Friday, July 12, 2013

Good Morning!

Having an amazing conversation with my children this morning, while drinking Hot chocolate outside on our back porch *Yes! It is a good 75' degrees outside, but we love our Hot Chocolate*.

Lets see if I can put a bit of the conversation into a quick blog...

Our Jessi is going to be turning 12 next month. When the girls turn 12, we allow them to start wearing light Make-Up.

I looked at Jessi, and asked her if she was ready to start practicing putting make-up on...*Yes! It takes practice*.

To my surprise, she told me that she may not wear make-up. *Seriously, this kinda shocked me!*
When I asked her why, she simply says 'Its not my style!'.  *AWESOME!!! I love her confidence, and her amazing attitude! She is so simple and bubbly-I hope the world will stand back and leave her alone!*

Bobcat, listening in, adds his 2 bits...'I Want a girl that likes herself the way she is! Not having to be all dressed up to feel good about herself'.

WHAT?? My 9 year old son is so wise beyond his years. May he always be 'Bobcat' *There is no other kid like him*.

And to just throw this in there....
Our oldest son, Justin-He doesn't like a lot of Make-up on girls...And he tells his sisters if they are wearing to much of it.
Justin is a one of a kind for his age-Girls don't know how amazing he is.  He goes for the inward beauty and will treat you like a queen! We try to get him to look at a girl, and he will tell us that she isn't what he wants-At this point...I am very proud of him!


The conversation, went into a few different directions, ending with how spears can kill animals-Crazy how kids minds work...So simple and innocent-I have children that act their age!
Now adays, kids arent kids, and if kids do act like kids...Well, they arent the very liked kids. You know, Popular.

I am so very proud of Jessi and Bobcat for their way of thinking. Society, is messed up. Let kids be kids. They grow up so fast, why push it.

If I could ever teach my kids anything, it would be to be themsevles. Not to look around and feel bad because we aren't the norm and If I have my way...We will never be the Norm.

Material is just material...You can spend a ton of money on 'Things', but if you try to be something that you really are not...All you will have are 'Things'.

Don't try to fit in! Just be Yourself...and Shine! 

Some extra thoughts...

I want boys to like my daughters for who they are, not how they look.
I want girls to look at my sons, and appreciate their worth not their level of popularity.

*Why is it that the GOOD guys and the GOOD girls always take it in the shorts...*

Going forward...

I hope my daughters will always remember that they are daughters of God and they should be treated as such.*Remembering to act accordingly*

I hope my Sons will always remember that girls are daughters of God and they should be treated like princess's...*Always remembering that young ladies need to act accordingly-Avoiding those that do not-That is coming from the MoM side of me*.

I was very proud of my kids this morning. I am so thankful for their amazing spirits that keep me lifted-There is always a small lesson to be learned when listening to your children.

And on a quick side note...

My kids are into getting my plastic hangers, breaking off the hook part, adding some duct tape to the middle to make a bow and arrow...They have found sticks and have turned them into arrows using butter knives. They are going around trying to shoot the arrows at lizards and bugs.  

Its the simplest things that create happiness. 

Smiling :O) 

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