Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Big Day!

On may 23rd, our sweet and amazing Nicci graduated 8th grade. I can not believe this little girl is already in High school. It blows my mind...She is no longer a little girl. She truly is a Young Woman.
We are proud of Nicci. She kept her grades up and was recognized for them by receiving an award for being on the Honor Roll.
Nicci has great potential-and is so very talented. It scares me to death to think about how quickly her senior year will be here.
I am just so very thankful that Justin will be around for Nicci's first couple of years in High School...It makes me feel better knowing he will be there watching out for her...
Good Job Nicci!

Such a happy little girl-Nicci loved her daddy so very much!  What a sweet heart!

What a BEAUTIFUL young lady she has become! May the boys stay away till she graduates.

 May 24th.
What an eventful day...We had the kids award ceremony early in the morning. I did not take pictures...because I am such a slacker!! Or maybe because I was just a bundle of emotions all day and really couldn't think straight.

I was very excited with how the 3 elementary kids did.
Jessica's class was first. She received the best award of all... She got the 'Ray of Sunshine award!'. The teacher recognized Jessi for her ability to smile all the time with a great attitude. The most important award to me, is the award that says... 'You have a great attitude and your behavior was awesome!'. Good grades are awesome, but give me good behavior over Honor Roll any day.
Bobcat and Jazzi were a bit later, that morning so I got to wait for a bit. Jessi's teacher spoke with me and it was nice to hear all the great things he had to say about Jessi. Good Job Jessi!

It finally was time for Bobcat and Jazzi's class.
Jazzi was sick so she wasn't able to attend. But she too was rewarded for great behavior. She did well with her grades, all A's with just 2 B's. Very proud that she did so well in Bagdad School.
Bobcat did amazing this year. He received awards in Math, Spelling, and Reading. He received an award for outstanding behavior. He also was rewarded Student of the Year!! That's my boy. He takes after his Mother...*Ok! not so much...I wasn't that great of a kid. And I got passing grades...That is it!* I hope Bobcat will continue to want to be a good kid. Always setting an example for others. His teacher told me many times that Bobcat was always looking out of his little sister Jazzi...That makes my heart smile!

The High School kids had their spring sports banquet...
Oops! I need to mention that Justin made Honor Roll and worked hard with his academics all year. But the best award he got this year was his Baseball award. He got the Contact award...Meaning-He struck out the least amount of times...making the most contact with the ball. That was pretty darn awesome!! Justin was also menationed in the Honorable Mention in Baseball.

Cassy got Pitcher of the year for Softball. She received her State Championship jersey...She was so excited!! She was also chosen to play in the All-Stars game-Good Job Sass! You worked hard every year to improve and be the best pitcher you could be...I think you Rocked the field-Pitching amazing!!
Sass had very good grades...And ended the year with high honors. Very proud of her work ethic-She did not get her smarts from me...I hated to read and study...She gets her smarts from her Daddy.
Justin and Sass both got the Presidential award.

Now onto the rest of the day...Now that I am trying to think of everything...It all seems to be a big blur.
Michael's Mom came up for the graduation. So I was wanting the house to be at least walkable *you know..Everything at least put away. I don't fret about a dirty house as much as I used to...Well-Not as bad as I used to*.
Anyway-We cleaned and got laundry done. And then Grandma came...
We sat outside and chatted, and Michael was putting up some lights, when he yelled that there was a huge bull snake in our back yard.
So of course, Justin was all over it thinking he is the 'Snake Hunter'.
That was pretty awesome. We got ahold of Michael's brother to bring their kids over so they could check out the snake...It was pretty neat-yet icky! Snakes are not my favorite thing.
That thing was Huge! And for some reason they have been all over Bagdad this year.

Yikes! *Sorry bud! Your eyes are closed*

After we settled down a little from our little Snake friend...We started to get ready for Graduation.

The tears have been coming off and on for months now... And now that that the day had come, it was very hard to hold back from just crying my eyes out.
It was hard! It wasn't something that was just easy for me to grasp. Our oldest baby was all grown up, and out of High School. 

Aren't they gorgeous!

Our 2 oldest...Very Proud, I am!

My little 'Graduation' cake! Hey..E for Effort *and Sass acted like it was the best cake EVER!*

YaY! What a Glow she has...

The gang...Step uncle Michael-Uncle Blu-Connor-Crystal-Aunt Heather and Uncle Chris-Grandma Koontz-Silly Justin-Grandpa Pacheco-Daddy

The Neatest gift from Grandma Koontz...It has little charms of the things that mean the most to sass. A little Softball-A CTR-a Camera- Origami*?sp* Owl-A little Dog with her birth stone in it.

The happiest I have seen Sass in a long time...When she opened up her New Camera...I better see a bunch of pictures Sass!

Very nice picture with Grandma

I am one proud Momma! I didn't hold the tears back to well...I look at this picture and think about how much I have aged the last 3 months...This Graduation stuff hit me hard-She is my Baby...And I can't believe she is all Grown up!

If you can't tell...Justin is very proud of his little big sister...He is going to miss her!

Oh Geez! Uncle Chris and Justin....Nice :O)

It was hard for me that night, but...I think it was just as hard if not harder for Daddy!

Proud Daddy!

Sass with a proud Uncle Chris and Aunt Heather

All that made it...Love this family!

Sass and her Best Friend...I am so thankful for Elisabeth...

Sass's buddies...When they get together Boy! Do they make a mess and Giggle ALOT!! So glad they had eachother!

Sass with a proud Grandpa Pacheco...Love this picture.


Sass came home and hung out with the family until around 11-Then she went to a Lock down that they have for the kids at the school. I forgot to leave the door unlocked, and so Sass was locked out! She got on the swing and went to sleep...OOPSIE!

Our Sass...Love the memories of her when she was just a little girl! I think she raised me more than I raised her...She has taught me a bunch! Love you Sass...

Now That that is over, we have been doing the getting ready for college stuff.
It has been stressful for Sass. She has made some decisions that meant changing her dreams of what she really thought she would be doing for the next few years. I just tell her, that what is suppose to happen will happen. The Lord will have his way. We are still up in the air not knowing where Sass will go. Tough to get grants now a days!

I love being a parent...As hard as it is...I couldn't imagine my life without my children.

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