Monday, October 15, 2012

Pictures of the RugRats-Can't help but share!

Champ was not having the whole sitting in the grass thing!

See that little white thing in his hand??...That is his Garmy! I will have to sew it onto his Football uniform!

Tator Tot Wants nothing to do with taking pictures!

Not gonna happen!

Acts like his Grandpa Workman-Stubborn stinker!

Just smile Tator Tot!

Champ sit still...O Geez! Tator TOT!!

Tator Tot looking at Chase and says.. 'Stop'! Champ is just hanging out!

Chase loves his brothers!

No! Chase wasn't smacking Tator Tot...There was a bug...But boy does it look like 'Knock it Off Tator Tot'! Champ is 'Cheese' all over the place!

Not sure about this kid! Crazy look!

Chase was a ham!

The Adorable One's face...Priceless!

We will have to lock him up-The girls are going to fall for him with just one glance!

Can she stay this size forever...May the Teen years pass her by!

Finally starting to get into the mood!

Phew! It is about time!

What a cuddly wuddly bear!

'I am the Push Up KING!'

Hey there Little Lady!

Naturally sweet!

One of a Kind!

My goodness-

Pretty Young lady!

Top Notch Sass!

An amazing girl! She is such a beautiful girl inside and out...How did we ever get so lucky-And to think she chose us to be her parents! I am amazed!

Silly Jessi!

I think we are amazing together!

Blurry-But I see it! Love him more today than 19 years ago!

Hard to kiss when your laughing...The kids were giggling EEeeWWwww! WHAT?? Say's Daddy~Silly :O)

All the kids lean on Sass-We are in for a rude awakening when she leaves home :O(

What cute girls!                 

These are just some pictures that we took a few days ago during Fall Break. We missed out having Justin with us. The camera was having a hard time...But, I still love these pictures. Sorry for the blurry ones...But again...I can see the beauty in them all.
Trying to get these kids to sit still, is CRAZY! Especially the little boys...We will continue to take pictures here and there to get the perfect one!

Sass will make an amazing photographer some day~We will have to work on replacing her camera with one that will actually take the kind of pictures that she wants.

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