Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 1-Virginia here we come!

I am going to try so very very hard to blog every day about our trip to Virginia. I will not get so focused on doing this, because I am not going to allow anything get in the way of me enjoying this time with my Husband and Oldest Daughter...Some times camera's and camcorders take away from the event...I don't have many pictuers and such because I am to into being there, and watching. Technology is amazing...But it is a huge distraction and takes us away from the important stuff.

Getting started~

The trip is a good 2,200 miles (estimate). We have a good 2 days of traveling ahead of us. I have NEVER ever EVER gone on such a long trip. This whole experience is brand new to me/us! 

I woke up at a lovely 3:30, getting out of bed at 4:00-Yikes! 
I got up mopped the floor and got the kids lists, and Grandpa's schedule all done and printed out.
I did a few of the last minute things-Hoping to leave the kids all organized and ready...
*I am sure they might read the lists, but in the end they will end up doing things the way they want to*

We wanted to leave by 8:00am, but we ended up running a tad behind. We loaded Precious up, all the way up *Girls have a lots of stuff*-and then it was time for our 'See Ya Laters'.

For the most part, it went a lot better then I thought it would. 
At first-We had more Smiles and hugs. A few giggles, and of course some joking around. 

And then...

Jessi started to get emotional-She had to walk away *Jessi adores her sister*. Before we knew it, Jazzi started sobbing. Justin got a little quiet. Tator Tot was clingy. Champ hugged hard. Chase was tough. Bobcat had mixed emotions...he was so excited to be able to have Grandpa and Grandma come stay with them, yet he was so bummed that Sass was leaving and Mom and Dad were going to be gone. Nicci broke down when she gave her big sister a hug...Think she is going to miss Sass a lot more then she leads on. We almost made it without tears. 

We finally drove off around 8:45ish.
*We are caravanning with Michael's brother, and 2 nephews-AWeSOme* 

No new scenery as of yet...We are going the southern route because of the weather...So we will have lot of desert *Blah*. 

I can't wait for mountains, and trees. I look forward to seeing some snow, just not while we are driving. 

We made it to Wickenburg by 10:00.

We stopped and had a yummy lunch...Ate to much, but we are on a road trip...It is ok.

There are some parts of Arizona that are not very appealing...

On our way to El Paso-It is 3:15-Just passing Benson. The view is not very exciting-Makes me pretty thankful to be living where we live. 

So far, we have listened to some pretty good comedy-I enjoy hearing the Adorable One and Sass laughing. Good stuff.

We are still awake and trucking forward...*I say this because, I usually am conked out by about now*

7:07PM...We made it to Texas! 

Conversations-Chocolate Covered Almonds-A couple of pit stops-A Frog for my Momma-Sass gets a new Arizona hat-The Adorable One got some Jerky...It has been a pretty good day!

I am going to end today's blog-And will post more about tonights drive tomorrow..We are gonna try to pull an all nighter...We shall see :O)

**One thing is for sure...I am a small town kind of gal**

~I have taken a few pictures-Will post them when I can..I hope to take more pictures tomorrow when we are in the higher country~

Oh..One more thing...It is true what they say-Everything really is bigger in Texas!!

Happy traveling :O)

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