Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 19 & 20

Sunday May 19th our amazing little girl, Nicci, turned 14.
Nicci's name is Catherine Nicole...Michael starting calling her Nicci when she was just a baby, and we have just stuck with it.
When I look at her, I am in awe at how beautiful she is becoming.
Yesterday, as I was making her Nutella Cheesecake, I was thinking back to when I had her and when she will just a little toddler, trying really hard not to burst into tears.
Nicci was a good baby, and was always happy, and boy was she chubby! From the first moment she said her first words, she has been a non stop talker. She loves to talk and tell stories. She enjoys writing, and is working on a book.
Nicci is so darn outgoing...Wants to be friends with everyone.
Nicci loves to help others out with their problems, and she also loves to teach. She will be successful!
Nicci likes to sew and crochet, and doing little projects making things. She also likes to make jewelry out of beads with her sister Jessi. They have even gone down to the store and sold what they have made. I am very proud of this beautiful young lady, that helps around the house and tries ever so hard to never complain. Nicci rocks my socks, because she is very responsible with her responsibilities-School wise. She was the only one in the family this year who had to do a Science Project, and she got it done on her own.
Happy Birthday Nicci!! I love you :O)
Oh! And she isn't allowed to date till she is at least 25...
Love this Girl!

May 20...Our Disaster Champion turned 3 years old!
Champion is such a hand full and keeps us moving. I really believe that the Lord giggled a little when he sent us this little boy.
Champion still sucks his thumb, refuses to potty train completely, has a little 'Garmy'(silky blankie type thing), Doesn't talk very good, and is just a MESS!
*With my other kids...Potty training was done before 2 or just after...and binkies and everything were taken away by 3-I HAVE FAILED!! With Champ*
Champ was sent to us for a reason...To HUMBLE us! I am humbled...
I still would like to use the whole Preemie Baby excuse, but Champion is so very intelligent. I think he is just spoiled and stubborn. He knows what he is doing!
I may sound like a frustrated mom...But Really-This little boy melts my heart. He is HAPPY! He smiles and just has so much fun *Most of the time destroying the house*.  I wouldn't trade him for anything. He is a true gift and blessing to our family.
I appreciate the littlest things when it comes to Champ. He can put a smile on my face with just saying 'Hi MoM!'. That is my favorite...
Champ has come a long way. He is so very smart...and I just love him to pieces.

Happy Birthday Champion and Nicci!

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