Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Birthday to one special young man!

When we came to Bagdad, we had just the 4 rugrats.

We were pretty excited to get our lives started in a new place, which was a very small place compared to where we were living in New Mexico. 

I remember how quickly we packed up the Uhaul, and how I would stay in the Uhaul while Michael would bring me the boxes. We didn't want to have to make more than one trip, so we were very good at stacking the boxes and getting everything loaded...I remember going and going and going...Not wanting to stop until the Uhaul was packed...It didn't take us but one day to get all loaded up.

We got to Bagdad, and I was worn out. I got stuff done, but I was not moving quite as quickly. 

Michael had his brother come to help us, and we go the Uhaul unloaded pretty quickly, and the boxes were unpacked that same night...And I also found out that I was pregnant! 
We were in Bagdad for only 24 hours-and I was off to Bashas buying a pregnancy test.
I was very unhappy that I was going to have another baby...We had 4 amazing kids, and I was feeling content-'Not Now!' Came out of my mouth a few times.

About 2 weeks later, I started to have problems, and I miscarried the baby. 
Boy! I was sad. After being so upset being pregnant, my attitude changed pretty quickly after I found out that I was not going to have another baby after all. 

The doctor told me that I shouldn't  have any more babies..I was told the same thing after baby #3. 
*I have been known to not listen-Doctors don't know everything!*
I also ignored the strong warning of not becoming pregnant before 6 months...I was pregnant just a month after the miscarriage.

To shorten the story...I will skip ahead a bit!

We had 3 girls and just 1 boy-so we anticipated the time when we would have the ultrasound that would tell us what we were going to have.

'Its a Boy!!', we were told...And Michael and I were so very very excited.
Next, was to think of little boy names...
We had a pattern going, C J C J-So a C name would need to come next. 
We agreed with the name Cameron...But Michael had heard of a comedian/actor that has the name of 'Bobcat', and he thought that Bobcat was the coolest name!

NO WAY!! I was not going to name one of my sons Bobcat! Well, I got my way, but everyone kept calling the baby Bobcat-Even me! 

And when our little baby boy was born, he was given the name of Cameron Thomas...But to this day, he is know by Bobcat.  It fits him perfectly...And I just don't know if I will ever call him Cameron...
*Unless he is in trouble of course**I am asked frequently what Bobcat's real name is, and some times I have to think about it...*.

Bobcat was 5 weeks early, and was a hard one to carry *they all were*.
Bobcat cried and cried and cried...He was a tough baby-But he was so amazingly sweet as well. Bobcat weighed a whopping 6lbs 11oz and was 21 inches long. He was a brute for being 5 weeks early...He had lots of black hair, and the biggest hands ever. 

Bobcat is a Big Boy! I am so very very proud of him. He is smart, funny, happy, always looking at the bright side....Loves food-He just may be a chef when he grows up.
He adores his siblings, especially Jazzi who he has taken on to protect. 
Bobcat looks a bunch like his Grandpa Workman. He is also very loud like his Grandpa Workman...Yikes!
He is a stud like his Daddy...with a gentle heart like his Momma *says me, his Momma*. 
Everyone knows Bobcat-People that I don't even know say hello to Bobcat...He is just a very special young man!

So today, Thursday October 17th, our little big Bobcat is 10 years old!

I love Bobcat to pieces and I am very very proud that he is my son! 


One amazing kid!

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