Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Month of Thanks-Just to sum it all up...

As November comes to an end, I look back at my 'Month of Thanks'. I have fallen behind just to get caught up...Just to fall behind again. It isn't because of the lack of 'Thanks', but rather due to finding the time to really sit and post.
The last 2 weeks had so many up's and down's that I had to make sure that my feet were grounded so that I wouldn't be completely knocked down nor would I be lifted off the ground and forget to be humble. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason...Just have to be open minded and patient.
I will try to sum up the missed 'Month of Thanks' in this post...I hope to not get to carried away :O)

There are so many things to be Thankful for. Where do I even start...Thankful for an amazing family that I married into. Thankful for my Father in Law who is alive and well today. Thankful for a visit that my Mother in Law gave us just a few days ago. Thankful for brother and sister in laws that put up with me, sometimes even with a smile!
Thankful for the heater that I am able to turn off and on, because the weather can't decide if it wants to be cold or warm. Thankful that 'Christmas' is on its way, and so many are talking about spending it with family and celebrating it the Traditional way.
I am Thankful for parents that have the patience to have all 11 of us stay in their home from time to time. Thankful for siblings that love their families-Speaking of Siblings...I really do Love each one of mine. We are all so very different, yet so much alike. We don't always agree, but when it comes right down to it...We sure Love each other. I will always be here for each of them...I am Thankful for ALL of my Nieces and Nephews...
I am Thankful for the sweetest little voices that are in my home. Our little Champ that says 'Poo Poo in the Toilet' in the sweetest little voice...Who can count and is so very smart. Tator Tot who says the silliest things. Thankful for Chase who does things to help me out without me even having to ask...He just may be the one to take me in when I get to old to be by myself. Thankful for Jazzi who 'Saved' my life the other day, and who has the prissiest attitude with the cutest little dimples :O) Thankful for Bobcat who hugs me in front of all of his friends, because he isn't embarrassed. Thankful for Jessi who HAS to give me a hug 5 times before I leave to go get the mail. Thankful For Nicci who has tried very hard to never be disrespectful...I appreciate that very much. Thankful for Justin and his smile...He sure can brighten my day with just his smile. Thankful for Sass...Just thinking about her puts me into tears! She is the oldest...She is the leader of the pack...She is unique and is amazing... I am so Thankful for my children...They are healthy! They are Happy! They are silly and act their age...I am so very grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to raise them...I pray that I do not mess them up to bad! I know, that they know that I Love them...But I hope they know...How much I LOVE them!*If you understand what I am saying*
I am Thankful for the Adorable One...Not sure he knows how much I just adore him :O) !
'Choose thy Love, Love thy Choice!' I love my choice.
I have a home, clothes, food to eat, vehicles that get me from here to there, I am 'Spoiled'! I live in a free country.
I am in good health. I can see. I can hear...I can play the piano. I can carry a tune. I can work. I am Blessed with the opportunity to stay home and raise my children. I get to enjoy Hot Chocolate. I am able to eat what I like. I receive 100 hugs a day if not more. I am blessed I am loved and appreciated by those who matter.
I am Thankful for the leaves that are falling off of the trees. I am Thankful for the air that I breath. The warm shower I get to take twice a day if I choose. For all the smallest pleasures that I get to enjoy every day.  The Toothbrush and Toothpaste-Even the Floss. The comb and brush. The fingernail polish that brings huge smiles to my daughters faces. All of the amazing little things...Butter for toast. Salt for the eggs. My senses...Hearing seeing smelling feeling and tasting..*I know I already mentioned a couple of those-Dont take those for granted...They can be lost very quickly*.
I have faith in God and know that he Loves me. He knows what I need, and he hears my prayers. I Love Jesus Christ and am very Thankful for his example to me. He is my brother, and Savior...I am Thankful for the Atonement...
I am Thankful for being Me, I am Blessed!
*And I thank my Heavenly Father every day for all that he has given me...*

The weather is amazing today... Smiling :O)

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