Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lets all just Slow down a little bit!

I wouldn't mind just gathering up the kids and the Adorable One, and take off for just a month. No cell phones...No emails...No School...No sports...No Church...Just us and each other.
Some how, Some where...We have made this life to be so much harder than what it should be. We have to rush. We have to participate. We have to work so hard in school, as a Kindergartener, your stressed out. Now a days, between work, school, and church...You are kept from doing the most important stuff.  We are so busy, and I enjoy busy...But I don't enjoy the 'Demand' that is given to meet certain standards.
Our Husbands, or wives...have to work so much just to keep up. We have raised our children to believe that we have to have all this material stuff, that the kids end up suffering. They come home to an empty house, and usually end up by themselves until the evening. But, at least they have their 'Toys'. Maybe I am wrong...Maybe I am just tired and need a vacation. Maybe I need to go to work...*For finacial reasons-Nah! It wouldn't be worth it. I need to raise my children! So I guess we will just be one of the few families that doesn't have a bunch of 'Things'!*
I don't understand...I don't get it! I don't see why we have to keep ourselves so busy, that we are so worn out...and can't enjoy the whole purpose as to why we are here!
I love sports! I love watching my children play and succeed and even fail...Makes em stronger! But even now...I have to admit...I am fine with the kids choosing 2 sports and taking a season off to just do what they would like or to work hard to be ready for the next sport. I have enjoyed not having to worry about Justin going to basketball practice, and trying to do the workouts that he wants...Or sass being so tired from trying to play ball, work out, condition, throw 100 pitches, and study every day. I enjoy that the little kids are home after school, and we are able to function normally for a little bit. Give me Football, Softball and Baseball season. I am Thankful we don't have singing and dancing and gymnastics and karate and ALL the extra stuff...It is just to overwhelming...I have done it.
I don't get why everyone has to be put their kids into every thing...For one, usually it costs so much that both parents have to work...or there is a lot of stress. Two, everyone is so busy driving and rushing just to make it on time...We miss out on practices because we have to hurry up and go pick up sister...or Brother from Karate.
Don't misunderstand what I am trying to say...Again...I LOVE watching My Children play sports. I love to see them participate in programs at school. I like to be busy. We used to live in an area where all sorts of extra activities were available. I remember having our 2 oldest in Little League and Karate at the same time. What a mess....we had 4 kids, and I remember rushing around taking the baby car seat in and out...Always rushing!
Maybe...I am old fashioned. I would give anything to live out in the boons on a ranch...Teaching my kids how to work and to work together...
Every family does what they feel is right for their families. What I say is right doesn't mean that anyone else agrees. That is one of the best things about having the freedom of choice.
I am sure, people don't agree with how I do things with my family...and that is ok. I just woke up today...after not getting much sleep, thinking...I don't want to wake the kids up. Everyone was so tired, and I just wanted us all to REST and stay home and be Lazy...Together!!
Take me away to an island or shoot...Give me a cabin in the woods...Just give me time with just my family with no interference...Just for a little while! Especially right now...While I have ALL of my Children home. I am not ready for our next phase...Well, I am*I think*! But, what I wouldn't give for the kids to all stick around...Live in the same town...Be near, so that I can hug them each and every day!
I am a homebody! I love my kids...I would not want to be anywhere else, but home...So glad that I CHOOSE to do just that! And trust me...I don't sit around and eat Bon Bons all day!

Yawning and Smiling and Getting ready to take on yet another busy day... :O)

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