Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Relax...Enjoy the break!

Here it is, Wednesday October 9th.


We don't get a full week off, but I have to say, I am pretty darn thankful for the 3 days they have given us.

I was excited last night that I was able to stay up late, work on pintrest *like its my job*, and just feel so relaxed knowing that I didn't have to wake up to early in the morning.

Well-I never did get on Pintrest, and I ended up falling asleep a little bit after 10:00 *That is late for me now a days*, and I couldn't get my body to sleep in. I was wide awake at 4:00, and was able to catch a snooze here and there, but ended up rolling out of bed shortly after the Adorable One left for work, just after 6:30.

Speaking of the Adorable One having to work...Why can't those who have kids at home that work a full time job, have a fall break, Christmas break, Spring Break and of course SUMMER break as well. I am always thankful when my husband goes to work, but I do wish he were home with me right now.

I am glad that I got up when I did...I made me some Mexican Hot Chocolate, grabbed my favorite blanket, and came outside to the crisp air and breeze.
I am not going to lie-It has been amazing being able to come outside and listen to the trees blowing, the leaves falling, the wind chimes dancing, and feeling the warmth of my Mexican blanket that I picked out many years ago when I was a child, while visiting some friends in Mexico(I loved it when my dad would take me to Mexico)...Awesome! The sky is beautiful, and Fall is in the air! 

What a way to start the day.

Moving on... :O)

Yesterday, as I was thinking about what all needed to be done around the house during Fall Break, I had things pretty planned out. 

Let me give you an idea of what needs to be done...

The yards need to get mowed one last time.
The pool needs to be taken down, and the pool area needs to be cleaned up.
Our rocks out back need to be raked with the weeds and grass shoveled out.
The Garage needs to be swept and blowed out.
The side shed needs everything taken out, swept and organized.
Dad's 'Shop' need everything taken out, swept and organized.
The back alley needs to be mowed down and the wood needs to be stacked. 
The back side of the yard needs to be mowed down as well.
The Back porch needs to blown and swept to get all the leaves and dust off of it.
The house needs to be wiped down ready for the cold weather and winter (I call it 'Fall' Cleaning).
My hope chest needs to cleaned out with the kids stuff put in their boxes.
And both dogs need a bath.

So here I was thinking. I am not going to allow the kids to stay up late, and I will not allow them to sleep in...We were going to be on a good schedule! 

I also decided that the kids were not going to do much outside of the home.
I will not allow them to hang out with friends until everything I wanted done was done-I am not a fan of allowing the kids to spend to much time with friends...I am soooo MEAN!

This was going to be a weekend of absolutely nothing but work and chores and 'No Fun!' *Even though, working together can be quite rememberable-I love hearing the kids talk and laugh and complain together...'Whats gonna work? Team Work!'.

Well, it is quail season, and of course Justin asked if he could go. Well, that meant he would be leaving early in the morning...That messes up my plans already. So as I was laying in bed this morning, trying to figure out a schedule that everyone would like...I just decided 'SCREW IT!!'. 

Forget the schedule! I am going to let the kids stay up till 10:00 *maybe later if we are watching a movie or having a fire outside*, I am going to let them sleep in until 8:30 or so *That is sleeping in*.
We will take one chore at a time, and I am going to remain calm as to remember that it doesn't all have to be TODAY! 

I have changed my plans a little, since we can't leave to go anywhere because we are broke, and the boys still have Football practice and games this week, I am going to take them hiking. We will go tomorrow. 

Speaking of Hiking...I have not taken the kids out on my own in years to just go and explore. I used to all the time when we lived in Silver City, but when we came to live in Rattle Snake land, I have been a bit more hesitant...*That and I only had 4 kids in Silver! Seems like I have had a baby on my hip ever since we moved here to Bagdad...It is kinda nice to have both my hips back!*

Now that the kids are pretty much older, and Justin is quite the Rattle Snake hunter *No! He does not hunt the Rattlers, but I do feel much safer with him around. He has killed a few that have come into our path.*, I feel that it would be fun to get back to going out every now and then...So we will see about starting tomorrow Morning.

The weather is going to be chilly this weekend as well. So we may just be sitting in the house all bundled up watching movies.  I think I am ok with that...I can actually get the hope chest all cleaned out while doing that...Multitasking! That's what I am talking about :O)

The reality is...

Eventually all of my 'To Do List' will get done. Eventually, the kids will go back to school...
I would hate to be so darn busy that it goes by in just a blink of an eye *Even though, I am sure it will still go by way to fast*. So, why not make the most of the time that we have!

I have become an old softy, in my old age. Things that used to get me all 'Worked up and agitated', no longer agitate or frustrate me as much-Don't get me wrong, I am still a mess-OCD about a few things!
But I have learned that it isn't that big of a deal if things are 'Perfectly Spotless!' *Having Champ as our baby, has helped with this*.

I don't want to let things frazzle me as much, because I don't want to feel 'FRAZZLED' all the time.
Life is starting to feel short and is flying by fast.

*The definition of Frazzled-Frazzle-Frazzling-Frazzles:
To wear away along the edges;Fray
To exhaust physically or emotionally
A frayed or tattered condition
A condition of exhaustion-Worked themselves to a frazzle.

**This is a work in progress, because after all I am my Mother's and Father's daughter.

I want my children to be happy. And I want them to learn how to work. And I want them to learn how to work with eachother. And I want them to be able to enjoy eachothers company. I want strong healthy relationships to be built, so that when they are adults, they will be there for one another, and I believe that it all begins with how things are done in the home-There is always room for improvement.

All of this can be done, without being a Psycho MoM *As Justin always says that I am*.

With that being said, I am going to roll with the punches this week. I am going to enjoy the break that we have been given from school. I will get everyone working, but not in a panic of 'This HAS to be done!'

RELAX! To much crazy stuff going on around us...Let our homes be our refuge!

I sure do love my 'Rugrats'... And I sure do love my Adorable One! 
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but at home, with my family...

My heart has become so heavy with gratitude, just within the hour or so of sitting outside and writing this post. 

Counting my many blessings-

*Now to get inside and make my bed-But first I will have to remove a Champion that is all curled up inside the blanket...I don't know if he will ever sleep in his own bed!*

Happy Fall Break!!

Smiling :O)

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