Saturday, November 17, 2012

Month of Thanks #15, 16, and 17...I know, I know!

When we first got married in May of 94', the Adorable One and I, we lived in Round Valley Az. We liked it there, and it was good for us to be there being so newly married and so young. We had both our parents around at the time. Michael actually worked with his dad at the Saw Mill.
The first job that Michael had was working at the Saw Mill in Eagar Arizona, making big bucks...$8.11 an hour. But, shortly after we were married, the Mill had a temporary shut down. They gave all the workers a good heads up, so that everyone could look for work elsewhere. We had a friend who owns a Hunters Guiding outfit, so he offered the Adorable One a job. Michael, worked as a Cook for Hunters and their Guides...cant remember how much he made there-it was cash and seemed really good at that time. That job didn't last to long-Michael burned down the HUGE tent that was used for cooking and eating...YIKES! I think it was a blessing-I was not sad he lost that job. He was gone for weeks at a time, with no way of communication...I didn't like it one bit.
We were fortunate that the Mill had started up again, for a short period of time. But, after a few months, the mill had shut down permanently. Without delay, the Adorable One was out looking for work.
He found Circle K, making a whopping $5.25 an hour. We lived in a little O' trailer at that time...*We moved a total of 8 times within the first year of our marriage*. While The Adorable One worked at Circle K, he worked graveyards. My favorite thing about him working there, was he would bring me Hot Chocolate and powdered donuts Every Morning...He would wake me up, and we would visit for a little bit until he fell asleep...I also held a job. I worked at a Movie rental place...Didn't make a bunch of money, but it helped a little.
Finally, after a few months of working at Circle K, a Town site job came open, and Michael was hired on with the Town of Eagar. We jumped up to a Whopping $6.50 an hour...But it did have
benefits. I remember he worked hard, and was pretty happy there. We couldn't complain...We had
food, and we were able to pay the bills. And with a baby on the way, we took whatever we could get.
We had Sass August of 95', While living in one of my favorite places that we had ever lived in. It was a cabin, with 2 rooms,1 bathroom, a small laundry room, and a very small kitchen and living room. Our Room was a loft type of room, it was awesome-It felt like home. Living there was awesome, but we needed to move out. We moved in with my In Laws for a bit. And then we were so blessed to finally get our own home, with a Mortgage Payment of $365.00 a month. Soon after moving into our house, I found out that I was expecting #2. We had Justin in December of 96'. Well, after a couple years of working with the Town, his buddies that had moved to Silver City NM, convinced Michael to apply for a job with Phelps Dodge. Sure enough, he didn't hesitate, and went for the interview. His buddies all worked as Haul Truck Drivers, but Michael was interviewed for the SX plant, and was hired on right away...He started May of 97'. We jumped to $15.10 an hour, with benefits, with bonuses *if and when the Copper price was high*, And we finally had a little bit of stability. The
Adorable One would drive back and forth, until we could afford to move to New Mexico with him. It
was a gorgeous 2 1/2 hour drive...That was a pretty tough though. I had 2 little ones, and even though it wasn't for a very long time, it was sure hard to be without my partner in crime. We finally were able to rent a trailer home and Move to New Mexico around Septemberish Octoberish of 97'. We lived quite a ways from the actual mine, in Santa Clara. I Loved it! There were many things I loved about being in NM.
Well, all the buddies had moved back to Round Valley, but we stayed in Silver. We bought a home in Silver. It was a fixer upper, but it was a place that we made our Home. It had a big front and fenced in back yard. It had an old shed in the back. It had huge trees in the front and back. It had 4 bedrooms, 2 big bathrooms. A big kitchen *with the Old Oven in the wall-Loved that!*. It had a pretty big Living room, with a down stairs Basement...Michael used it as his 'Shop/Man Cave'. It was just right. Just after moving in, we found out that we were expecting #3. Nicci, was born in May of 99'.
We night fished every week. We would go camping at Bill Evans often. Turkey Creek was a long drive, but we loved going to the River. In fact, that is how Sass and Justin learned how to swim. We Threw them in the water, and told them to swim *Not in the way that it sounds*. At a young age, those 2 kids would float on floaties, down the river, and we would just watch them...I am a much weaker mother now, and would not be able to do that :O) We were happy, but did have finacial woes-It wasn't cheap living there. Boy! Making the Mortgage became difficult.
Around 2000 2001, Tyrone Mine was threatening shut downs, over and over. We were very nervous that we may be layed off. In Aug. of 2001, we had our Jessi.
December 2002, We came across a Moving package that the company was giving out. They were trying to get people over to Bagdad Az.
I prayed hard about this change...Feeling scared! We owned our home , and we had just put in all new carpet and tile. The kids had an amazing school, with awesome teachers. The answer came, along with a complete feeling of peace. We were going to be moving, and it was the right thing to do.
The Adorable One interviewed and we were offered the job. We took a pay cut *Michael had moved up the ladder there at Tyrone. He worked very hard and was very respected by his co workers there. It was a very good experience that the Adorable One needed that has helped him to reach his goals*.
So we moved our family, the 6 of us, December of 2002, to Bagdad AZ. Into a 3 bedroom home, with a tiny kitchen, a very small dining/Living room. It was next to the Golf Course, so the surrounding area was gorgeous. We moved just within a few months of living there, into a 4 bedroom home just two houses down the street...We were expecting #5, so they moved us.
We Have loved Bagdad ever since we came for the interview. Michael worked his way back up that ladder, and we are on salary pay. He has worked so very hard to be the Boss that he is today. The Adorable One has worked and learned without going to college. Without having that degree...He knows more about the process of copper than any educated man *So I say!* He has worked and provided for this family. I have had the blessing of being able to stay home to raise the kids. I have been taken care of! I am so Thankful for that!
We now have a bigger family, and we struggle. Just to note-When the Adorable One asked me to marry him, he looked me in the eye and said... 'We will Never have a lot of Money! But we will always have each other!' Who cared...WE had LOVE! That's all that mattered. But I do know that it takes more than just Love.*We were 18 and 19* I wouldn't have changed a thing.
We now live in a home that is on the hill looking over the town of Bagdad. We have been very Blessed to live here.

My Month of Thanks #15-I am so very Thankful for a hard working Husband who never went a day without working and trying to keep this family afloat. There really are not any words to express the gratitude that I feel for my Husband.
And for our struggles and trials that we have overcome, and are still overcoming. In the 19 years of marriage *nearly 20*, we have had one thing after another happen. Most couples would have called it quits. Even still, There has been so many AMAZING positive things that have happened as well...We have some awesome memories, and we are now starting to sit back and say...WE have been through a lot, and we have done well *So WE Say!* . With EACH trial there has been growth.
Our trials may seem small compared to what trials some other families have. Everyone has their own lessons to learn in life...And who is to say what trials we may still have to endure. We are still very early in the 'Game'.  We take one day at a time...Counting our Blessings.
I do look back, and I really do not know how we made it. Together, just might be the only answer. We just keep pushing forward...
Thankful for every experience and memory.

*Here's to many more...
What a perfect choice we made!

Month of Thanks #16-

I am very Thankful for My parents. I have learned that Growing older isn't just hard because of the Physical aging, it is also the emotional part of watching all of our Loved One's Growing older. I am so Thankful for how I was raised-I was not raised to be lazy. And I was raised to be kind and to serve others. I can't get into to much detail...There needs to be a Blog dedicated to how I was raised, giving credit and praise to my parents.
Both my parents have health issues. My Mother had surgery on this #16th day. It was a simple surgery, but the thought of the BackBone to our family having to suffer in any way, is heart breaking.
I am very Thankful for both my Mother and Father. I sure Love them more today, than I did way back when when I did not understand the reasons behind their 'Madness'.
Two of the most amazing people and influences in my life!

Month of Thanks #17-

Today, I am Thankful for Bacon...Yes! May sound silly, but I can eat a whole pound all by myself. Bacon is so expensive, so it is a serious 'TREAT'. We eat it as fast as it cooks. Bacon is something that every single one of us 'LOVES'.  We could eat Turkey Bacon, it is cheaper...But it isn't the same. We could live without Bacon..And really, we do not get it very often unless my Dad brings us a 30lb box of it from one of his favorite store over in the Valley. I am thankful of one of life's simple pleasures....BACON!!

Once again...Till tomorrow...I am all caught up! :O)

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