Monday, November 19, 2012

Month of Thanks #18 and 19 :O)

You would think that when a family lives in the same town, they would see one another all the time. Kids would go to school together, be on the same sports teams, and there would be frequent get together's.  Husbands would see each other at work, and of course the family would attend church and visit with one another while there.
We are fortunate enough to have the Adorable One's family *half of it anyway* live here in Bagdad with us. We have his Dad, his brother and his family. The brothers work for the same company, but in completely different areas. The Dad also works for the same company, and in the same department as the Adorable One, but they don't see each other very often. The kids from the 2 families attended the same school for the last 3 years, but that changed when we brought our kids back to Bagdad School. Normally, the girls from both families, would play on the same softball team...But, this last year they were not put on the same teams, so we were all going in different directions most of the time. We do go to church together, but rarely do we visit with one another...When church is over, everyone is pretty much getting in their cars to rush home to eat :O)
It can be a little bit depressing to think that we have family just up the road, and we never seem to have enough time to really get together often. But, when we do get together...It is quite loud and crazy. Both of us have big families...The Brothers family have 7 children. Their older 2 are busy, with 1 serving a mission, and 1 attending College...They are in a different phase of life, yet they still have 5 at home, so they still are rolling in the same phase as we are. They have quite the bunch themselves, and when we get together...that makes 14 kiddos running around *well, Sass doesn't run around, but the 2 older boy cousins...They still run around!*
Last night...We were very SPOILED! The Brother and his family made Home made pizza and Wings and delivered them to our home. We had vegies galore as well. The Brother came over, and dropped off a few pizza's, the vegies, and some wings...Along with the kids, while his wife slaved away at their home, making more pizza's and Wings. The Brother made 3 trips, and by the time him and his wife were able to quit cooking and come to join us, all of us had already eaten. I can not express how AWESOME that was, to be able to have them over. That made our week...The food was so Yummy! The kids had a blast! The parents got to visit! It was very nice. And Boy! Do we appreciate all the effort that was put into the dinner. It will be our turn next time!!
We should always try to make time for family...It is very hard to do. We are all so different, and we are all so busy in our daily duties, that by the time the weekend comes...I think most of us want to just veg out at home *or maybe that is just me!*

My Month of Thanks #18-I am so Thankful that we have family that is near by. In our very busy lives, it is nice to be able to take a day/night, to spend with family that just lives up the road. I know that I really enjoy watching The Adorable One play with his Nieces and laugh with his brother.
*I married such a special human being-He loves his family!!

Month of Thanks #19-

Imagine only having a broom...
You know! It may seem so very spoiled of me, but I am so very Thankful for my carpet, and Vacuum Cleaner!
I could not imagine how it must of been to have bare floors, with no carpet...Or some times floors that were just dirt. Although, that is how it seems in our house some times...Having to search under the dirt to find the carpet again. 

I do really appreciate our carpet. It isn't the most lush, but it sure beats walking around on a cold hard floor.
I have had many brands of vacuum cleaners. Rainbow, Hoover, Dirt Devil, Sharp, Bissel, Kirby, and I have used Electrolux. I own an Electrolux shampooer, and I love it. It works so good, and sure helped me to keep our old 'Cream' colored carpet clean. Electrolux is a great brand.
My favorite, and the best ones *so I say* are:
1. Dyson-Great machine!
2. Electrolux-This vacuum *whether you use the upright or Canister is a great vacuum-I just don't like to have to worry about the bags.
3. Rainbow-The hard part with the Rainbow, I couldn't just whip it out to use it if I was in a hurry...But it sure made the house smell good and it cleaned really good!

I appreciate my Dyson...It works all most as hard as my washer n Dryer.
The simple things that make our lives so much easier...There are so many... But the Vacuum, is for sure one of my top favorites!

The Whirlwind vacuum cleaner.  It was invented by a Chicago native named Ives McAffey in 1869.  His machine was cleverly designed and had most of the components of a modern day upright vacuum cleaner, except for a motor.  Suction was created by a fan driven by a belt connected to a hand crank at the top of the cleaner.  Unfortunately, his company did not do very well.  It is believed that McAffey did add an electric motor to his machine some time later, with no success.  Perhaps his invention paved the way for later companies to flourish in the early 1900's.ion

I bet it was exciting to get one of these 'Vacuums'...It does remind me of a lawn mower :O) But it sure beats the 'Broom'
I have had 3 of these vacuums. They do their job, and they survive my kids. We have one that has a hole in the hose*from the kids* and it still has suction. Love the Dyson!

1 comment:

  1. this is an awesome and informative article.thanks for the share with us.I enjoyed it.
