For nearly 3 years now we have had 4 of our children attend a school way out in the middle of nowhere. It is a small school with just 4 teachers. One for preschool, one for Kindergarten, one for 1-4, and one for 5-8. Hillside school has a great atmosphere, and for the most part...It has the private school feel. Our children have done very well! All of them have A's n B's. Socially, they have had some issues *you will find that at every school* but nothing real big. There is a ton of positive things about Hillside school...It has been a great adventure-All in All...We have really been glad that our children have been able to attend such a great school. The negative part of our children going to Hillside school, is the distance. It takes them 30 minutes on a very crazy narrow, curvy, wildlife n cows, kind of road on a bus to get to school. I can't get out there as often as I would like to visit with teachers-Or just to pop in to see how the kids are doing. If they forgot their school lunch, or homework...It isn't just a hop skip and a jump to get that to the kids. In the back of my mind...I was always worried about what I would do if something happened out there...I couldn't just be there! I had a great trust in the staff out there, that I knew things would be fine, but I had a hard time *STILL* that I couldn't get out there soon enough, if something were to happen. My heart always skipped a few beats as the kids got onto the bus. But, I so love the blowing of kisses and the sweet last wave goodbye with the I love you the kids got on the bus. Throughout the day, I held onto those sweet gestures...I love my kids so very much!
The other night, the Adorable One told me that he wanted to bring all the kids back to Bagdad school. Out of the Blue-Around midnight Saturday night...He told me the reason...He wants all the kids close to home! He has a very strong feeling about this...We were up till very early in the morning discussing this. I cried...But, I support my husband in this. After all...He is the Patriarch of our family. We sat the family down for our little Pacheco meeting that we have, and dropped the bomb shell. There were tears, but there also was some excitement. Bobcat is stoked! Jazzi didn't know what to think, but after we told her that we were going to put Bobcat into the same class as her-She was excited! Nicci had a hard time at first. She would of been coming back to Bagdad next year for High School anyway, but she still was sad...Until she started to tell some other kids that go to Bagdad...Now she is ready to take it all on! Our Jessica is so very timid, and sweet. Her heart is broken, and she is scared...Her last memory of Bagdad school isn't the best. That is hard for us as parents...We knew she would take it the hardest! That just pulls at my heart strings...She is trying to be tough!
My High School kids were amazing! They are very excited about having their younger brothers and sisters on campus where
they will get to see them. Justin is thrilled because he will get to be
the big brother...Nicci is in 8th grade and there are BOYS that he isn't
going to want around her...You know what I mean! He gets to be the
protector! They help talk about all the positives. The biggest positive,
ALL of my kids are within walking distance of our home. I will be able
to walk them, pick them up everyday, and I will be able to visit with
the teachers daily. I have missed that very much!!
I am not a huge fan of the Bagdad school, to be quite honest. In
fact, I have said that I will not be putting my kids back into that
school! Well, I am eating my words. There is a reason for this change...and...There is something important about
having the kids close to you-Within walking distance...At least for us
there is!
When we pulled the kids from Bagdad, I remember sobbing while
filling out the paperwork*It was the Adorable Ones idea*. It was very hard for me to send my kids so
far away...And as I fill out paperwork to put them back in, it will be hard-I am sure there will be a few tears! BUT!! I will be supportive of the Bagdad school. I will be as
active as I can be with 3 little boys as home. And if it doesn't work
out, and we find that the kids are struggling...We will just home school
them*I am not patient-So that will be our last resort*.
The Adorable One told the family that he is doing this For the Family! He told all of us that this is the right thing to do-I am backing him up on this, he feels so strongly about it! As parents, we try to do what is best for the kids...Even as hard as it can be...With support and effort...Anything is possible!
So here it is...I am going to be brave! I am going to show my kids that we can do long as we are doing it together! I am going to teach them that it is up to us-UP TO THEM! On how this is all going to turn out. It is going to be an adjustment-A BIG ONE! Things will be different...There will be homework now...There will be 5 days of school instead of the Amazing 4 days of school! But...They will not have to ride the bus-They won't have to wake up at 5:15 in the morning-They will always have a lunch-Mom is a block away-Most important, They will be surrounded by FAMILY!
My true feelings...School is school no matter where you go! Family has always come first! School is important...but, to me...Not the most important. The most important lessons in life are taught at home! We are the most important teachers in our childrens lives...
The kids will do fine...Everything will work out! Life is going to go on...There is a reason for everything! It will be nice to have my kids close to home....
I will be brave!!
Smiling :O)
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