Thursday, November 29, 2012

Music...Music...Music! I love it! :O)

The Adorable One and I are still very young and still have so many things to experience. Even still...We look back and remember where we started. Nobody thought we would make it...Look at us now!
Remember when so many said we wouldn't make it... :O) Here we are, and look at what we have built! 

If there is anything that we have ever wanted for our children, is for them to be happy! May they all feel blessed to be who they are and be 'Happy' with every choice that they make and if not...May they learn from it and find happiness behind every trial and failure! I hope you Dance...And Remember who you are! Go for your dreams...

Music is AMAZING! It can bring out so many different emotions..I have loved MUSIC forever! I loved to dance and I loved to sing...I still do! Here are some songs that we LOVE to listen to...The Adorable One and I try hard to keep up with the times....

I could not find a good video for The Dance...The song is still amazing with great meaning!
This is one of Michael's favorite songs...Don't fret..The video is PG*

I happen to really enjoy this song. We sing it around the house! You can decide for yourself *I do not planning on going to a bar anytime soon...It is just a song!*

Gotta love it!
Another good one!
Oldie...But a goodie! Love Listening to the older songs with the kids...Makes me think about when we first started out...
Love this one

Good song...

This song has some serious meaning behind it! I remember dancing with the Adorable One to this song, and he sang it to me...Brings back memories...Not sure he knows how much I love to hear him sing...He has a good voice, but will never sing in public!
Great song...Love the meaning behind it, and I love hearing my children sing it!
I used to sing this with the windows down driving in Silver City....I still have this song on my running playlist!
Not a huge fan of Alicia keys, but this is a pretty good song. Sass played this song for us on our way to my parents house last week...Glad she did!

I could keep adding some songs...Music is amazing! Enjoy life! Sing and Dance every day!

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