Monday, December 23, 2013

Tator Tot is 5...WHAT!

Ignore the voice behind the scenes :O)

I am a little bit late with this...

About 5 years ago, yesterday December 22, I was driven by ambulance 45 minutes, and then flown out of Kirland ready to deliver a baby at just 35 weeks.

The doctors were all set up ready to take on a premature little guy, not knowing what to expect. Within the hour of arriving, our little 5 pound nothing Joshua Tot, was born.
He was quiet, and calm...Strong and Healthy!! What a special delivery...

Happy Birthday...

Tator Tot picked out his cake, which was Inja Turtles (Not Ninja Turtles, Inja Turtles). He knew he wanted Spiderman Toy's. He told us that he wanted to be Spiderman someday when he got bigger, really bad!

We have been trying to teach him how to spell his name, Joshua, and he kept getting frustrated with us.
He finally told me, 'I want to be my other name!'. I said what other name...Tator Tot? He said 'no...My other name'. I said 'ToT'?? And he said 'YUP'! So Tot it is. He writes it and knows how to spell it, it is only 3 letters :O)
*My dad, who's name is Tot, couldn't be more excited!*

This little boy, tells his Momma every day, several times a day, that she is Beautiful...I can't tell you how amazing that makes his Momma feel...

He tells me a hundred times a day that he loves me. He hugs me and is a very cuddly boy.

Tator Tot *I might call him Tator Tot for the rest of his life*, Loves his siblings...Especially his big brother Justin.

Tator Tot is mean, and is pretty darn tough, but is a lazy son of a gun.

Tator Tot can't wait to go to school with everyone else, but is so shy-I worry! *Dad says he is going to be just fine*.

Tator Tot is one handsome little guy...And he has been a blessing to have in our family!

 Happy Belated Birthday Son! We all love you so very much!

*Heres some pictures (we sure love this Kid)

Gorgeous! Both of them are amazing *Nicci and Tator Tot over a year ago*

such a brat!

Its ok tator tot!

This is lasts years Birthday!

He is always wrapped up snug as a bug in a rug!

BFF's forever and ever

A bit holding the bearded lizard, but loved it at the same time.

Tator Tot's mean face

Loves peaches and apples

We were out at wild horse, he has food all over his face, and he wanted to do with taking a picture.

He is a very very special little boy!

Pic that we took last week...Missing Champ but the rest of us are in there! Tator Tot is in the front...Love this family!

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