Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 17th 2003

October 17th.
What a very special day October 17th is. A little boy was born on this day, in 2003.
This Little Boy is not like any other boy. He is very unique. He has a personality that is so amazing. He is silly, loves to laugh, loves to make others happy. Loves to help others, Enjoys doing good things. He loves to Hit in Football-But worries about the other players. He gets angry-but doesn't stay angry. He gives out hugs and has such a tender touch..Even with his bear Paws! *unless he is on the Football Field*.
This little Guy, is so very smart! Not just school wise, he has always known how to be sneaky without everyone knowing that he is trying to be sneaky. Like for example: 'Mom! Can I have some Ice Cream?' 'No Bobcat! Not today...' He waits a good half hour or so and then goes up to his Dad.... 'Dad! Can Jazzi have some Ice Cream?' He was maybe 4ish when he tried to pull this one off...
He is very intelligent...and he gets that from his Father! He is a pleaser, and he is so soft hearted. He can't handle it when the other kids are being yelled at, in fact he has fessed up to doing things that he didn't do, so that the other kids wont get into trouble....Especially his Little Sis Jazzi! He can't hardly it when she is upset and crying.
Well, yesterday, October 17 2012...Bobcat had his Birthday! He turned 9. He was very unselfish yesterday. He was so proud that it was his birthday, but he never once asked 'Did you get me something?' At least not that I had heard...When I took his brownies to his class, he walked up to me-Told me Thank you! Hugged me and kissed me on my cheek...He took the brownies and set them where the teacher wanted him to...He just acted so grown up.
It is CRAZY how your love for your Child grows more and more with each growing year!
I sure love this 'Little' Boy! He can tick me off some times, but he sure knows how to melt my heart just the same!
You should see him play Football....As his Mom....I am allowed to say...He is a Stud! He has no idea how strong he is...He has no idea how much he is looked up to. Yes! He is only 9....But he is quite the example and leader! I learn from him nearly every day!
Happy Birthday Bobcat! Your Mom and Dad Love you Very Much! :O)
Bobcat 9
Nicci and Bobcat just after he was born. Nicci is 4 in this picture.
Justin holding his first baby brother-Justin is 6 in this picture.
3 of my boys! Bobcat was maybe 9ish months. Love these boys...Now I have 6 amazing men in my life! *not including my dad brothers and in law men*

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