Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just feeling a bit teary eyed!

It is amazing to me how emotional I get when I think about my Children or Husband. I just got done with my last post, and I was crying like a baby! I am working on my digital Photo frame, and I am teary eyed looking at my kids pictures. They have grown so much and I am just amazed of how full my heart is.
Things are sorta tough right now...But, When I sit and ponder on our life....We are so very blessed. What in the world would we do without each other?
I just couldn't imagine our lives being any different.
Even when I get so overwhelmed with our trials...When I kneel in prayer, I am always comforted with the humble feeling and blessing of Family. Together we can accomplish anything!
As the kiddos grow, and as we approach the time when our Oldest will be getting ready to leave and grow into her own person...and live her own life away from home...We have many times thought about what she will do, what we will do, and what we want, and what She wants. With all the talk about all of this-College, Softball, work, church, and of course her relationship with her Boyfriend...It all comes down to the same thing. We only want her to do things that will make her Happy. We don't want her to have any regrets. We suggest going through the motions, and giving things a try...But if it in the end isn't what makes her happy-We will never push her into continuing doing something that does not build her up.
What we know and think will make our children Happy, may not be what makes them happy! I am so grateful that the Adorable One and I agree with one thing...We will never PUSH or SHOVE. This isn't always easy! Especially when you know what your children are capable of. Sass has the talent to play College Softball-She is smart enough to do anything that she puts her mind into...Same with all the kids-They are all good at different things. I see them all being successful-But, what I see and what they do just might be different. Is it my hopes and dreams....or is it theirs?
For my daughters, I am happy with the idea that they go and get married. I want them to be respected and work hard at what ever it is they do. Whether it be in the work force, or at home. Of course if they have children, I will want them to stay home and raise their family. If they choose to work, I hope I will live close enough to be able to take care of my Grand babies. For my sons, I want them to go on their Missions, return with a testimony, attend College OR come home and be hard workers. I want them to be HARD WORKING bread winners for their families-Taking care of his own and not relying on others. If my sons choose to not get an education and work at the Mine...I will be thrilled to death. I want my kids to stay near home. I want them to experience things, but I will be just fine if they stick around and build their own families nearby so I can be near them always. I guess I just am totally FAMILY prone. Education is important...And I do realize that jobs will be hard to get without having this. But I am a firm believer that working your butt off hands on makes a better employee, who can work his/her way up just from being a hard worker and taking the time to learn how things work, and learning how to help a company to run smoothly. Some things just can't be taught in school! In the end...I believe that the kids will do what they feel at the time was best-I guess we will just have to wait and see!
Not sure if there is a purpose behind this post...Other than to just say-I am proud of our kids and will love them no matter what. They may not make the best decisions and I may not agree with everything that they do...But I will always be 'MoM' and I want to be apart of their lives. Life is to short, and I don't want to miss a thing!
Back to being emotional...
I love that I get teary eyed with the simplest things...Bobcat's football team sang Happy Birthday to him last night, and it took everything I had to not break down into tears-Of course tears of joy...
Want to be happy-Want the kids to be Happy!
One day at a time...I think that is my ultimate goal right now! Just stick to One day-at a time!
Again...Life is to short. Focus on the most important things in life-Our Family with Our Heavenly Father over all things. Everything else is just the 'Extra's' in life.
Smiling :O)


  1. :)
    It has been a very different time of life as I have seen my kids become their own. It is fun being a grandma and I can't believe that we will only have one still in school at the end of next year...time has gone by quickly now it is gone...did not seem so quick while in the thick of it all:)

    1. I look forward to being a grandma! I really hope the kids will live close. Tough not to look back and say I wish I would of Could of.
      The joys of being a mother!
