Thursday, October 10, 2013

I will admit-I was scared!

Yesterday sure started out good. The weather was good...I was in a good mood...I had it in my mind that nothing was going to ruin my day with the kids.

I had just written a blog post, talking about how I was going to make the most of our short Fall Break..
After Blogging-
I was busy taking a an All natural 'Selfy', just feeling good about the day.
Here is the selfy~Thank you Nicci for making me smile!

Goin back just a little bit- 

I had written in my blog post yesterday, mentioning how my son Justin was wanting to go Quail Hunting.

The night before, which was Tuesday night, I mentioned that I didn't have a good feeling about them going. I don't even know if Justin paid any attention to me, as I said 'I don't feel good about this!'.

We allowed Justin to go...Him and a Buddy.
They had gotten up and left around 6:30. As he hugged me goodbye, I still had an uneasy feeling...But being the sappy mother that I am, I hugged Justin, and Told him I loved him and to be safe while he walked out of my bedroom.

Again, I was enjoying the morning, and not five minutes after I posted my 'Selfy' pic on FaceBook...My phone rang!

It was Justin.

I answered the phone and Justin told me that he needed me to go and get them...'I rolled the Bronco!'.

I giggled and said 'Yeah Right!'... Justin told me that he wasn't kidding. 
I told Justin to take a picture of it, as I was still thinking at that point that he was just pulling my legs!

**Several times Justin has called me 'Crying Wolf'. He has called saying that he has a broken leg. He has called saying that the paramedics were on their way...You know! The typical 'Lets freak mom out' call. He learned this from his Grandpa Workman...The king of making others panic!

After I had told Justin to take a picture, Justin had lost service, and the phone call failed. I started to get a bit nervous at this point.
Justin called me again, and this time around he was very upset, so I knew he wasn't lying.

Justin kept getting cut off, and his phone kept breaking up. It took a few phone calls to get the answer to my question...'Are you ok son?'. 
While upset, and with a shaky voice, Justin tells me that he and his buddy are ok! 
PHEW!! But that didn't stop the worry...You know...You need to see them before it really sinks in that they really were ok *For me anyway*.

Justin was able to tell me where he was, so I told the kids that I had to go and get Justin.
Sass wasn't going to let me go by myself, so she hopped into Precious with me...
had called Michael at work to let him know, and we were both on our way.

It was a good 30 minutes or so to where the boys were, and you may just be surprised to know that I didn't speed...*Well, not to bad*.
The road is like a Roller Coaster, so going to fast really wouldn't do me any good. 

Many different thoughts were going through my mind...I prayed and prayed, trying very hard to keep my composure...

We finally reached the turn off to the road the boys were on.
I was not going to take Precious to far on that road, so that meant pulling over parking the car and walking, since I knew Michael was on his way with the truck-I figured it wasn't a big deal.

After going about a mile and a half, we finally met up with the boys...They had left the Bronco to meet up with us...They walked a good 3 miles *We had told Justin to stay with the Bronco, but they had already left-I think the boys were pretty shook up*.

**Let me tell you about this Bronco really quick. We bought it in 2012. The Bronco was pretty smokey, so we took it in and found out that the engine would not last much longer...It needed to be replaced. Of course, we could not afford to get a new engine right away, so Justin drove it around town, until Feb. of 2013. We were finally able to get the engine, and had a good mechanic to do it for us, here in town.  It took a few months to get it all done, but boy was it worth the wait, money, and effort..Just to watch Justin's face as he got his Bronco back. Justin loves this Bronco. He just put a brand new battery in it, like a week ago, and the tires are maybe a year old. Just before this happened, him and his buddy named the Bronco, 'Boss Hog'. Justin drives kids home from scouts and seminary. He has been the carpool guy since the school year began...He LOVES taking the other boys here and there. Again, he loves this Bronco...And so do we for that matter.

When we reached the Bronco, I was blown away...How in the world did these boys walk away without a scratch.

The cute girl in the pictures is one of our friends Daughters! Smile Erie :O)
The damage to the Bronco made it nearly impossible for us to fix it. It would take a very long time and a lot of money to get er' running again. We are gonna have to let 'Boss Hog' go.
Thank you to all the Guys who helped us out!!

Justin checking out the Bronco-a bit heart broken.


Justin was here...

To me, this was one of the scariest things I have ever been through, with Champs birth being a close 2nd. I hope to never get a phone call like that again.

After investigating, and talking with Justin, we figured out what had happened. 

Justin didn't have the Bronco in 4wd and he over corrected a bit. Justin said that he felt that the road was maintained enough, so he didn't think he needed to have it in 4wd-He knows now...You always should put it into 4wd when headed into the hills on any dirt road-maintained or not. 
Justin got into some deep sand, and it took control of the Bronco pulling them into the big Boulder...They hit the boulder hard, and it flipped them over. 

Justin said that it happened so fast.

Neither one of the boys were wearing their seat belt *It is understood why-They were getting in and out of the Bronco looking for Quail*. 

Justin said that he held onto the steering wheel with his left hand, while holding down his buddy with his Right arm...They should have been tossed around. 

They said they closed their eyes, heard all sorts of loud noises-as there was nothing else they could do. Can you imagine how scared they were?

They both opened their eyes, and had glass all over them...The boys checked on one another, and were able to climb out. *Justin said at first his buddy didn't answer him when he called his name...He said that scared him to death!*

Both the boys know how lucky they are.  

I was asked why I felt that I needed to share this with everyone...So I will tell you why!

As my day had started out so good, it did take a turn for the worse. 

Yet! The day was filled with so many blessings...

When I got the phone call, I got really nervous. I didn't panic, but I sure did feel anxious. But I was calm enough to get myself to my son without harm or accident. 

Michael got there without and harm or accident *If you know the road we had to drive, you know what I am saying*.

The 2 young men didn't have a hair out of place...Not one scratch.

My husband has amazing friends that were ready to go in a heart beat to help us out. And not one person was hurt while getting the Bronco turned over, and loaded onto the trailer. Also, there was not one glitch with getting home safely.

One thing that really shocked me, was not even for a second did I feel angry. Only relief and Gratitude. I couldn't be mad at Justin, and I didn't think about money or how much the bronco would cost to fix.

But one of the biggest blessings that we received, *Sniff Sniff* 

Our son Bobcat did not go. 

Michael told Bobcat the night before that he could go hunting with Justin. He was so excited to go...but for some reason, Bobcat didn't get up to go. I had no idea about this until last night...I would have made sure Bobcat was up and ready...Usually not having to, as Bobcat always is so excited he can't to not miss out hanging out with his brother. 
My gosh! Had Bobcat gone, he would have been sitting in the back seat, without a seat belt on. Our Bobcat would have been injured pretty badly, if not worse. I knelt down, and said a prayer of thanks...
Justin drove around the Bronco without the top on, and so the backseat would have been the worst place to be...

The Lord had a hand in everything that happened yesterday.  
Most importantly, he wrapped his arms around my Sons, and Justin's buddy. There is no doubt in my mind that our family was blessed and watched over.

As my dad told me on the phone yesterday, 'We can fix trucks, but we can't fix Boys!'...

'Count your blessings'. Hold your children close. Be grateful for each and every day...
Look how beautiful the sunset sky was last night out where the Bronco was...amazing!

I had gotten up a couple of times throughout the night to check on Justin and Bobcat...feeling so happy that they were sleeping safe and sound.
*I guess it is always a parent thing to check on the children during the night-always worried*
This morning was gorgeous-I felt very thankful for another day.

This morning, I got up and drove over to where the Bronco was parked, and I broke down...Not that I didn't cry like a baby yesterday, but this morning when I saw the damage-once again, I couldn't believe how fortunate the young men were. I thanked my Heavenly Father once again...Struggling to keep my eyes dry.

Throughout the day today, things slowly felt less stressful so to speak. 

We were even able to joke around a little bit about the whole thing. Laughter is very healing.

I am a lucky MoM!

** We have already told our daughters that will be next to get to the driving age, that they will not be driving EVER!

***And yes! We will allow Justin to go out by himself again Quail Hunting. I am sure he learned from this. And we do feel that he is pretty responsible...This could have happened to any of us.

****We were given a Band Aid to help heal the loss of the Bronco. I will share when it all falls into place.

We will always love this Bronco!

Glad my boy is still standing and not broken.

Smiling :O)

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