made me think about the mornings that were filled with MoM being frustrated..I would Still receive HUGS from the kids that were very forgiving of my Grumpiness. Sweet stinkers! I would love to say that I am never going to get on my kids while
taking them to school...But I can't because I don't know what each day
is going to bring...But you know, I can really try to make a conscious
effort not to. I want my kids to know that I am their biggest fan and
that I miss them when they are gone to school. I want them to know that I
appreciate their HUGS. I want them to know that I am proud of them!! I don't want my kids to ever question...'Does my
Mother Love me'!
So just to share an experience-A couple of weeks ago, we were in JOY Christian for a Football game. Justin was throwing up on the sidelines and on the field...He struggled on a few plays...I had never seen him play a Football game like that-NEVER! We lost, but we played better than we have in years against JOY. Well, I went up to Justin after the game and didn't HUG him. In fact I didn't even say anything...There were no words. It was a very TOUGH game and our boys, including Justin, Got beat up! After just looking at each other for a minute, He told me he was going to go get changed, and turned around and walked away. The look on our sons face, is still clear. He was heart broken. It bothered me for days after the game that I did not HUG Justin like I always did. I finally pulled him aside and told him that I was very sorry and I asked him if he even noticed...He looked at me and said 'I did' and the look in his eyes expressed how hurt he was that I did not HUG him. I HUGGED him and I told him that that will NEVER happen again. Shame on Me!
A HUG can say so much. It can say 'Hello' 'Goodbye' 'Im sorry' 'I miss you' 'I need you' 'I love you' 'You make me happy' 'I am PROUD of you'...HUGS are SPECIAL and very important! When you take your kids to school...Or after EVERY Football game*Or whatever sport or activity*HUG your child. If they don't HUG you, make sure to yell 'I Love you! Have a Great Day'! Kids will hear you, and they will always remember those words. They will feel bad some day for not HUGGING you-We never ever know if it will be the last HUG we might be able to give.
This also applies to our spouses! Don't forget to HUG the one that you love. It can be a long day before you might have another chance to do this...We should never take for granted the Simple HUG!
The Hugs have become habit around here...I appreciate the little bear HUGS! I can tell you that if I could HUG our oldest a few more times a day I would...Next year, I won't be able to HUG her everyday...I will miss her HUGS!
One more thing that I noticed this morning...Most every MoM was holding a coffee mug of some sort...That is hilarious to me.... :O)
Smiling :O)
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