Monday, May 27, 2013

19 years

19 years...Seems like yesterday!!
For years during High School, Michael and I built such a special relationship, and finally committed ourselves to each other for life and all Eternity in the AZ Mesa LDS Temple-19 years ago today.
For years, We were the Best of Friends-Talking late at night. Going for Night Walks...Never holding hands or kissing...Just talking and telling each other how special we were *Michael always built my confidence up-Especially when he respected me enough to never kiss me-Well! At least till we were seniors :O)*.
We used to talk about the children we would have and what we would name them...Never realizing how many children we would really have.
We have had great success building our *Imperfect-yet Perfect* Family. 
We have had plenty of ups and downs. But we have always been able to get through everything 'Together'. 
We are getting older, and we can't believe that we have come so far. There were not many people who thought we would ever make it...Well look at us now.
There isn't anyone who can make me smile as quickly and easily as the Adorable One can. There is also nobody on this earth that can make me more angry! 
We have been graduated from High School 20 years today as well...Really! Where has the time gone? 
Our oldest graduated from High School on Friday night*My next blog post will be all about that*, and it was the hardest thing ever. Michael and I are now starting a new phase of our life together-Our children are growing up, and so are we. 
Last night I kept waking up, because I wanted to start today off right...I thought about what we would have for breakfast...I thought omelets, hashbrowns, bacon, and some toast *Simple Food*. I got all excited thinking about cooking everything outside on the grill, and everyone eating together on our back porch. The perfect way to start the first day of Summer, and our anniversary.
While cooking, I started to think about way back when...
When Michael and I graduated, we didn't have a care in the world. We were going to Utah to work, and be near one another. He lived in Prove, and I lived in Brigham City. We were around 2 hours away from each other, which was tough, but so much easier than if I had gone to Utah and he had stayed in AZ. Michael would come and pick me up so I could stay with him in Provo, or he would come to see me or stay with me for a day *We both lived with our siblings...I lived with my sister for the first little bit, and then my brother. Michael lived with his brother and sister in law*. This didn't last but for 3 months.
Michael told me he was going home to Round Valley, and I told him I was going with him!
We came home, I worked at Arby's, and Michael went working for a well drilling company.
He asked me to marry him in November of 93...we were both 18 *with me turning 19 just a little bit before we got married*. We had only been out of High School 1 year...
Not to long ago, we purchased a VHS player from Goodwill for our daughters who have been begging for one forever...I found the video's of our wedding, and of course I just had to watch them.
I couldn't help but get emotional when I watched the videos, of 2 'Kids' walking out of the temple. We were so young! We didn't stress out about what we were going to do, how we were going to make it, where we were going to be. All we thought about, was being together. Not waiting until we had careers set, or money saved. Didn't go to college-Just worked our way through. We had NOTHING when we got married!
We lost jobs, just to get another one making minimum wage. Having babies and just enjoying what we had. Never regretting, and never asking for more. We have never wanted what everyone else had...We enjoy the simple life.
We are pretty happy and content...We have really come along way. Raising each other-I am proud of us, and think we have turned out 'Great'.
I am so very thankful for the relationship that we had before we got married. I really did marry my Best Friend.
I can't wait for the years to come. The adventures and experiences we will get to go through good and bad. 
GRANDBABIES....I can't wait! 
I look forward to the day we get to sit on a porch swing and talk about our life that we have shared together...We do that now :O)
I am so thankful for the life that I have chosen. I couldn't ask for a better father for my children. He loves each of them, and tries very hard to teach them...Michael loves to be with his family...But better yet, he loves to be with me and still tells me how beautiful I am!
Happy Anniversary Michael! Thank you for everything you have given me the last 19 years...I look forward to many more years...I love you
Your Princess

Our very first date...
Our second date-The date when Michael finally kissed me goodnight!

Our third date-He was laughing right before they took the picture. I told Michael to make sure he smiled...And look what he did! Brat...
Arent we cute?
Our Senior Prom! I remember this date. We spent the day over in Pinetop-where I got to watch Michael play some Baseball. We came home-went to dinner at Arby's-Then we went to the dance-leaving early because I had to be home by 11. I loved this date...We danced and Michael sang to me while we danced...*Might seem cheesy-But I felt like the most beautiful young lady in the whole world that night*
I can't remember when this was...The kids said we are 'So Cute'.
This was when we were in Utah...Good Times! The kids are grossed out because we were kissing...TeeHee! Love grossing the kids out!

The wedding day!
The reception!

Me telling Michael I didn't want to mess up the cake because it was so cute!

Michael didn't hear a word I said...He got me good!

Without hesitation...I grabbed a chunk of the cake and got him good right back!! *notice the cake flying? Michael was a bit less messy.

The best part of the whole night! Everyone was so mad at us...I LOVED IT!!

After everything was finally over...Look at how young we are!

One happy Bride...

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