Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So Proud!

I always knew that my parents enjoyed watching us kids compete, but I never really fathomed how exciting it would be! I absolutely LOVE watching my kids play sports.  I Love watching them perform in school plays, and I love to hear them sing n such-But watching them play sports...My goodness! I just can't explain how amazing it is.
So this post is to share a little bit about our Football Season, Volleyball season, and Nicci's Basketball season.

I will Start with Nicci...
She is playing Basketball for the first time. Going to Hillside, there really is no sports offered...They kind of had a volleyball team, and they did do 1 track meet a year. But, Sports were not apart of the school. So, it was nice that Basketball was now available. We kind of wanted her to just go and practice with Sass down at the Softball field, but she really wanted to play Basketball. Well, she had a rough start. She has had to work her way up, and she had to work hard. Her last game here at home, she rocked the court. She didn't play the first quarter. Than the coach put her in, and stuck her on #3...This #3 was making a bunch of points for the other team. But when Nicci got in, she stuck to #3, and the young lady didn't make as many points. Nicci, is fast and plays tough. ...Nicci played the rest of the game, until the last minute or so...The coach pulled the girls out to allow the other girls some playing time. The coach does well in making sure that all the girls get to play. We lost! But, Nicci was sure proud of herself. That game was a great confidence booster for her. Nicci has a lot to learn, but She is a natural *Says me-Her MoM!* I sure am proud of her. (Can't wait to watch her play some Softball)
Football is one of the FUNNEST sports to watch...Especially if you have sons playing!
Bobcat is a beast *Says me-His Mom!*
This is kid is strong, he is pretty tough, and when needed he could run that ball up the middle carrying the other team just to get the first down. He is extremely fun to watch...He has a great attitude on the field. When he hits someone, he hits them hard...But then he gets up and tries to lend the kid a hand up *they don't usually let him...But he tries every time!*. There was one time when a kid from the other team had gotten hurt and didn't come back in...I guess Bobcat went up to his coach, and asked 'Coach is so n so(I can't remember the name) gonna be ok?' *All the kids on the  other team had their names on their helmets...and Bobcat knew the name of the young boy that got hurt.* I am very impressed that he has a huge heart and was worried about the other kid. Bobcat Rocks, and I think I am his biggest fan! Love Watching him play and hearing others cheer him on! Bobcat has a bright future...Hope he continues to work hard.
Bobcat is the big kid in the front with the amazing grin!
Bobcat carrying the ball...This is from last year...

He's a little bear! Gotta love that grin..

I lied...Jazzi is his biggest fan!
Justin! Well all I have to say...Is WoW! Again...I LOVE to watch this kid play! He is a sophmore, and he Has a love for the game and a desire to work hard to be better every year.
Justin had a great season...All of the Sultan's had a good season. Had a rough start, but than came together and won all but 3 games this season. I could type away...but will cut this short.
Justin was awarded the Defensive player of the year. He was recognized for being the 'Strongest' kid on the team *Benching 290, squatting 350, and has a power clean 210-All I know...I am impressed* He was nominated to be considered for All State All Region. Justin continues to work on his speed, and is working out every day! He has a pretty good work ethic. He has made mistakes, and he wasn't always the one hitting...he was hit pretty hard this season...
We are proud! It was a blast this year! One more thing...The Sultans rocked the Mogollon field...What a game!! Proud to be a Sultan MoM!
#34 always ready to make a hit!

Doesn't like to go down easy!

*Justin got All division 2nd team-As Linebacker
  Also...All Section 1st team-As Linebacker
Way to go kid! Keep working hard, and play with Heart!

Now to go onto our Volleyball player...I don't have any pictures. Every picture that I have posted in this blog, somebody else took. I Enjoy watching the kids, and not having to worry about pictures n videos, but I have to say...I sure wish I had some of our Sass playing Volleyball.
We did not want Sass to play Volleyball. We wanted her to focus on just Softball this year, since she is trying to get a Softball Scholarship. Well, she played...And I am glad that she did. She is really good at Volleyball. Her serves were perfect-Never over served. She was pretty quick, and wasn't afraid to make that point saving dive into the court. She had a pretty good season, but her team did not make it to state. Regardless, It was fun to watch her play 'Ping-Pong' for the last time as a High Schooler.
It is now Basketball season, and we basically made the decision for her to not play. It is easy for the other girls to play all of the sports, because they are not looking for a sport to help get them through college...Sass is. So we have her out on the Softball field a good 3 nights a week. She is working out, and trying to condition*She hates to Run...This is not easy!* She has improved so much...She now has 4 pitches, and she has matured on the mound. Her throw knocks her dad off of the bucket *She does it on purpose!* The Adorable One committed to Sass to be her catcher, since Bagdad does not have a die hard catcher*Yet*. It hasn't been easy. All of her friends are playing Basketball...As her parents we are looking ahead and working on her future...Tough call. All I know, is whether or not things work out the way we all hope, I know that I have so enjoyed seeing her grow in the circle. She has no idea the power she has. WE all see it...But I am not sure she does. Sass is amazing at everything she puts her heart into...She has HIGH goals...And I have no doubt in my mind that she can achieve these goals...It all just take hard work and commitment...But most of all it takes HEART! You have to have your heart into the things you are doing to become successful.
She pitched all but 3 innings last year...She didn't get her Softball talent from me...All Pacheco with a touch of Workman attitude and endurance.

I will be the first to say that my children are not perfect...But darn it! They sure are GREAT kids *Says Me-Their MoM!*
To my Children....If you never stepped foot onto the field/court again, or if you walk out of the circle forever...I am still going to be proud of you! I LOVE you, your accomplishments, and failures! I am you biggest fan...The only time you let me down, is if you don't give it everything you have...If you don't give 110%.
I can tell you RIGHT now...I don't care if ever score a touchdown again, or make another basket. I don't care if you walk every batter...*well I do... :O) BUT...* If I watch you and you are doing your best and never quit regardless of the score, I will be the proudest MOTHER.
Hard Work+Heart=Success. Never ever forget to pray before and after your games...This is important. All of your success's wouldn't be possible without your Heavenly Father...Remember this!
You are Blessed with amazing ability...Don't waste it...Or it will be taken from you...

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