Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tis the Season

After spending the afternoon in Walmart today, I was done with being in any kind of store until after Christmas!

There were husbands and wives fighting. Children were crying and throwing fits because they were not getting their way, and weren't getting to hold the toys that they wanted. People were grumpy. There were very few smiles. 

It was frustrating.
I felt like yelling this today in the middle of Walmart.

We had all of the kids with us, and that in itself, is already a challenge. But when you throw in the stares, and glares, and the people who were in such a hurry that they could not handle having to wait as our little guys were trying to get across the isle-It was very trying to be kind *Have some patience-As we have patience with you*.

It is very hard to teach your child to love everyone, when there are so many difficult spirits out there.
I always try to give grumpy people the benefit of the doubt...just because I don't know what they are going through...But I will admit, I have had a hard time with this this holiday Season... People are selfish and so unkind. Why??

Moving on-

My kids were pretty well behaved today. I am proud of them. They worked together and helped each other out. I had all the kids walking around with me, window shopping, while Sass would come and snag one sibling at time, to do their secret Santa. Dad was helping the kids decide what they wanted, and what they wanted to give... We had a budget-Nothing over $20.

This year, we have been more focused on others!! Giving...

We are trying ever so hard to change the way our children think...We have not been out to see Santa. In fact, we haven't talked much at all about Santa. We haven't had the kids write out their usual Christmas 'I want' lists that we usually do every year. We just have done things a little bit better.

I will have to do another blog about what we have done this year...It has been a great experience
*Especially for The Adorable One and I*.

Moving on...

Lots of talk about The Christmas Spirit, and having it...Or at least trying to have it, and keeping it, along with sharing it.

During a discussion that I had the other day with a friend, I couldn't help to think how bad things have become and how scary it is all going to get. But, this friend shared with me what she is thankful for this season and how precious her family means to her...It was very special for me to hear that She felt so strongly about her family *Family is just top Priority-As it should be*.

In another conversation I had, my friend said we should just take Santa out of Christmas. Never thought about that. Taking all the greed out of Christmas.
*That would be a bit different now wouldn't it?!*

We can't just be happy with what we have, we always need and desire more. So many have less. So many struggle so much to just get a loaf of bread. There is so much worry and stress over MONEY!! 
*I know this because I am one of those that can get consumed and overwhelmed with the green stuff...Even with the knowledge that we can only do what we can do with what we have-Money is evil. I have never wanted to be rich-But when you have a big family...Money can be stressful-Especially around this time of year*.

To much complaining!

I do not want my children to ever be so spoiled that they complain about everything. They need to learn to be grateful now, so when they are parents it will come easy for them to teach their children. Our future depends on having grateful little ones...*so I say-And I have some work to do with my own Children*.

My opinion on what Christmas is all about....

It is first and far most about our Savior Jesus Christ. 
It is about giving, and feeling so good that you want to do it more then just once a year *giving doesn't mean going out and spending money-there many things that can be given-Your time may just be the most important*
It's about family...FAMILY!! I say have friends over-But don't forget that family comes first! 
It's about baking some cookies and fudge...*a plate of cookies to your neighbor may be the best gift they get for Christmas...There you have it-your time and cookies! That doesn't cost much*.

Christmas should be kept simple.

The Magic of Christmas comes from 'US'.

Let's remember what this amazing season is all about!! It is not about Santa and the elves...and all the presents that will have our names on them. 

Christmas is a very special time of year.. If we make it that way!

Merry Christmas!! The Pacheco family wishes you all the best!

God Bless!

*Enjoy this song...let the talent and true emotion of these men soften your hearts*

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