Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Month of Thanks #5 & #6

I fell a bit behind on my 'Month of Thanks' Blogging.
The reason being, I was a bit down in the dumps yesterday. We have been trying to make some much needed changes around here, I think I have forgotten to have faith...And to trust in our Heavenly Father, and also support and listen to the Adorable One. I am a true believer that the Husband and Father is the the HEAD of the household...We all should follow in his guidance. So, after a good day of pondering and praying...I feel so much better today. I feel comforted in knowing that I just need to exercise Faith...and to do my part and Support the Adorable One when decisions are made! *And no! I do not bow to him and kiss his feet...But he is the LEADER of our Pack! and I love him very much!!*

Back to my 'Month of 'Thanks'.

Yesterday I was very Thankful for the power of prayer. I am so very grateful that I have a Father in Heaven that loves me, knows me, and listens to me. I could not imagine a life without knowing this. I have always prayed...I pray throughout the day-There is a constant prayer in my heart. My prayers do not always get answered the way that I would like them to...But when I am struggling and things seem a bit tough...I always feel comforted. And when my prayers have been answered, the feeling of kneeling down and Thanking our Father in Heaven for blessing us...Is overwhelming! I am Thankful for Prayer!

Today...I am Thankful for a couple of things.
I am very Thankful for the people in my life who uplift me. Isn't is amazing how you come to realize who the most important people in your life are. The people who don't make you feel as though they have to work hard to Like you. The most important people in my life...Are the ones who except me for who I am. They do not envy they do not judge. They are simply honest and true. I can go to Bashas and receive a simple Hug from someone who just simply enjoys visiting with me, even for just a few minutes. I won't see that one person again for a few days....But when we meet up again, it is usually in the same way 'With a Simple HUG!'. I am one of those people who do not need the Friend get away, or the Nights out with the ladies....I have no desire for this. I just can say, that I do appreciate those who go out of their way to say hello. I know who means it...I am Thankful for those who share a sincere smile and Hug, it always uplifts me and makes my day!

I am also Thankful for our Country. I still believe in the Beauty and Freedom that is all around us. As today is Election day...I think about what tomorrow could bring. I have my choice of who I believe will serve this country with integrity. My choice isn't based on Color, Religion, or who makes more money. I simply have read, listened, and felt. We need a strong President that Loves this country as much as I/we do. We need someone who will FIGHT, and keep us a STRONG country. I pray...And will continue to pray throughout the day, that the Lord has a hand in today's election. And, even if my choice is not the voted choice....I will PRAY for our country, and for those who make decisions for our Freedom and well being.
One more thing...It won't matter who is President...If we continue to treat each other with such hatred, we will destroy this country ourselves! We have already, in many ways.
I Love that I have the freedom of speech and Religion. We are all very SPOILED and BLESSED to live in this Country. Wish we all would take a bit more time to care about where we live.

Smiling :O)

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