Thursday, July 18, 2013

Just a little 'Break'.

Have you ever noticed how crazy everything is getting now a days...Stay at home MoM's-Working MoM's...I think we are getting a bit ran down. SO MUCH TO DO all the time. I do not sit down very often...I am WORN out!

With that being said...

I have been so very fortunate to be able to take a short 'Break' from it all for a couple of days. 

I hate to say that it is a break...But that is exactly what it is...A 'BREAK'.

I have not spent hours by myself in YEARS! Literally...I love being with my Husband and Family. In fact I would rather be around them then by myself*With the exception of running for an hour or so*. But, I was reminded by the Adorable One yesterday, that I need to do this every now and then...Or I will LOSE IT!! *If I haven't already Lost it*.

So I get 2 days, by myself. What in the world am I going to do with myself.

Well...Lets see~TODAY-

I exercised using an elliptical*For the first time ever*.  I sweated my fanny off, going only 2 miles in 30 minutes...Give me running around the town of Bagdad any day-Out in the open, fresh air.

I called and took care of some bills-YUCK! 

I took a bath...And guess what?? Not once did I get a knock on the door with a little voice saying 'MoM! What are you doing in there?' Nor did I get the little hands under the door with a little voice saying 'MoM! Can you see my fingers?'.

I painted my nails AND Toe Nails!! 
And I was able to allow them to dry. You know how that goes, when you paint your nails and then someone spills something or breaks something...Or you just get done painting your nails at night when the kids are in bed...and you fall asleep! Yeah...It was nice to actually get the paint on my nails and was able to just sit and watch them dry.

I went to a couple of stores.

Grabbed some Taco Bell and of course a Sonic Rootbeer with Whipped Cream*I am in heaven...I just know it!*.

I got to drive around this town that I am in, and enjoy the beauty that is surrounding it. Just plain gorgeous.

But so far, the best part of my first 'All Alone' day, was my visit to the LDS Temple that this town is blessed with...

Today is breezy, with the most gorgeous clouds! So as I sit in the Temple parking Lot...Listening to Paul Cardall...I can't help but just feel so amazingly blessed and humbled.

I prayed and prayed and felt comforted. I pondered on life and realized that I have lost focus of what this life is really about *Crazy how LIFE can do that to you!*. 

I know Heavenly Father is there...For me! For you...He loves us!

I cried a little. I smiled a little. I took pictures of what was around me, at that time...So I can look back at them and be reminded of how I felt-At that moment.

I felt peace! What a great feeling*I don't care how often you have felt the spirit and have felt at peace...It is amazing EVERY time!*.

As I sit here now, Typing away, I am so thankful for this 'Break'. I needed to regroup and gather my thoughts. And it is ok!! The kids needed a 'Break' from Mommy too.

I need REST! Rest is a very Rare, special and Oh so 'IMPORTANT' part of everyone's lives that does not come easily. Rest, almost has to be forced!

I miss my babies...and I miss my Husband. It doesn't take long for me to miss the chaos of our home. 

I have thought deeply about each child, and about The Adorable One...
Many different memories spark amazing feelings-Reminding me 'There is no greater thing on this earth than FAMILY!'

I love my family...I do what I do every day because I love them. My children bring me so much joy!
*Even when they don't keep their rooms the way I would like them and I am yelling out 'To Do Lists' at the top of my lungs from the laundry room!(The family will understand what I mean)*.

I wouldn't have it any other way!  

Not sure my all 'Alone' day #2 will even come close to how amazing day #1 has been.

Life is just amazing...And it really is what we make it.  

Roll with the punches. Never think to much. Don't stress about the things you can't change. Think of others, and serve them. Love and Love a lot. 

Remember where you came from-with never forgetting to Pray! 
Our Father in Heaven wants to hear from us every day!

Smiling :O)

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