Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just some thoughts... :O)

So how much credit do we give our husbands?? What is the Husband's role in this whole Marriage/Parent ordeal?? If I were to go to work, who's responsibility is it to take on the house/yard work?? Should women work if they have children?? How does our relationship with our spouse effect our children??

I watched my siblings and parents close, before I got married. I saw the struggles and hard work that came with being married. I remember even watching T.V. shows, and taking notes of how I wanted my marriage to be. *One thing is for sure...I knew that marriage was HARD!! And that it was going to take effort...I also understood that by bringing children into the picture that it was going to be that much harder. I realized the importance of having a good relationship with my spouse at a young age. Never to take marriage for granted...Understanding that it is a commitment never to be taken lightly.

The biggest examples in my life...My parents.
I was raised with my mother home every day. She baked, she cooked-Healthy meals, She mowed the lawn, she would stack the wood, She did all of the household chores, the bills, and she was always up by the crack of dawn looking amazing...Every day! My dad was gone most all day, every day. Weekends were spent out in the woods cutting down trees, and working to bring in at least 2 cords of wood. This was done every season...Fall, winter, spring, and summer *Something that I miss terribly*
My dad would come home, and would sit down take his shoes off, and my mother would bring him his dinner. I remember how frustrated she would be when he would make a mess, or forget to take off his muddy shoes...I remember the saw dust that would get stuck in his pants, and she would make him undress before he could enter the home.
On Sunday's, My Dad and Mom would both get up early...My dad was usually reading his lesson or news paper. My Mother of course was just organized and always ready to go...Very rarely, were we late! But, BOTH my parents were there taking all of us to church. EVERY WEEK!
One of the things that I admire about my Mother, is she ALWAYS supported my dad.  She loves my dad...And he can make her so very angry...But, she is proud to be his wife and she always stood by him when times got tough. And to this day, even though he still frustrates her with his little messes, She has been there for him supporting him. 
A week or so ago, my Mother had surgery...I asked my dad if he wanted me to come down to help...His reply 'Your Mother has always taken care of me, It is now my turn to take care of her!'
Wow! They will be married 50 years in May!

So I will ask the questions again, and I will give my answer and my opinion...*Remember-It is just my opinion!*

So...How much credit do we give our Husbands? 
Not enough! The Adorable One does the best that he can to provide for our family. He tries very hard to make sure that work doesn't come before family. There are days when he comes home, that I am so crabby because my day was long, that I forget to even ask how his day was. Think about it like this...You spent all day cooking. You made his favorite dessert. When he comes home, sits down to eat...and than gets up without saying Thank you...How does that feel? How often do I say Thank you to the Adorable One for all of his hard work?? Not often enough! It should be every day. I appreciate everything that Michael has done and does for me, Every day! *By the way...He always tells me Thank you!*

What is the Husband's role in this whole Marriage/Parent ordeal?? 
I believe that it should be a good 50/50 kind of deal...But I can tell you this...I have never expected my Husband to come home from work, just for me to say...'I am glad your home! I am out of here for a few hours!' Nor, would I ask him to make dinner and bathe the kids, because I was to tired, or because I felt that it was his Duty as the Father. With that being said...I have never had to ask...The Adorable One will come home, and if there is laundry on the bed...He folds it. If I am busy cooking or doing who knows what and the kids need a bath, you bet...He gets it done. You really have to work together. And it should come natural. Michael wants to be as active as he can with the kids. His health doesn't always give him the energy to do so, but he sure tries. A family needs BOTH parents. Not just a dad that works, and a mom that stays home.

If I were to go to work, who's responsibility is it to take on the house/yard work??
If I had to go to work, you could probably bet that I would feel that as the wife and mother, I am the one responsible to have the house in order. That isn't to say, that I wouldn't be delegating. Children need to help! Children need to learn how to work-Period!! Children need to be able to fend for themselves *Even if I never go to work, My kids still need to learn!* If I went to work, I have no doubt in my mind that The Adorable One would do his part...He already does! There is a lot on my plate...I couldn't imagine trying to do it all by myself. So to answer the question, it is both parents and the children's responsibility to make sure that the house functions and everything gets done.

Should women work if they have children??
If the husband has a job, and can provide the necessities...No.
Kids need their mom. This is a touchy subject. Many say this is old fashioned and that it is wrong to say that woman should stay home to raise kids.  We couldn't afford for me to go to work...It would cost to much in Day Care. I am just very Thankful that I have a choice in this matter. The Adorable One doesn't ask for much...He wants me to be happy. So the best thing is, we both agree that home is where I need to work. When the kids are all in school, things may change. But, I remember how much I loved having my mother home when I got out of school-Even in High School! It just is important and I have faith that it is the right thing to do.

How does our relationship with our spouse effect our children??
My goodness! The relationship we have with our spouse is so important. I know that when the Adorable One and I argue, it makes the kids sad and some times mad. Look at it like this-How do we feel when our children fight? It breaks my heart! I get so sad and sometimes so angry that I just want to run away. Our kids don't fight often, but when they do...It is miserable! I believe the kids feel the same way about us parents not getting along. Me and Michael get along really good. We have our out burst, but not very often. We work together with the discipline, and we support one another. It isn't always easy, and we are far from the perfect couple, but I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else.
We are the biggest examples in our children's lives...We should always strive to be better every day! I know that I am thankful for each new day that I can try to be a better mother!

Just a little bit of Religion...And I am sure it doesn't matter what religion you are, you would agree with the following:

'The Family' 'A Proclamation to The World'
By the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

"Husband and Wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. 'Children are an heritage of the Lord(Psalms127:3) Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husband and wives-Mothers and Fathers-Will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.
Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

Love your spouses. Thank your Husbands/Wives for all the work that they do. Be patient, and kind. Give them hugs and kisses and never ever forget to tell 'I LOVE YOU' every day!

*To the Adorable One...
You are my security blanket. I look to you for comfort. I appreciate you in so many ways. Thank you for asking me to marry you...I have never regretted saying 'Yes'. We have an amazing family, and we wouldn't have any of this without you! You are my Best Friend...I Love you dearly!
Now keep bringing home the bacon!

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