Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gotta start Noticing!

Have you ever noticed, all the things you didn't notice, because you were so busy noticing all the wrong things...

Its hard not to Notice stuff that happens or doesn't happen.

For example:
When the beds are made.
When the dirty clothes are in the dirty clothes basket.
When the dishes were washed correctly.
When the animals have been fed.
When the homework is done.

You get the idea...

So, have you ever noticed, that most of the time *Not all the time, but Most of the time*, we notice when those things are NOT done.

Have you ever sat back and watched your child or Husband/Wife?

I mean really-Really! Have you have noticed what they do and how they do it? And Why?

It is really easy, to notice all the bad stuff that the kids do-What my husband does.
And it becomes normal, to notice the bad stuff first.

Champion messed his pants-But did I notice that he was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet trying to figure this potty stuff out? He even tries to clean his undies off in the toilet...*Some day he will get it*.

Nicci didn't make her bed before leaving for seminary-But did I notice that the second she walked through the door, she went straight to her room and made it perfectly? Not right away I don't...I am usually frustrated and wont NOTICE until she is off to school.

Jessica never picks up after herself always leaving a mess-But did I notice that she was reading to her little brothers and sisters making them smile?

The Adorable One likes to take naps while I am running around with my head cut off-But did I notice that he put a basket of clothes away first before laying down to rest?

So much thought and stress about the things that aren't being done...
Not just in the home...But everywhere!

We are so consumed by the things we want and need, that we don't notice what is going on around us, unless it is negative, of course...It is human nature, I guess.

Moving on to this morning...

Today is a big day! HUGE day for our Football boys.
All 3 boys, are playing in playoff games, with Justin playing for the State Championship tonight...
We have our 2 little men, both playing at 10am.
Bobcat is playing at home, while Mountain Lion plays in Cottonwood...
Justin then plays in the Valley of the Sun at 6pm.
There isn't a way we can make it to all 3 games..We just can't afford all the travel, and today Justin's game is top priority *not that all the games aren't important, but that it is a State Championship-And we only have 1 more year of being able to watch Justin play ball*.
We will miss Mountain Lions game :O( *I do not like it*.

As my alarm went off at 4am, I noticed that I was going to be the one getting up trying to get Mountain Lion ready to go *The Adorable One was not moving*.
I did try to get most of everything ready last night, but as most Momma's know, there is always something that goes missing-Especially early in the Morning.

I could not find, for the life of me, Mountain Lions black long sleeved underarmer shirt...WHAT!!!

Seriously! I was throwing clean clothes around, going through the dirty clothes pile...
NOTICING everything.
I noticed that the kids clothes were just thrown in their drawers. I noticed that the kids bathroom looked like a typhoon had hit it, and nobody cared!
I noticed the Adorable One laid there SNORING, as I was in a frantic state...


I noticed the clock and the time...I noticed floors that needed to be mopped...I noticed the stupid aches and pains in my body because of the weather...I noticed EVERYTHING that would ruin my day.

I will call it 'Negative Noticing'.

I found the shirt! It was in Mountain Lions drawer...Where I swear I checked 2 or 3 times already.

I calmed down-Didn't notice much after that...Other than it felt a ton nicer when it was so quiet, and it was just me and my Mountain Lion.

Mountain Lion ate a little bit of toast, and wanted to watch a little bit of T.V. before his coach came to get him.

We sat and watch the end of 'The Man of Steel', because he wasn't able to finish it last night.

Mountain Lions coach pulled up, I got Mountain Lion moving and into the truck...Thinking in my mind, 'Does He have everything?'

As I walked back into the house, and as they drove away...I noticed I didn't give him a hug.
Nor did I tell him that I loved him!

I was and still am CRUSHED!!

I hugged Mountain Lion when he got up, so he did get a hug from me...And I tell him all the time that I love him, But gosh darn it! That goodbye hug and 'I LOVE YOU',  is routine! How in the world could this happen!

As I stood in the laundry room, crying while folding laundry...I noticed, that in my thoughts, I was noticing EVERYTHING that little boy does.

He got up this morning at 5am without complaint. He hopped in the shower and was very patient with me, while I was having my early morning melt down because of a Silly shirt.
Mountain Lion works harder than any 5 year old I have ever met!
He will spend a day that he doesn't have practice, out in the front yard doing Football Drills...
BY himself. He may have the biggest heart out on that football field!
If he is given a challenge, like being able to read letters of the alphabet as fast as he can within a minute, you can bet he is practicing and asking me to reset the timer OVER AND OVER again.
He loves Hot Chocolate. He bites his fingernails. He says yes Mamm to everything.

Several different thoughts, as if there was a slide show going on in my mind!
I could see Mountain Lions blue eyes-and I could hear his laugh.

*I am a very EMOTIONAL MoM!*

So here is my point...Why is it we Notice the things that should be noticed, and recognized, when someone is gone. Or when we are feeling guilty-Like me, this morning, for not doing the routine 'GoodBye'?

As I sit here. As I type, doing this blog post. I have noticed more POSITIVE stuff about my kids and husband than I have all week.

Is it that hard to Notice the really important stuff?

I needed this morning...I needed a little pinch to get me focused!

Now to stay focused!

For the rest of the day, I am going to try very hard Not to NOTICE all the noticeable bad stuff. I will work on making it a habit...Habits are very hard to break, so it will be one day at a time.

*At least, don't let it be the first and only thing you notice*
Try noticing the things that do get done, and HOW they are being done!

I love my kids and my Husband...And today will be a Noticeably great day!

I pray that everyone travels safely! I pray that there will not be any Injuries on any of the ball playing fields. I pray that ALL the boys play with their hearts, and play with good sportsmanship..
I pray that us parents will watch out tongues and remember it is only just a game!

I am proud *As I say it often*, of my Football boys. I think they are the best!! *I can say that, because I am their MoM!!*

I need to stop being so nervous...But Man O Man!! What an exciting day for Bagdad!

Happy Weekend!

Smiling :O)

***By the way Jessica...I am very proud of my Softball Girls! Your season is coming up quickly!

Go Bagdad Sultans and Razorbacks!!!

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