Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Playing catch up, with all my 'Thanks' posts.

I can not tell you how many times I have started this post, deleted this post, started this post, deleted this post...seriously, this has been going on for 3 days now.

I am no writer, but I swear I have suffered from a 'Bloggers Block'.

I am going to see if I can't get my thoughts all put together, and get this post done.

It is the amazing month of November...

You know the month when Christmas decorations are set up.
The month, that everyone starts to write about how they haven't started to shop yet for the 'Big' day.
The month, that most everyone starts to think about how fast the year has gone...
The month, that everyone starts to think about 'Black Friday'.
The month, that everyone gets excited for the days off at the end of the month...So that they can be apart of the big 'Black Friday'.
The month, that there is just a bunch of talk about Christmas...

Oh Yeah! AND...

Somewhere in the mix of all the Christmas stuff, the poor Turkey gets his day.

Turkey day is called, 'Thanksgiving!'

*It sure does seem that we have forgotten all about Thanksgiving*. 

You have to admit, that November is kinda a funny month, just thrown in there it seems, to get everyone talking about Christmas. A month, to just kinda kick start the craziness.

You know what else...

Novemember is the month, that EVERYONE starts to post what they are thankful for each day, numbering them starting with of course #1, on FaceBook *I am not sure what happens on the other social sites, because I am not an active Twitter'er*

I don't have a problem with this. I am always right there with everyone else, posting my thanks-Usually always falling behind.

Orginally, this blog post was going to be my 'Catch up' post. I am 5 days behind everyone else-Yikes!!

I actually started to feel guilty. 

This morning, I got onto FaceBook, and read everyone's awesome posts, and thought to myself...I bet nobody thinks that I am thankful.

The problem that I have had this year, is...I don't have just one thing that I am thankful for each day.

ALSO...There are so many little things that I am thankful for.

*You may want to stop reading if you don't want to read about every little thing...Because I am going to just type away*

Toi is Thankful for...

Socks-that keep my feet warm.
Windows-that allows fresh air to come into my house.
Furniture-that I can sit on while watching 'Cloudy with the chance of Meatballs', with my boys.
Blankets-that I can snuggle under, with my boys.
Electricy-that allows me to watch 'Cloudy with the chance of Meatballs', with my boys as well.
Running Water-For all of the every day, every hour, use for cleaning, cooking, washing, splashing, watering...ect.
The Toilet!
Baby wipes...Oh Yeah!!
Washer n Dryer-That helps me get the many loads of laundry done every day.
Clothes-To cover my body up.
Shoes-To protect my feet.
Razors-So that I can shave my hairy legs and arm pits...And for my men to shave thier faces, 'Whenever they want-Not Fair'
Food-Especially the chocolate kind.
Heaters-to help keep us warm.
Toothbrush's-Oh my goodness!! So thankful for these...
Cell Phones-Even though I am kinda getting sick of them-I am thankful that while my daughter is gone she can text me at any time during the day or night.

I am Thankful for~

My hands-They may hurt every day, but I still can use them...For many many different things.
My Fingers-That get stiff, but still can type nearly as fast as my thoughts.
My legs-They crackle and make all sorts of noises...But I am able to walk and run and jump.
My eyes-I am able to see the beautiful world that still has goodness everywhere *we just have to look.
I am thankful that I am able to see my children's amazing smiles each day.
My heart-that is usually over flowing with humilty and love.
My lungs-That are pretty darn strong, so that I can walk and run for miles.
My nose-There is nothing better the the sweet smells of my kids hair after they take a bath.
My Husbands strong arms-There is no greater feeling of safety then when I am all wrapped up in my husbands arms.
My mind-It may not seem like it, but I do use my mind on a daily basis *I will cherish my mind-Who knows when I may lose it*.
My hair-It isn't that bad.
My mouth-So that I can kiss my sweet babies...*And the Adorable One(Wink Wink).
My TasteBuds-I am so thankful that I can taste things and am able to enjoy the sweetness of food.

I am Thankful~

For all the amazing minds out there that help to conitnually create and come up with ideas to help all of us out.
For all the amazingly talented men and women that help beautiful our homes.
For all the cooks out there that come up with the best recipes.
For the teachers that teach because they love to see children Learn...And LOVE what they do.
For all the cashiers that put up with so many grumpy and mean people, that conitue to smile each day and put up with our crap.
For all the chemist's (?sp) and scientist that work daily to come up with cures and medicines that help us to live our daily lives.
For all the Doctors that do not have the 'I am a DOCTOR...I know way more than you' Attitude, that actually care about their patients well being.
For all the nurses that work the endless hours-Rocking babies, changing sheets, giving the shots and taking the blood, doing the urine tests, Basically...Doing all the dirty work. But most of all, for the nurses that take the time to hold a hand of a patient that doesn't have any family-The one's that go the extra mile, to be a good 'Caregiver'.
For Dentist's-Yes! Even them... Have you ever had a tooth ache? Or an over bite? Or teeth that were so messed up you were afraid to smile and be happy, because you did not want anyone to see how bad your teeth were? So yeah! Thank you to the Dentist.
For the cancer doctors that have kept my Dad going for all these years, keeping a close eye on him.
For Sports.
For Art.
For Music-That moves my soul in a hundred different directions.

I am thankful for~

My faith. My Heavenly Father. My Savior Jesus Christ. The Missionaries that leave their homes for 2 years, to serve and share the gospel.
I am very thankful for the sincere examples that have helped me many times...

I am thankful for~

My children. My angels/devils. My reason for doing all the things that I do...I LOVE my calling in life.
With that being said...I AM SO THANKFUL that I have CHOSEN to stay home. It isn't easy...But I couldn't imagine having it any other way or anyone else caring for my children.

My Husband. My Best Friend. My partner in crime. My Lover *Blushing*. My favorite person in the world. The one and only person that I can be angry at, and get over it all with just a simple smile, from Him...My handsome Teddy Bear.

For the health of my family. For the most part, we are all alive and well-Thank you So much Heavenly Father for this!

For My 2 Dogs...Lady that is tougher then nails-and is very devoted to protecting her family.
Charlie for being at my side, and for having so much love and energy always wanting to cuddle.

For our newest pet/Family member...Our little kitty cat. Petra. The kids hold, love her, squeeze her *champ*. Petra, cuddles and purrs and I think Justin is her favorite...
 **Justin Loves this Kitten...

I am Thankful for~

For all those who, without even knowing it, serve others. Those that help those in need without needing to be recognized for it. The ones that pick up a piece of trash, and throw it away.
The ones that open the door for someone else. The ones that always put themselves second!
*This is a big one for me...I love seeing others being kind to others-Selfless-Charitable-Christlike*

For all those Mothers out there, that puts their families first before themselves.
For all those Fathers out there, that take the time to play catch and play dress up.

I am Thankful for~


 Butterflies, Dragonflies, Birds, Mountain Lions*All the really amazing Zoo animals that are pretty awesome to look at and watch*.
Deer, Elk, Squirrels, Chipmunks, Rabbits, Worms, Lizards, trees, leaves, dirt.
Clouds, rain, snow *Although, I could go without the COLD*, the cool breeze while sitting around a fire.
Camera's, paper, frames.
Even the trials, and harships...Because, there is usually always some sort of greatness that follows the pain and frustration.

I am thankful for ME!
The very imperfect, Me.
For my talents-I am so glad I know how to play the piano. 
For the patience to keep up with all my kids *And Husband*
For the ability to get what needs to be done-Even if just barely-Every day.

I am sure I could keep thinking of things...But, I think you all get the point.

I really hope and pray that we all can remember the really small and big things in our lives. 
I love hearing about the big stuff, but the big stuff is a given...

I want to read about the small things that have helped everyone get through their day...

*For example: I am thankful for such n such song that came on today that helped me to get out of that crappy mood that I was in-or the super glue that helped me glue back together my daughters first craft that she made for me when she was in Pre School*...

There is so many things to be grateful and thankful for...Just look to your left, I am sure there is something sitting right there.

Counting our blessings isn't just for November, it is for every month of the year. 
*Maybe we should do the 'Thankful' posts every month-Just to keep us Humble*

I think I have November Covered...

**How about we all look up the History of Thanksgiving and share it with our Children-Lets teach them that November isn't just a month in between Halloween and Christmas...

Happy Tuesday
Smiling with Gratitude and Thanks...

Look at this...Just another reason to be thankful!
Sweet Champ with his baseball helmet, fell asleep sitting next to me while watching 
'Cloudy with the chance of MeatBalls'...
Sucking his thumb with his garmy in hand! Pure Bliss!

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