Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Month of Thanks #9-#14 *I have been very busy :O)*

Boy! I have really fallen behind on my Month of Thanks!
I am not sure what has kept me so busy...O'! Maybe it is because, I have a house full of RugRats...The loads of Laundry...The trips into Prescott...The 4 day weekend *That was so VERY nice...I did not want to send my kids back to school-Hubby was home as well...It was so NICE!*
I just have been so busy with the regular duties in life, that the Blog has had to wait. I have to admit though, the Blog was on my mind. I kept thinking how I needed to sit down and get caught up. I guess, I have grown to enjoy the thought of being able to type away...and not worry to much about who reads it, and what they think of it. Most of the time, my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts...If I had no distractions, I could go on and on and on about stuff...Maybe when the kids are grown and gone, I will be able to do that.
So on with the Month of Thanks...

Month of Thanks #9-I am Thankful for that EVERYONE is so Thankful!
I woke up and got onto FaceBook and was so excited to read so many posts of being Thankful! The best part, is...We were all on the same page. There were more than one post about, the very simple things. The things that are forgotten about. The changing colors of leaves. The Hummingbirds beautiful wings that flutter so fast, but shimmer from the sun while sitting and drinking from the feeders. The crisp clean air that has filled our mornings. The warmth of that very first fire built...The smell of that first fire.  The beautiful sunrise, that we are able to enjoy with our sight. The sounds of early morning and the calmness at night *sounds of the day with the hustle and bustle...But always, there is that calm quiet that settles in at sunset*. Running water-Running HOT water to fill a bath to bathe a dirty a little child that has played all day. Beds with pillows and blankets. A toaster. A stove whether it be gas or electric. Refrigerators, that help to keep our food fresh and our drinks cold. One post mentioned how amazing and thankful they were of Smiling faces and laughter *To me, that made me think of my children...I am ever so thankful of their little giggles-Very Thankful they get along as well as they do*. How about, the smell of cookies and homemade bread that not only fills up the home with an amazing sense of warmth and a spirit of peace, but can give a snack to a little boy or girl, and in return...You receive a smile and a hug with a sweetness that only a child can give. Some posted about a new found Love in their life. One young lady, that has just been married and was still feeling that honeymoon blissful feeling, being Thankful for her better half. Posts, about expecting and feeling so thankful for the opportunity and blessing of being able to have a baby *Grandma's and Grandpa's being Thankful for the announcement of a new grandchild!*.
I could keep going, but I am sure you might have had the same experience. I feel blessed to know that there really are some out there, that are STILL very Thankful for the smaller and simpler things in life.

Month of Thanks #10-I am Thankful for my SOCKS!
These are not my socks, but I would LOVE to have a pair of these*They sure look warm!
My toes were going to fall off, I am just sure of it...Until I was able to open my drawer, and pull out a pair of very think long black socks. I am lost without socks. Even when it isn't freezing cold outside, I wear socks with my sandals *Yes! I am one of those weird looking lady with crazy colored socks on while wearing sandals in 103' heat!* I love the comfort that my socks give me....

Month of Thanks #11-I am Thankful for the Men and Women that serve our country. It is because of them that for many years we have been able to live freely, because of those who so selflessly served and fought for our country. I am Thankful for all the freedoms that I have...Freedom to of Religion-Freedom of Speech-Freedom to live or travel anywhere in our nation-Freedom to work at any job for which I can qualify-Freedom to marry and raise a family-Freedom to receive a free education in good public schools-Freedom to cut my hair, and shave my legs!! -Freedom to dress how I choose. Freedom to Drink Hot Chocolate any time I want...and much more :O)
I want to add...I am very Thankful for the families that have sacrificed just as much as the soldiers have. So many lives have been lost, and so many wives, husbands, Mother's and Father's, grandma's and Grandpa's, and hardest of all...Children have lost their parent....Spouse, sons/daughters, and grandchildren. I can only imagine how hard it must be. I have family that has someone in their lives, that serve this country. We are forever grateful for everything that has been sacrificed...For our RIGHTS to live how we choose. Thank You!

Month of Thanks #12-I am Thankful for learning little by little, on how to be self reliant.
We have been without a microwave for weeks now. We have learned how to boil water for Hot Chocolate. Warm up Tortilla's on a skillet. How to make Ramon in a pot. How to PoP Popcorn with a pan and lid...*This tastes so much better than microwave popcorn, and even the popcorn poppers popcorn!* We have done just fine without Microwave. We will probably still buy one eventually, just cause they are great for the days we are in a hurry, but for right now...We are doing just fine-Still alive! We also have grown to love homemade tortilla's. Money is tight. My mother always told me that we should always have the bare essentials-Water, Flour, Sugar, and Eggs. Now, of course we need the Shortening, and salt...But those are not very expensive, and last a very long time. I have learned to make things from scratch and without a mixer. Both my hand mixer and Kitchen Aid have been broken*well..The kids have lost my beaters-I know I could replace those, but the motors on both of them were getting worn out-Everything is doubled if not tripled in this home!* So everything has been whipped up by hand. I should Mr. Clean arms by the time I get a new up right mixer. I don't really mind-Women did everything by hand back in the day...So it doesn't hurt me one little bit.
Well, like I mentioned, Money is tight. We were out of dish soap, and we had some change, but Sass said...'Mom! Lets make our own!'. So I looked it up on Pintrest*Love Pintrest* and we did find a recipe for Dish Soap, and we had everything you need. It did call for Washer Soap-We did not have that, but found out from Google how to make our own...Baking Soda-Who knew?! I was very proud of Sass...She grated up the bar soap, and stood over the stove for quite some time waiting for it all to melt. She put it all together, and we put it in a Milk Jug. It isn't your typical sudsy Dish Soap, but it did get the job done until I was able to get some soap yesterday. Sass told me, 'I want to know how to do things' 'I need to learn!' and I am proud of her for being so frugal. She is VERY aware of how hard it all can be when it comes to money. I have also made my own laundry soap-It worked good enough until I was able to get the real stuff...We really need to experiment with different recipes on how to make these kinds of soaps. It can be done, and it is very nice to have stuff on hand if ever needed. We will be doing more of this. Also, We don't have a sewing machine*I know...I have 9 kids and no sewing machine!* Our amazing daughter Nicci, loves to sew. She is pretty good at it. So, it has gotten chilly around here, so she sat down, took our unmatched socks, and started to make hand warmers. Well, of course Chase-Our wants to learn EVERYTHING child-Sat down with her, and she taught him how to sew these little hand warmers. Simple, rice, needle and thread, and old socks, can become something so handy. They made one for everyone in the family! So excited for 2 things here-1. Nicci enjoys sewing, and 2. Nicci had the patience to teacher her 5 year old brother something that he can use the rest of his life...We don't have the convenience of a Microwave to heat the hand warmers up, we are still trying to figure that one out.
I am thankful for not feeling like I have to have the best of everything to survive in this very SPOILED world*Not that I don't miss the things that make life that much easier*. We are learning...And I am thinking that if we do not teach our kids to want they will not feel the need to have.
Chase and Nicci Sewing some Hand Warmers!
He may not be able to match his clothes just yet, but he sure does know how to do a bunch of other things.
Sass and her Dish Soap! So proud of this kid...She may survive College life.

Month of Thanks #13-I am so Thankful for 2 legs that can get me from here to there.
I really enjoy jogging and walking. I feel amazing after just 1 mile and extremely energized after 4 *Please note...I am not a marathon runner-I enjoy the simple jog with the every now a then sprints*.
Last week, I starting working with Sass out on the Track. We were doing the workout that her boyfriend had made for her *He is a College Football player...What am I thinking!*. I had just ran over 2 miles, so I was warmed up...So I thought. The work out was 24 100's. Not all out, but about a good 65Percent. Well, I pulled my hamstring in my right leg! I was tough...Kept running, wasn't about to quit-That would make me look OLD! We worked out again a day or so later, not to bad. But, as I went running yesterday *#13 day*, Boy! It was a bit painful. I have taken for granted the ability to stretch out really good....I don't normal stretch, I just start out slow to get things moving. And when I say never I really do mean NEVER! Well, I should have last week.
My point behind sharing this...There are many who do not have 2 legs or any legs for that. So many have fell ill and have lost their mobility in more than just their legs. Many have fought in wars and have lost their limbs. I have been very blessed with 2 legs that have carried me, and have allowed me to run at will. I will heal-And my jogging life will continue. I am Thankful for my Legs.

Month of Thanks #14-I am very Thankful that the Adorable One made the decision to bring our children home to attend The Bagdad School.
When they were going to Hillside, the kids had to be up before 5:30. We had to have lunches made, and everything ready to go by 7:00.  The kids had to travel a good 45minutes on the bus to get to school and another 45minutes to get home. They did have only 4 days of school a week *that was nice* but by the time Friday came, we were ready for a few days off of the rushing around. I didn't mind the drive, and the kids had amazing teachers, so I don't want to seem negative about the Hillside school-We were so glad that the kids went there for as long as they did. But, this morning...I watched how things went...I took note of how things have changed. We no longer HAVE to wake up so early. If we want to get up at 6:30 we do. The kids wake up easier. We don't have to rush around making sure that the lunches are made...We take our time and make Hot Chocolate. Nicci gets to go to school with Justin and Sass. She also gets to ride home with them-She really enjoys this! The other kids, are excited to get to school, do their thing, and get home nearly 3 hours earlier than when going to Hillside.  It is so nice to have them home sooner! It is amazing not running around like we are going to miss the bus, and we will have to WALK-We can walk and get to school within 5 minutes. I was worried about their education...And there is some difference there. But to my surprise, a couple of our kids were a little behind with some stuff, but were ahead with some stuff as well. When it comes to the grades n such, the kids are doing great! I am able to talk to the teachers on a daily basis. I am able to be there to take the kids and pick them up...We are less worn out. We have more time at home! I am so very Thankful for this decision...And as I asked the kids this morning...They told me that they are glad they are going to Bagdad School. They miss Hillside...But, are doing just fine and seem Happier here! I know, I LOVE having the kids closer!

Phew! I am now all caught up....With my Month of Thanks!
Smiling :o)

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