Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas and a Birthday!

I was going to set aside a day during this Holiday break when I would get up early, clean the house up a bit, grab myself a cup of Hot Chocolate and sit down and get into this Blog post!
Instead...I have laid around, sleeping in for as long as I can, scrolling around on FaceBook and Twitter *Not sure what I think about Twitter by the way...It isn't a safe place for kids-thats for sure(Neither is FB-We should just get off of the internet all together)*.

December is ALwaYS...Always a very busy month, not just for the Pacheco household, but for every household. 

Lots of hustle and bustle. It never fails...December is always pushing and rushing everyone.

Looking back to when Cassandra was just a baby, I can remember wrapping a zillion presents.
When we had Justin-who was born 2 days after Christmas, it was the same thing...there were a zillion presents to wrap.
When Nicci was born...Still a zillion. When Jessi was born...YUP! A Zillion.

Then we moved to Bagdad, and Bobcat came around-We struggled to get a Million presents.

Then it got harder...Jazzi came. Then Chase came. Then Tator Tot came along with a Birthday 3 days before Christmas. And then the Nuclear Bomb hit...CHAMPION!

But...There were still the Millions of gifts to wrap and set under the tree.

Every Christmas, we would go out and spend money we didn't have, trying to keep the tradition of going into debt, just to spoil the kids. Never wanting to let the kids down...After all-It was about Santa and the presents.

Please do not get me wrong...We love to spoil our kids! And it can be fun to watch the kids open their gifts...

But if you think about it, and if you pay close attention...All the gifts that you spent all that money and time on, either gets broken within a day or so...Or it just sits and never gets used. 

The overwhelming Stressful feeling that Christmas has always been...I remember my parents going through the stress of having enough money...We had to haul wood and sale it, just so that we could have Christmas.


Every year, we have stressed out and stretched out ourselves.

I got to a point some years ago, that I just wanted to do just one gift per kid, along with a big family gift-Something we all could enjoy.
The Adorable One got to a point some years ago, that he no longer wanted Santa to get all the credit...We both wanted change.

Well...We finally did it this year!!

Around the end of November, we were sitting in the living room having a 'Family Meeting'.
AKA, 'Kids getting lectured Time' *So the kids say*.

The kids were not really doing the things that we expected them to do. A little more fighting. A little more laziness...To tell you the truth, I can't even remember why we were having the meeting. I just know, the Adorable One and I were not very happy with the kids behaviors.

During our 'Family Meeting', Out of nowhere, Daddy says 'Thats it! Nobody is getting presents this year!!'. He went on to explaining that we were going to do things differently-and how we were going to do them. We were going to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. 

The kids were in shock. The older kids got it. The younger kids kept asking, 'Mom! Is Dad serious??'

He was...And I couldn't have been more excited! Giving the Adorable One my 100% support.

Michael got some information from a friend, and called the Yavapai Food Bank the next day.

We asked to adopt a family that is in need that lives in our surrounding area. The Food Bank angel said, 'I have the perfect family for you!'

The Food Bank explained:
There is a single mother of 4 that was notified just weeks before (In October) by CPS, that 5 of her neices and nephews were removed from their home and they needed a place to live. This single mother without hesitation, took on the task of raising 9 children instead of just her 4.
The community helped move the family into a bigger home, and helped furnish it-as they had nothing. 

We adopted this family-Felt they were a perfect fit...After all, there were 9 children.


We recieved a list of what the kids wanted. Some of the bigger, more expensive things they asked for, we had. The kids started to list all the things that were theirs, that they would give...We also have a friend who donated a few things...It was AWESOME!

After gathering the stuff that we already had...

The Adorable One and I went shopping...On a tight budget, we wanted to get as many of the things that were listed-We sure wanted to get them everything.

When we got home...

We got the kids together, and sorted the gifts making sperate piles for the other children...
Now I won't lie-We had a couple of kids that didn't quite get it. Tator Tot just didn't understand-He is 5 and he sure liked some of the toys that he saw. Chase and Jazzi were eyeballing a few things, but after we got into it...They started to get excited. 

The 16 year old likes to draw, so does Justin. The 14 year old likes to sing and asked for a keyboard...Same as Nicci *She had asked for a keyboard*.  It was crazy how similar the situation was.

The older girls wrapped the presents...and we all were getting so very excited to deliver everything to the family. 

On Saturday, the 21st, We got to drive about an hour, to the home of this family. We took two vehicles, that were full of gifts.

When we arrived, all the little kids came out to greet us...It was tough to not get emotional.

We gathered inside the home, and got to watch the kids as they opened the presents...

I sat and watched all the kids...But paid close attention to mine. 

THEY GLOWED!!! I think they felt the true spirit of Christmas. 

The Adorable One Shined...He was so very proud of his children.
He has also made it a point to always help this family, not just on Christmas Day. 
*In fact we have already been back to the home*.

Instead of buying for our own family-we bought gifts for another family. 

On Christmas Morning...

Our kids had their secret santa...they all had their one gift under the tree, along with a few family gifts...
Board Games and some cards.

PERFECT!! And there was not one complaint. 

This all was to help a family in need, but I think it was more for Our family who Needed to know the great feeling of giving.

As I went onto FaceBook the day after Christmas, it was crazy. Not a whole lot was mentioned about the true meaning of Christmas. A few post about our Savior Jesus Christ, but that was quickly over come by the long post about the presents that were opened.

We have decided that we will not go back to spoiling our children with lots of gifts*Been there, dnone that*.
 We will continue to try to help brighten someone else's Christmas...What an amazing feeling 'Giving and Serving' is.

It was a great Christmas!!

The picture we sent in when we adopted the family

**I don't have pictures...I was to busy watching and enjoying the moments**

Moving on to the Birthday...

Sweet Justin

 On December 27th, 1996...The Adorable One drove 'Quickly' trying to get me to the Show Low Az hospital. We were pulled over. Michael explained that I was in labor...The police officer leaned over to look at me, and I guess he didn't believe that I was in labor...Michael got a ticket, and we were sent on our way!! Michael ended up going to court, handing the Police Officer the proof of the birth of our little boy! Michael didn't have to pay the ticket. I guess I needed to be screaming bloody murder, for the PO to believe that we really were in a hurry to get to the Hospital.

Justin was 4 weeks early...Weighing a huge 6 pounds. He had a ton of hair, and was just the sweetest little baby.
Cassandra loved/and still loves her little BIG brother. They have a special relationship.

Justin turned 17 this year, and I just can't believe the man he is growing into.

Justin is a great kid-Always standing up for what he believes in.
He will do anything for his family, always looking out for his siblings.
Justin pushes his little brothers, teaching them how to behave...Always getting on them if they disrespect me in anyway...He also pushes them to do their best. coaching them *Not always with patience*.

Justin works hard. He loves to lift weights and to play Football. He is always working-Running, and lifting to be the best he can be on the field.

Justin keeps his standards, and does his church duties. He is a leader *says me his mom*.

Justin will make a great husband and father some day! He has a huge tender heart *Don't tell him I told you-He has a reputation to keep*

Justin-Your dad and I are sure proud of you! Keep up the good work, and remember that God will always see you through...Pray always and have faith!

**Justin has had one heck of a year...Wrecked his first love, the Bronco. Won a State Championship with the boys he has played football with since he was 6. 3 days after rocking the State Championship game, had to have knee surgery**

If I had my say in who is the most spoiled in our home, I would say Justin and Champion are a close tie!

Texas Hunting trip with Grandpa last year.

J Baptized Jazzi


Justin has a thing for snakes!

Proud big brother

For some reason J thinks he is cool!

Never wants to be serious.

His first love

Wishes he could do this more!

Always the leader of the pack.

JP-One happy Kid!

Looks just like his dad...Can you tell which one is which??

Justin loves the Cat!
Proud of this young man!

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