Sunday, November 4, 2012

Month of Thanks #4

Today I am thankful for days like today!
We have chosen not to rush. We did not attend church this morning. We have no schedule and we have taken today just to visit with family and to take a short breather!
During the week we are all so busy with work, school, laundry, sports, and some times the weekly church activity. We are taught that Family is the most important, yet we keep ourselves so busy and overwhelmed that family time gets put off. I know that for us, that by the time 5:00 comes, we are so tired and ready for bed, there isnt a whole lot of energy to put into our family! We wear ourselves out with things that maybe we could change and cut back on, so that there is more family time. I understand the responsibilities...but again, Family should come first. It is what our Heavenly Father has intended for us....
So again, today I am thankful for days like today!  A day of rest spent at HOME with Family!

Love your family. Spend time, be kind & serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised & today is short.
Spending time together as a family isn’t something that “just happens.” If you want to spend quality time with your family on a regular basis, you’ll have to be intentional about it and put effort into making it happen....
That is very true!! Don't just assume you will be able to spend time with family at any given time...

Love days like today!

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