Wednesday, July 10, 2013

So many thoughts...

I woke up today with a thousand different thoughts...I seriously have so many things that I want to just sit down and write about.

I want to talk about our summer that has FLOWN by so fast!
I want to talk about the kids Little league experience this year.
I want to talk about how I wish The Adorable One had the summer off...
I want to talk about the 4th of July-and the amazing 4k run that I had the priveldge to do *WITH* a couple of my kids...I need to blog about that one for sure-It meant so much to me...My kids are awesome!!

I want to talk about religion, and how I DO NOT CARE what church you go to...Just be NICE!! And Love our Savior and Heavenly Father. Serve one another, and don't judge! *please teach your kids not to judge-As I will do my best to do the same!*. 

I want to talk about how I think College is so overrated.

I want to talk about how much I love seeing photos of old friends with thier families, and how much seeing those pictures makes me so excited and happy-Just knowing or seeing that it seems everyone is doing OK makes me grin! Kinda miss talking to those old friends of mine...I didn't have many friends in high school, boys mostly :O)
On that note, I want to talk about The Adorable One and I's 20th High School class Reunion that we did not go to...Not that I am sad we didn't go, but how neat it was to see the pictures of everyone on Facebook. It was fun trying to recognize people.
Oh Yeah! I want to talk about Facebook about how it isn't the best things ever. How unfortunately there is so much negativity posted every day!

I want to talk about how amazing some people really are, and how I am so thankful for the few amazing examples that I admire. My favorite kind of people are those who are always helping and doing nice things without ever talking about it, and never getting or wanting recognition for what they do! Genuinely Christ like!

I want to talk about Cell Phones, and how sick of them I really am. Kinda wish we would have never got one, those 8 years ago. Not sure we HAVE to have them!
And speaking of Cell Phones...I know we are all on them a ton *All of us* but for those who blog about the mothers being on the phone while at the park or wherever, not paying attention to their kids-Missing out. I agree to some extent, but come on...How about all the time it took to blog about that...Or how about the time you spend crafting, scrapbooking, working, going out with the girls, working out at the gym or leaving the home to get your 'break'. I do think we are all on our phones way to much, but please don't lecture and make us feel guilty. When you think about it...There are so many things that take us away from spending the right amount of time with our children-Like the stuff we do to take care of and raise those children. 
With that being said...I want to talk about how important it is to spend time with your spouse-Every couple needs a get away *if even for 15 minutes running to the store together*.

I want to talk about the many many blessing in my life, and how I get kicked in the butt so many times when I tend to forget how truly blessed I really am.
I want to talk about how weak and wimpy people have become...My goodness! Times are going to get pretty rough-Are you ready?? I am not sure I am either.

I want to talk about how medication is handed out like candy, and how I wish there were a way to get people motivated to take control of what they *CAN*  take control of when it comes to their health, bodies and minds...My theory-Mind over matter-Exercise and stop thinking about how bad it is.

I would love to talk about how I hate money! And how money really is the root to all evil! 
To go with that, I would love to talk about how I would never want to be rich, and talk about how I just want enough money to get the bills paid, and be able to go to the store whenever I wanted for food, or to get the kids a new outfit! I have ZERO desire to have 'STUFF' I just want to live well, and enjoy living well...Not freaking out every month running around the house turning off the lights and closing the doors yelling 'Our electic bill is going to be HUGE! Please turn off the lights and close the doors!'.

I want to talk about how bad I want to take the kids to Disney Land and to the beach! We keep saying maybe next year...Maybe next year! Our kids are growing up *Fast* and before we know it, they all will have children of their own. Maybe we will just go with grandkids :O)

I want to talk about how going to the Laundry Mat isn't so bad....Since our washer has been down for a few weeks now, and doing my laundry at the laundry mat has been a part of my routine *Again*. Our washer has broke down the last 3 summers in a row-As if to let me know it needs a summer break as well. *I am at the laundry mat at this very moment, trying to sneak in a quick blog post while waiting for the clothes to get washed and dried. 

I wonder if someone will blog about how some moms spend to much time doing laundry at the laundry mat, missing out on so many things that their children are doing...Mine are destroying the house, playing the Xbox and eating whatever they want for breakfast...
I don't think they miss Mom much-If they even notice that I am not home-Yikes! And just so you know...Most EVERYTHING that I do, I do for my children!! Like doing laundry at the laundry mat so that they can wear nice clean clothes!*.

Well...There is so much more that is on my mind...But the laundry is ready to be folded.

I have had so many different experiences that I would love to share, good and bad. Little by little-I hope to get the blogging done. 

Nothing like taking a small amount of time smiling and pondering on the different joys and trials of life
*Even at the laundry mat*.

Heres to Laundy...and Heres to a FREE Laundry Mat so that I can do my many many loads without stressing out about how I am going to pay to get it all done *Thank you Bagdad!*

**One more thing that I need to add before I forget.  My mother in law shared a story with me about Yarnell Az. Michael's grandpa had a restraunt there that he managed...It was there in Yarnell, that Michael's Grandpa paid for his Grandma to come and be with him, where they lived in a small one room apartment*I hope I got that all right*. 
Now, when my mother in law was sharing this with me, I couldn't help but ask if she had written this down in a journal...

Write in a journal-just use notebooks...I am not that great at writting in a journal, but I hear stories like this one that my parents or in laws share, and I think how amazing our families are...So many great stories.  Write in a journal people! Your kids will want to know everything about everything!!

Happy Wednesday everyone...Smiling :O)

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