Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 2-Virginia her we come!

Nothing like waking up in a place you have never seen before...

We drove until...Wait! Wait! Wait! I have to change that-The Adorable One drove until around 2:00am 
*Yes! By himself...He wouldn't let me drive, and when day turned into night, he really wouldn't let me drive (I fall asleep easily-Its the old age).
So around 2, he called his Brother and he came and helped drive...So The Adorable One could rest a little bit.

We hit some fog, and I thought it was awesome, but I am not to sure that the drivers liked it. 

**Real quick! At this very moment the Adorable One is talking to Champion on the phone! It is the most amazing sweetest thing ever. Dad asked Champ if he wanted to talk to Moommy...He said No :O( and he told Dad that Daddy is wierd-Then he wanted to talk to me :O) Boy! That made me a little bit homesick**

Around 4:00am this morning, we pulled into Abilene Texas...And what do you know??
Motel 6-They left the light on for us!

We pulled into the Motel and got to crash for a little bit. Now I am not going to Iie-
It looked like a place the walking dead would be. 

The Motel, was small and comfortable. And we CRASHED!!
The heater worked amazingly...We ended up turning it off and cracking the door because we were all sweating! Glad it was warm and not was freezing outside when we got out of Precious to get to our room! I would rather be hot :O)

I finally woke up at 8:30. Jumped into the tiny corner shower that was either scorching hot or freezing cold...And there was no getting out of the water, because it was really that small...I am not complaining. In fact I giggled-Love these little memories. Sass hopped in next, and she got to experience the shower...Can't wait to hear how the Adorable One enjoys it..Wulp! He just hollered out 
'This is the Worst Shower EVER!' (Love it) 

We are just taking our time-But I am sure we will have to get moving shortly.

My heart is full...I am feeling warm and fuzzy. My life and all the twists and turns-I couldn't ask for more than what I have. God hears my prayers...We have been blessed, ever so blessed. So this morning, I am counting my blessings. So thankful for this experience...I hope we will have the privilege to get to do this with the other kids.

Before I stop at this point, We are in a non smoking room...
This just gave me a chuckle.


Today was pretty good.  We finally got out of Texas. Texas is sooo Big! 
It took us yesterday, the 8th, to get to Texas and nearly half way through. Then today, it took us most of the day to get out of Texas.

Texas was interesting, with some really nice people. 
Lots of Yes Sir, and yes Mamm. I loved it. 

I was the driver today. It was not a tough drive, until we hit Dallas-Seriously! That place is a mess.

We are in Arkansas at the moment-Can't tell you how thrilled we all were a bout this. 
The only thing that we were a little bummed out about, was that it was dark when crossed the border. So we hope to see a little bit more of Arkansas in the morning.

I am one tired momma. I think the Adorable One, and Sass are pretty worn out as well, but even still, we have had a good time.

Today's trip-
Several phone call's to and from the children, Getting some bad news from R.V., Calling cousins, Chocolate covered almonds, pringles, Lots of water, Denny's breakfast,McDonalds Dinner *Ick*, Bring back some memories Music, Adopted turtle, owl, and zebra, and A Tooth Ache.

Tomorrow-Mississippi River, 4 other states *I think*, and finally-Virginia.

**Pictures are giving me a little bit of trouble, so I think I will just post a blog post with just the pictures**
Night all :O)

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