Thursday, November 8, 2012

Month of Thanks #8-A mixture of different things.

So When I was thinking about what I was thankful for today...I was searching some Pioneer stories. I love to hear about how People survived back then. There are so many things that I wish we could go back to.  We do not have a clue as to how hard things were back then.
As I read this 'Way of Life in the Old Pioneer Days', I thought...What a world we would be living in if things haven't become so simple and easy. The things we think are hard-Boy! We are not very tough.
I am going to go through this article, and kinda highlight my thoughts throughout it....I will give my 'Month of Thanks #8' at the end....

Way of Life in the Old Pioneer Days
The Old Days had good points and bad points. 

What is important is that we learn from them to help make our lives better now.

The good of the Good Old Days

In general life was slower paced and less hectic than now.
There was in most families Love and Kindness and cooperation.
Most people had respect for each other.

Everyone acted responsibly and took responsibility for their actions.
Everyone worked and took care of their family.
Most people helped each other.
The Air and Water were Pure.
People worked harder physically but were usually happier. -Most of us don't know how to work-We are so Lazy, and expect things to be done by someone else!

Many people were happy.  There was singins and barn dances and preachins and
barn raising Bees, and plowin and quilting Bees.
If you read Daniel Stewart's Diary there was even a farmers traveling band.
If you visited a neighbor you would most likely be invited for dinner.
Train trips on the old Steam trains
Less pressure and stress. -Now a days-We often create stress.
Few if any bills to pay -They didn't have all these 'TOYS' that we have. Motorhomes, 4wheelers, boats...They didn't have credit card debt*

No telemarketers -No telephones. If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to actually go and visit them. I am thankful for email, cell phones n such, but I do enjoy the personal visit more.
Good Hunting with lots of wildlife

What was bad about the Old Days.

Good medical knowledge and care were nonexistent. No hospitals. I am very Thankful for the medical technology. We are very blessed to have the equipment and doctors that have the knowledge to save lives.
No police, fire, public safety protection.  No ambulances or paramedics.
No 911 to call when help was needed -Everyone had to help one another.
Prior to the revolution, people were ruled by brute force rather than by Laws -This one had to be hard!
weapons had to be kept nearby for protection. Thankful that it isn't so bad today...But I do think that we will have to use guns in the future for protection in a similar fashion.

There was a general lack of knowledge about health and many other important areas.
There were few if any stores and little choice of things to buy. And, us living in Bagdad, complain about having to drive an hour to get to WalMart...Spoiled!
Most people were farmers and had to raise or make nearly everything themselves. I am not sure if this is a bad thing...We could save a lot of money if we all learned to be a bit more self efficient.
They usually had very little money to buy things. Now a days, if you don't have a cell phone, or quads, you are considered poor-That is sad!
There were few conveniences that we take for granted now. All the list below is for sure taken for granted...
No electricity or electric appliances, No TV Radio or Internet -What would we do without TV
No washing machines or dryers or electric irons or electric heaters.
No toilet paper, No flush toilets. No Toilet paper...Yikes! My dad did not have a flushing toilet until he was married...
One had to go outside to cold outhouse even in winter.
 but some people were rich enough to have a chamber pot which eliminated the trip outside at night.
It was unwise to travel or go outside the safety of a cabin at night.  There were wild cats, wolves, bears etc. roaming around at night. 
Our pioneers often reported howling at night from outside.
Most cabins were dark inside at night because people did not have candles or oil lamps or fireplaces.
The best place to be at night was in your bed as primitive as it was.
If pioneers had domestic animals they had to build a barn as soon as they could to protect them.
There were no cars, busses or airplanes I wouldn't mind going back to Horses n Wagons.
No fast food places or restaurants. I think I would be ok to go without these...We don't have them where we live.
No TV dinners, freezers, refrigerators or microwave ovens. We have been without a Microwave oven now for a few weeks...WE really got used to the convenience of being able to just put our plate in and push a button...And a few minutes later, We had ourselves a HOT meal. I do wonder, what did they do with their food back then? I will have to research that one.
No telephones -Don't know what we would do without Cell Phones.
No gas, oil or coal heating.  You had to build the fire first to get warm. I was raised with having to build fires. It was hard work to keep the wood up, but I loved the feel and smell of having a fire.
And just how was that fire started without matches? :O) What did they do?? Without matches?!
Cabins were drafty, and often did not have windows.
Many did not have fireplaces so there was no heat or drying fire inside.
Cabins usually had dirt floors and were at ground level which meant that insects, spiders, mice, snakes and other vermin shared the living quarters. And we complain about our homes...Shame on us!
Beds were primitive, small and in general not comfortable.  They often consisted of piles of grass or straw.  This may have been soft but it meant that you had to share your bed with various other creatures. Usually with four, six or eight legs. That would be scary!  Later a stuffed mattress was placed on top or a suspended lattice work of rope.  This meant a lot less sharing with other creatures.  Beds often had canopies.  This was to prevent creatures who inhabited or traveled in the roof which may have been made of straw or wood from falling onto you during your sleep.  Husband and wife slept on a twin size bed.  The man often insisted on "his" husbandly rights. I can see this...But after women had a bunch of kids, I am pretty sure they were not so quick to allow the 'Husbandly rights'  Women often had to bare and raise 8 to 15 children all without the help of a doctor.I giggle at this one. I am thankful that there is a way to help woman with the pain, but I know that it all can be done without it. I do have to say, that when there was complications back then...There was no emergency surgery...There was more of a brutally sad ending. Definetly thankful again for the medical knowledge and technology that we have today.
Discipline in pioneer families was extremely strict.  Children did what they were told.  If they disobeyed they were severely punnished. We are talking of tough skinned humans that were taught to have manners and to be respectful-This is something that we lack today. There has to be discipline.
Roads were dusty or muddy trails navigated by foot, horse or wagon.
No movies or places of entertainment.
No hamburgers, pizza, MacDonalds, Taco Bell etc. I am sure they were a bit healthier than most of us today.
The average person owned two pairs of clothes one for Sunday. I wish my kids only had 2 pairs of clothing. The laundry situation would be amazing!
Underwear was generally non existent for men and no bras for women. Now, we woman spend $50+ for a good bra...I don't-I go the WalMart brand.
There were no heated showers or baths.  If you were lucky to own a tub it was usually about three feet in diameter and the whole family took their baths in the same water with the father usually going first. My mom told me stories of having to take a bath in a tin tub, and having to wait for the water to boil, and than having to share the water with her siblings.She would pray that since she was the baby, she would get to go first!
Shoes were awful for the most part.  All were hand made. Most were home made. Woman are way to spoiled in the shoe department. I have church shoes that I have worn for 20 years...I do not see the need for so many shoes. Now, running shoes I have had to buy new every year...Maybe that is being spoiled as well...Think about this...Flip flops in the Snow! I am sure that is pretty close to how it felt back then.
Newspapers were not home delivered.
Magazines for the most part did not exist.
There were no libraries in our area and most people could not read or write.
There were few if any jobs available you worked your farm or starved and
many people worked long hours and still had little food. Some are feeling this today! I know I am thankful for our job!
There was no welfare, food stamps or medicaid. People learned how to make it...
There ware no medications, painkillers, pills to relieve problems. I am torn on this one. Thankful for the Alieve and Tylenol ...But, the prescription stuff...Seems to cause more harm than good

I really liked this simple article. There was no author. I am going to do more research on how things were back in the HARD times. I am very interested...

Today I am Thankful for so many different things...Modern technology is amazing. But at the same time, we have forgotten how to take care of ourselves and to go without. We need to toughen up a little, and learn how to do things like they did back in the day. I am like anyone else, I enjoy my cell phone, the convenience of electricity and running water...But we shouldn't ever take those for granted....We may not always have these conveniences. If we all could just take a look around us...I am sure there are some things we could go without...Thankful for all the things we are so very fortunate to have.
*While doing this Blog, I got a phone call...My Mom isn't doing good! So, Today, I think I am so very thankful for the Modern Technology in the Medical field. I am so very angry at the many doctors that wouldn't put much interest in my Mother's condition for the last 2 years...They should be ashamed of themselves. I am Thankful for my Dad's cancer doctor for taking the time to REALLY look into my Mother's condition. There are some amazing doctor's out there that actually care about other Humans...Young and Old!
I hope this Blog can get others to be grateful for the simpler things...

*I did not change any of the words that were in the original article.  I may add some more info later on!


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