Monday, May 27, 2013

She is an All American....

On May 16th we were able to go to the Valley to attend the 'All American' award ceremony that is put on by the Dairymen of Arizona, and the Arizona coaches Association. 
This award is given to Student Athletes, that are not just good athletes. They have to have service hours, and be apart of their school not with just sports. The kids have to have and keep good grades.
All of the Nominees had to have a scrapbook made with all of their achievements and pictures in it.  These amazing Scrapbooks were on display all along one side of the room. There were some scrapbooks, that were so full of paper clippings and photos...Some of the kids receiving the award blew us away.
Now this really isn't your typical Athletic award...There is no money involved. The 'All American' award is to recognize the hard work of many athletes that would normally not receive much recognition for being who they are-All around good people-Not just a talented athlete.
Sass was nominated, and was selected to be one of the Spring Softball All-American. Her Grandpa is on the committee, but he made it very clear that Sass had to meet all the qualifications, and he was on me making sure Sass kept things up-Like he does with all of the nominees. She got it all done and kept her grades and everything up. I am not going to go into details of everything that Sass has accomplished...I just want to say 'Good Job' for working so hard at everything that you did throughout High School. When I was in High School, I will stoked to receive a C...I didn't worry about GPA's, or being apart of the Student Council or any council for that matter. I went because I knew I had to, and to socialize.
Sass was apart of various groups, and was very active in her class.
It was such an honor to attend the ceremony. The room was filled with amazing Young men and women.  Youth that weren't always the best athlete, but holy molly! They were amazing people doing amazing things. There was a young woman going to Yale, a Basketball player, with a GPA of 4.5. WOWZA! She was very impressive.
All of the kids that were apart of this, were absolutely deserving of such an award. It is a special award...
We are very proud of Cassandra...And Boy do we love her!

My dad works very hard on these All-American banquets. He spends hours and hours on this. He takes and reads all of the Scrapbooks, takes time to write down*By hand-no typing*The highlights of each Kid. He is on the phone every day with coaches and parents. He gets to know each one of the kids, and when he announces their names-It is as if he coached them himself.

MoM! Stop...

My 3 men! Justin looks so much like his daddy.

Chase was such a good kid. It isn't easy for a 5 year old to sit still for 3 hours.

This might be the most special award that awarded that night. A coach got up and surprised my dad with this award. The best part about it, was the coach asked that my Mother walk up to stand by my dad. He recognized my Mother for her Years and years of support. It isn't easy being a coaches wife. It was so very very special to hear someone talk to my mom, letting her know if it wasn't for her, many of my dads success's would not have been possible! She stood by my dad when times got hard-always supporting him. Very Neat! I am very proud of my parents. My dad loves the youth...He is now coaching track at a charter school that he help get going in Queen Creek. His Jr high team and High School team were very successful this season taking state. It is this, being so active and serving the youth and others that has kept my dad alive-He still takes chemo 7 days a month, attending practices afterwards*sometimes pretty sick*.

One proud Daddy, getting ready to walk Sass up.

Coach Workman announcing and bragging about his Granddaughter.

A very nervous Sass giving her acceptance speech.

A very happy young Lady.

My nephew Tucker Workman. I don't know how many of you heard about the bullying story in Queen Creek AZ, but this young man was a great example. I am so very proud of Tucker for standing up for what he believed in. Him and his friends are great examples.

The young lady standing next to him is Chy. The young lady that was being bullied.

Chy was surprised with an award as well. She left being an All-American to. She was so sweet standing up there, thanking her Boys for all they did.

When Tucker was announced Chy was so excited. Tucker was very emotional. Chy rubbed his back and kept giving Tucker hugs. It was pretty neat!

Tucker is amazing in more ways than one. Good Job Tucker.

This amazing couple is my parents. They have been married for 50 years. My mom is awesome! I am so very blessed to be their daughter.

You can't tell me that Grandpa doesn't look proud! This is a very special picture-Love them both.

*Sorry that some of the pictures were blurry...My camera died, and I had to use my phone.

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